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Champagne pour tout le monde !!!

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 3:45 pm
by Lifepath
Oui ! J'ai finit Chaos Strikes Back !!!

Yeah Thanks to you everyone !!!
I owe it to you also, without this forum I wouldn't have played DM and CSB 15 years after and finished both, including CSB for the first time.

Back when I was kid CSB was too confusing. Now I just found it really GREAT !!!
Only disapointment is the ending. Finding all Corbums is okay but getting and End after just throwing them over a pit is not quite as nice as completing the firestaff and trapping lord Chaos.

Thanks again. I guess next i will try to play the games with less than four characters !

Re: Champagne pour tout le monde !!!

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 4:18 pm
by Ameena
Woohoo - gratz :D.

Re: Champagne pour tout le monde !!!

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 9:18 pm
by beowuuf
Well done!

Re: Champagne pour tout le monde !!!

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 11:11 pm
by linflas
A la tienne ! ;)

now you're ready for custom dungeons !

Re: Champagne pour tout le monde !!!

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 9:41 am
by Ameena
Yeah, why not dive straight into Conflux (and wish you were still strolling casually along the carefree corridors with the great ease that you did in CSB) ;).

Re: Champagne pour tout le monde !!!

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 4:50 pm
by Lifepath
Yeah it sounds like conflux makes CSB real easy !

After finishing CSB, I don't think it is much more "difficult" than Dungeon Master. Only much trickier
But i didn't really break a sweat against most of the monster involoving situations, even when i found myself in between 8 death knights in the dead end.
My strong team of four warriors (Hissa, Darou, Stam and Halk) sure helped.

So yeah, i'm looking for a more difficult challenge now. So i'll try soloing or Dualing DM and CSB
And I will sure try Conflux since it seems to have a lot of respect here.

So appart from conflux, what kind of challenge are most appreciated ?
Time attack or stuff like that ?

Re: Champagne pour tout le monde !!!

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 6:03 pm
by Trantor
Congratulations Lifepath! :D
Regarding challenges, it depends on what you like. There are time attack competitions (or at least, there were), but the records for DM and CSB are pretty strong. I think DM's official record is 31:45 minutes done by PaulH, and CSB was completed by 'rain in a little over 9 minutes (crazy, but true). There are threads about these competitions somewhere on the forum, just dig a little.

If you just want to play more dungeons with new levels, traps, and sometimes, even new items, monsters or spells, there are plenty of great dungeons out there. Here's a little overview of dungeons I consider great:

- Imprisoned Again: made for CSBWin, something like a cross between DM and CSB. Not as linear as DM, not as chaotic as CSB. Rather fight-heavy, with some nice puzzles in it.

- Towers of Chaos: made for CSBWin, rather close to DM. Features some new graphics and spells and GREAT puzzles.

- Sukumvit's Labyrinth: made for RTC, rather small, but very packed, very intense. Rather hard to navigate around, some new graphics, very nice atmosphere. A bit confusing at times, though.

- Surgical Strike: made for RTC, and requires a specific version (0.37 or 0.38, not quite sure) to run correctly. Lots of new items and monsters, very similar to CSB - you start with strong characters, and the dungeon is very chaotic and non-linear.

- Conflux III: made for CSBWin, the most infamous dungeon out there. Tons of new items, spells and graphics, very atmospheric, absolutely gigantic. Incredibly creative, but VERY hard and confusing. I'm not sure anyone (including Zyx, the designer) knows everything there is to know about Conflux. Be warned, though, several experienced players who can beat CSB with closed eyes have thrown in the towel because the difficulty frustrated them.

All those dungeons up there are great, and many more are absolutely worth playing. For now, I'd suggest Towers of Chaos if you want something like DM and Surgical Strike if you want something like CSB.

Re: Champagne pour tout le monde !!!

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 7:53 pm
by linflas
and don't forget Dark Portal, which is something completely un-DM with RTC engine !

Re: Champagne pour tout le monde !!!

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 7:56 pm
by Trantor
Yes, Dark Portal is amazing, especially since it breaks so many "rules" we expect from a DM game. It is more of a puzzle game, though, and plays vastly differently from all the others. I'd suggest playing something more classical first, and then play Dark Portal as an amazingly creative and innovative game.

Re: Champagne pour tout le monde !!!

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 11:33 pm
by dolligan
Well done, you have done better than me!
Despite playing CSB for the first time when it was released on the Amiga, and then on-and-off ever since, I have never got anywhere near the end. Closest I got was a few years ago, on winCSB, where I got 3 corbums in the pit. Then I hit a bug I've never found a way round, and lost interest.
Don't get me wrong, I love the game and have seen pretty much all of it - I used Dmute and the other early game editors as soon as they were available to hack the hell out of CSB and DM, and spent hours creating my own levels, and working out how the game ticks... but I've never started a game of CSB, and played it through to completion with the same set of characters.
A lot of it is down to me having terrible luck - back in the Amiga days I was constantly getting corrupted save game disks and annoying stuff like that. And restoring a saved game took AAAGEEESSS...In these modern day times, even though loading is a lot faster, I don't have nearly as much spare time as I did.
But one day, I'll get round to it...

Re: Champagne pour tout le monde !!!

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 2:23 pm
by Zyx
Congratulations Lifepath! How is going the custom dungeon exploration?

Dolligan, thereĀ“s an inconcluded story between you and CSB. Finishing CSB is a rewarding experience, it is certainly worth 30mn a day to keep progressing. I hope you'll get back to it one of those days!