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cows in france... in xmas :P

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 12:45 am
by cowsmanaut
So it would appear that I will be in france for xmas. There is a possibility of me getting into Paris for a day, however the majority of it will be spent in Merignac with my fiance and her family, then we will be attending a party for a friend of hers up in Arras getting closer to the german type folks up there ;)

So, my question is who might be up in those general areas? when-ish.. as we are in the process of planning our trip now. She returns to France on the 12th and I will be close behind. We will be going up to Arras after xmas. Then returning to Canada just after the new year. This is the general plan anyway..


Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 8:06 am
by Lunever
Hi Cows!
I would like that, going to Paris for a couple of days and meeting you there. Can you please clarify when exactly you'll go to France and when exactly you'll be leave from there, and when you can be in Paris? As usual, booking a train ticket an hotel early on will help finding something I can afford.

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 7:45 pm
by Trantor
As most of you know, I'm all for a meeting of forum members, but I don't think I'll manage around Christmas. That time of the year is just too packed with visiting family and friends...

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 7:19 pm
by linflas
same for me, except if we can meet before the 20th...

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 9:25 pm
by Gambit37
Yup, same here, won't be able to make a Christmas meet up. Sorry!

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 10:26 pm
by Zyx
We're in Argentina now, we won't show up either!

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 11:43 pm
by cowsmanaut
before the 20th? hmm.. what are the chances of you making it to bordeaux then? Since we probably won't be to paris until the 28-29 at best.. and the cost of plane and train fare for us as well as hotel in paris and then arras will be killing us already.

I'll have internet at the very least.. but oh well :P

the over all plan was simply to spend just part of a day in paris, or a whole day at best as a transition between paris and Arras which will be possibly 2 days and then we have to go back somehow to canada.. so there are still elements we are trying to arrange right now so we have it all figured out.. best deals etc..

I'll make some kind of attempt while out there to have a phone of some kind.. with limited minutes I'm sure.. we'll see if I can afford that, or at the very least a net connection somewhere on the wind :P as I'm sure it will be hard enough to arrange a specific meeting place as it is. :P :P :P

The over all point being, that it will cost me to stop in paris as it's a side trip, and it will have to be brief, However if it's arranged to be in arras after the 27 (the day of her friends party) we can instead stay a few days there.. or in Merignac or Bordeaux before the 25.


Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 5:52 pm
by linflas
bordeaux ? why not ! :) i can be available on the 20th/21th weekend but then i go and ski in the Alps !

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 7:32 pm
by cowsmanaut
sounds good to me. :)

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 7:50 pm
by beowuuf
Will probably be up in scotland to start with the christmas holidays, and with new flat next month will not have spare money for side trips i fear :(

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 6:59 am
by cowsmanaut
ok, here's the deal as I understand it.. we are fairly poor at the moment and the cost of our plane tickets are securely in the 4 digits.. So it seems as though we will not be able to afford paris at this time of the year ( you'd think you'd get some kind of deal to represent that loving gushy spirit of giving they keep talking about.. you know. christmas spirit.. but no.. they jack the price way up instead.. I guess that spirit of giving is only one way.. us giving and them taking.. or wait maybe they are giving.. in their own way.. the kind of way that makes your ass hurt.. ) I digress..

anywhoooo.. we can afford to go back and forth to bordeaux.. it's easy... but we had to cancel going to her friends party in Arras So, Tobias.. the question is can you two make it to bordeaux possibly? we can do something there.. was trying to look at train tickets around there but I get lost on those sites. Sandie thought it would be not too bad. That is in comparison to what plane costs are :P

Xmas is so costly.. uff.. I'll understand if you can't afford it.. after all.. I can't afford paris. I'm sure I'll get to see it some day though :P

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 7:51 pm
by cowsmanaut
getting nervous.. had to wait for my plane ticket until I got this months cheque, but now they are very expensive and I'm trying to work out how to get out there, just wanted to mention this now just in case.

I had not forseen this as an issue, but I suppose that was a bit niave of me.

Linflas, if you've already booked a train to bordeaux, and I discover I can't make it, I'll at least have enough to pay your train ticket. It's the least I can do..

I'll keep checking tickets costs, and working the budget to squeeze out a few more coins.. I'm not used to this being poor thing.. it's been a 8 years I've been able to count on having enough money to run about and do stuff. It was just Time I didn't have... now I have the time, but not the money :P

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 9:37 am
by linflas
i haven't booked it yet, but i might not be available because i had a deal with my boss at work : i don't work on 24th if i work on 22th and 23th... and that wasn't my original plan..

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 5:55 pm
by cowsmanaut
ok then, no worries.. I have only one more potential issue, which was Sandie's parents getting a gift ticket to some amusement park.. which would be wasted if I can't go.. :S