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statistics monster

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 7:53 pm
by RAF68
I asked me if monsters had also had of allocate of force and dexteriter as the champions I am go to edit - stats and I is not seen this, would be you it possible to augment the force of the attack of a monster?

Re: statistics monster

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 9:31 pm
by Lord_BoNes
The damage inflicted in an attack from ANY monster in RTC, is determined by the ATTACK_METHOD that it's using at the time. The "strength" box is a percentage... so activating a ATTACK_METHOD with CAST_SPELL, and SPELL_FIREBALL as the object_1, and strength 100, would create a MON (6th level) fireball that does about 300 hp damage.

Re: statistics monster

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 11:34 pm
by Gambit37
Wow, you actually understood what was being asked! I didn't have a clue :?

Re: statistics monster

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 12:20 am
by RAF68
ok thank you lord_bones for this help:)

Re: statistics monster

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 4:11 pm
by RAF68
Lord_BoNes : and strength 100,there is no option to regulate the force

Re: statistics monster

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 9:12 pm
by Lord_BoNes
Clone any monster. Once cloned, go into the "Resources\Attack Methods" menu and pick a given attack method (these are all of the methods that the party AND monsters use, some hurt the party, some hurt monsters, some cast spells)

For the sake of example:
Pick ATTACK_METHOD_MONSTER_1, and clone it.
On the cloning screen, you'll see... Display name, Action, Object_1, Object_2 & Strength (the other options just set when it can be used by a party member, and how "exhausting" it is to use)

Now, for the display name you can put whatever you like.

The action section controls what actually occurs (engine-wise) when anything uses this attack method (monster, item or party) in this case it is ACTION_DAMAGE_BYMONSTER_HEALTH which sort of speaks for itself (Damage BY monster, so TO party, take damage off health).

The two object sections are for certain actions to create certain effects, some actions don't require any objects, some require only one, some require both. IE: ACTION_SWAP_GLOBAL_FAST, turns any object_1's into object_2's (certain conditions apply to this, object types must match, etc.)

The strength section is one of the most important parts, it determines the strength of the action that is being fired. In the case of ACTION_DAMAGE_BYMONSTER_HEALTH, it determines the highest normal (non-critical hit) damage that is dealt to a given party member (usually the closest to the object that is firing the action). However, in most cases (cases where you're most directly dealing damage, etc.) the strength value is a percentage of the maximum...

So, if you have an attack method with action = ACTION_CREATE_NEW_SPELL, with object_1 as a SPELLS\DUNGEON_SPELL_FIREBALL_DM2... the strength determines the power of the resulting DM2 fireball (100 = 100%, or level 6 power).

I hope you understand all this...

Re: statistics monster

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 1:55 pm
by Trego
Lord_BoNes wrote: the strength value is a percentage of the maximum...
Does this mean you can set the strength/percentage to more than 100, say 200 and make an easy Monster_Attack_8, 9, or 10?

Re: statistics monster

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 3:10 pm
by Lord_BoNes
You can go over 100, but some things cause graphical glitches. A MONSTER_ATTACK_8 or 9 should be fine.

Re: statistics monster

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 2:21 am
by Trego
Just so I know, at what times would I get glitches?

Re: statistics monster

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 11:03 pm
by Lord_BoNes
When it comes to spells. I spell with a power over 100% WILL do the damage of its percentage, however, if you stand in the cloud effect for the spell, you get MAJOR gfx glitches... the cloud uses different art then it's meant to, and it tiles the INCORRECT art about 10x smaller... and generally, looks like s**t.

The work around...
Clone a MISC/FUL_BOMB, give it a lifetime of -1 (instant), no art, and set all convert screens and values to NULL and 0. This object disappears instantly, it's good for FORCING an object to convert (because you can't convert to NULL unless the object expires, by meeting its lifetime)
Now, you just have to setup your spell... For a fireball, clone SPELL_FIREBALL, on the break convert screen, make the top value your newly cloned FUL_BOMB (which means NULL), and leave the sound, in the action section put in ACTION_CREATE_NEW_ON_FLOOR, set object_1 to CLOUD_SPELL_FIREBALL, and strength to 100.

You can have this fireball as powerful as you like, and it won't glitch up :P