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Diablo 3

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 6:57 pm
by Broken_Paladin

I've always been a fan of the diablo series and I think the 3rd one looks fantastic. Alot of people is complaining because it isnt as dark as the first 2. However i think its pretty dark and has massively improved graphics. The new wizard class looks really good. What do you guys think?

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 7:04 pm
by Trantor
That, along with Starcraft 2, is one of the very few games I am still looking forward to. Not as much as Resident Evil 5, but I'm still eager to kick some monster butt in Diablo again. I guess it will still be a long time before it's ready, though.

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 8:54 pm
by Ameena
Still think it looks very similar to TQ...not that that's a bad thing - TQ is great :D.

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 6:32 am
by Daecon
I loved Diablo II, even though I could never get very far.

I'm really looking forward to Diablo III, although I'm not sure how it would really be a Diablo game if there's no horrific, nay, Hellish feel to it. Isn't that the whole point of it being "Diablo" and not "The Happy Tree Friends do Dallas"?

Still, I'll be happy just to kill stuff. I love killin' stuff. :D

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 9:41 am
by Ameena
Couldn't get far in Diablo II? How far did you get? Monsters too tough? Maybe you needed to try a different skill combo or something...?

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 10:05 am
by Roquen
Diablo? What's that?

An eye-candy version of Rogue? What a crazy idea! Who would ever purchace that??! Not at all what modern gamers expect....never ever work.

(walks away muttering about games from the early 80s, and that Angband was better..)

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 11:44 am
by zoom
I am not sure whether this game will be super ultra cool or just nice in terms of its physics engine and/or graphics.
Somehow d3 reminds me of old space shooter/ top down view shooter-games on the amiga. Finally the pc probably? reaches the point where the amiga was 20 years ago... I am sceptical

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 1:25 am
by cowsmanaut
only thing I don't like about Diablo as a series is that simple fact of being an active player, or a delegator. In Diablo I feel like a delegator.. I sit there and click where he should walk and then sit and wait.. and when he's attacked he sits there and attacks.. and I wait..

When playing something like Zelda if I want him to swing his sword I click the button, when I want him to walk somewhere I hold the controller in that direction.. I feel active.. it's a perception, I know.. but it's all the game is after all. I get to pretend that I'm glaguu'rd of t'kafug and I'm out hunting wild blood sucking vampire bunnies.. it's not real.. and that's fine. I just want to do something .. not just sit and watch.

I've been playing Oblivion, and performing mundane task after mundane task for small bit's of gold or a single spell, or even just the promise of something better later.. and yet because I'm active the whole time, hours pass and I've no idea where they have gone.. it's bad since I should be doing other things.. but it's fun in the end :)

so that said, Diablo will be very pretty, and I'm sure I'll want it for that reason alone.. but alas.. if it plays as the previous two did.. I'll never finish the game.

Warcraft though it plays the same, the fact that you have to control so many characters at once, I'm never board because management of many is a task in itself.. just managing one individual is boring and I give up :P


Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 9:53 am
by Ameena
It depends on what class and skill combo you take in Diablo (II) as to how active you are in combat - if you're a summoner Necro then yeah, it looks a bit boring in that you just kinda stand there while your Skellies do all the work. I play a different kind of Necro in that I run around and get my Golem to tank while I do most of the damage and nuke the buggers with various spells. Trying to get a mob (or group of mobs) to run across a pile of already-dead mob corpses is kinda fun once I hit Corpse Explosion a few times and turn corpse-pile-with-live-mobs-standing-on-it into big-red-splatter-with-dead-mobs-on-top-of-it :twisted:.

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 4:47 pm
by Broken_Paladin
The movement system is alot diffrent say in oblivion (which is great game and has a great editor as well).
Starcraft & Warcraft are both great games but does use alot of micromanagement.

Necro summoners are one of the easiest classes to beat the game with but most boring, you just sit there and keep your legion up.

I'm just hoping they make the story good for diablo 3, so far its sounding good.

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 7:46 pm
by zoom
@cows: I ve never seen it from that perspective (delegator/active player)
But it is true! 8) 8)

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 8:05 pm
by Trantor
Cows, the way you put it with the terms of delegator and active player is great. This is why I never liked Dungeon Siege or Populous, I never felt like I was in control of the whole thing. While this does apply to Diablo, I somehow still loved both of the first two games and am pretty sure the third installment will suck up quite a lot of my time.