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Wall item sizes

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 11:06 am
by Toni Y
I've been making some new graphics and encountered a need that isn't filled by one of the existing size groups for wall items, so I tried to change one of them into completely new sizes.

However, while I can manage to get the center front bitmap to work, I can't figure out how to set the further away image sizes. It seems that I can't just "invent" the width for the scaled images, since it just results in a corrupt bitmap, and my side bitmap crashed CSBwin outright! :shock:

Is there a thread or doc that explains how the values for the scaled bitmaps relate to the unscaled base one? (ie, what goes to the fields in this pic)

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 4:32 pm
by Paul Stevens
I know nothing about these graphics and
cannot help with your question. However,
it might be possible to fix CSBwin so that
it simply displays garbage, rather than
crashing. At least that might provide some
hint as to what is going wrong.

Can you send the files that cause the crash?