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If conflux were an Atari ST/amiga 500 game..

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 6:44 pm
by zoom
I just wondered how many HD -diskettes it would use (for the download was like 11 Mbytes for bugfix4) and how many minutes you would have to wait to play it (loading time)- would it even run?

Re: If conflux were an Atari ST/amiga 500 game..

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 7:28 pm
by dungeon.master
If you are interested, I have integrated several custom dungeons to an Atari ST version.

for example there is Conflux (one)

Re: If conflux were an Atari ST/amiga 500 game..

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 9:13 pm
by zoom
yeah, read about that some time ago. To use this integrated versions, I guess an emulator would work? if that emulation were working, I could try out the atari ST versions of custom dungeons. there is no difference in line frequency involved with the games , it is a setting in the emulation - I mean something like pal and ntsc. Read something about different versions of atari dungeon master (one USA one europe).

I hardly play dungeon master nowadays-(played conflux not too long ago its great) the question was a bit hypothetically asked .. what if conflux back then etc.
then again, your atari st versions of custom games does exactly that. Was there no problem involved by RAM available? (I just imagine the Atari ST cannot load all graphics at once, so there would have to be some kind of reloading take place when you switch levels ''(use stairs) or such things.)
could be all that does not matter and the whole conversion is pretty much straight forward.

the reason why i asked it was that I remembered the game monkey island 2 or 1 I forgot, which used up 7 or 11!! disks. Harddisks where not widely used back then..and I just would have liked to know how many disks conflux would use.

Re: If conflux were an Atari ST/amiga 500 game..

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 9:19 pm
by Adamo
With CSBgraphics.dat it wouldn`t run on old Atari ST 1 MB at all, even with HD. CSBwin, even though it`s generally original engine with some tweaks, was very largely changed (buit up), many new CPU-time features were added, and original game was already a CPU-killer. It was - I think - 6 or 7 Mhz Motorola 68000 CPU, so they had to deal with few limitations. Of course, on modern computers it will use maybe 0.1% of resources, but for Atari it certainly would be too much.
I guess it wouldn`t run even without the whole Conflux adds on, like gpx, sound; how mant actuators does newest Conflux use? The whole CSBgraphics.dat file must have been removed, and it had to get rid of the DSAs I think. Maybe then it would run. First part of Conflux may have been integrated to Atari ST, but I wouldn`t play it, when I can play the newest version with new gfx, sound and billions of cool features.

Re: If conflux were an Atari ST/amiga 500 game..

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 6:20 pm
by Ameena
Jfyi, the first Monkey Island for Atari was/is on four disks, so presumably it was the second that was on more ;).

Re: If conflux were an Atari ST/amiga 500 game..

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 9:02 pm
by Trantor
Yeah, Monkey Island 2 for the Amiga had 11 disks, just like Indy 4.