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CSB-Win basics

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 3:30 pm
by roundhead
Just downloaded the above and it appears to work pretty well
on Vista (I am having my backside repeatedly ripped open by pink worms at the very start) but:

1) Does it play in full screen?

2) Does it have any sound?

I'm probably asking the bleeding obvious but any advice would be much appreciated.

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 3:33 pm
by Paul Stevens
1) No
2) Yes...on Vista it seems you MUST
enable DirectX (Volume menu)

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 7:46 pm
by Trantor
It does have sound, yes, but only the Atari ST sound. If you used to play the Amiga version and are used to monster footsteps, sorry - you won't hear those in CSBWin.

CSB-WIN Basics

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 1:09 am
by roundhead
Thank you for your reply.

Yes, it must have been the Amiga version I played (never had an Atari).

I don't recall getting very far in the Amiga version either!

Please humour a "not-very-techie" but why does CSB not run in full screen?


Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 1:51 am
by Paul Stevens
but why does CSB not run in full screen
CSB can be run in Full Screeen. Use RTC.

CSBwin does not run in full screen because
it is an honest-to-goodness 'Windows'
program. It does no polling and has no
wait-loops. It relies on the standard
Windows messages to drive its events.

Windows windows have various things
like menus and frames. They run in
whatever resolution the desktop uses
and do not interfere with the use of
other windows on the desktop. They
can be minimized, moved around,
overlapped, and generally are well-
behaved. They use the standard
Windows system calls to produce
their graphic representation.

Full-screen applications fail to provide
most of these features. They are more
like the old DOS programs that hog the
entire machine for their own use.

That said, I imagine that a clever person
could easily modify CSBwin to use DirectX
and thereby gain full-screen capability.
The program has been ported to macintosh,
PocketPC, and Linux. I think it could be
ported to DirectX. If you do this work,
please allow me to include it in my standard

CSB-WIN Basics

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 10:58 pm
by roundhead
Thank you for a very thorough and detailed reply to my modest.

I am also flattered that you think that anyone who describes themselves as "not-very-techie" (i.e. me) could possibly "modify CSBwin to use DirectX etc".

If I ever manage to do this work I will be sure to let you include it in your standard releases.

But in the meantime please do not hold your breath.

Kind regards