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Spell question

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 10:00 pm
by lbk
I have searched and could not find any similar questions.

I was wondering if it was possible to make a spell do damage similar to poison without actually poisoning the person in RTC? I am working on a fatigue spell and have gone about it two different ways. The first way is to just lower the characters strength when they are hit with the spell, this way is not how I would like to do it. But the second way I find to be more versitile, which is to mimic a poison effect except with the damage going to their stamina. So far I have had only limited success.

I have tried making use of the damage_by_monster to stamina action, and using a set of relays to inflict a small amount of stamina damage every 3 seconds or so. The problems with this are:

It does not allow the party to sleep, because they are awakened every time the damage is inflicted.
It does not always hit, using a tester with very high resistance/stats, it only hits him about once for every 3 times it hits a 'normal' character.
It targets only the party leader, which is due to the relays and how I assume the damage by monster method works, but if the party leader gets fatigued you can then switch your party leader to someone else and they suddenly become fatigued while the original party leader is magically cured.

I feel that i could get by if there is a way for a spell to know who it hits (As to not damage only the party leader) and a way to allow your party to sleep through a certain type of attack (Like you can when you are poisoned), as I do not view the first problem as a big deal because during the course of gameplay a character should not become archmasters in everything. Any help or insight on this issue is welcomed and appreciated. Thanks.

Re: Spell question

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 2:42 am
by Chaos-Shaman
hehehehehe, you mean, at your last comment lbk:

"as I do not view the first problem as a big deal because during the course of gameplay a character should not become archmasters in everything. "

just start a game, leave yourself at start for a day, u b cum fighter master in short time, do not move

Re: Spell question

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 2:01 pm
by Lord_BoNes
To target a specific party member, clone a VI_POTION and reduce all the stats to 0 (you might need to keep the +1 water so it actually triggers), and make this new potion trigger your effect on consume. Then just BOOST_PARTY_BY_OBJECT and use relays to check which member is the one currently "drinking" the potion.

As for the stamina damage, just clone a stamina potion and set its stamina bonus to -1. Now boost the character with a strength 10 +1 stamina potion and then boost with a strenth 11 -1 potion, then just increase the strength 11 until it gets the desired effect. The reason for boosting with the strength 10 +1 potion is that RTC has a minimum of 10 strength with all potions.
This results in much less stamina being chewed (as opposed to a single strength 10 -1), it's also done as a percentage (the stronger a character is, the more stamina it takes off). Doing it this way stops the party from being woken up. You can also do this with all the other potions too... the strength potion for instance.

As far as a spell that can detect who it hits, it IS possible using the current mechanics. It's just a very complicated issue. You'd have to create an object where the spell hits, then create an object under each member's feet, and check which member's object is in the same place as the spell's object (which is the complicated part).... but it IS possible :P

Chaos-Shaman wrote:just start a game, leave yourself at start for a day, u b cum fighter master in short time, do not move
I had to laugh when I read that! But, it seems like the cheater's way out. LOL :D

Re: Spell question

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 10:33 pm
by lbk
I am not sure I am following everything you posted clearly Lord_BoNes, would I need to make a character drink a potion to get all of these effects?

Re: Spell question

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 6:02 am
by Lord_BoNes
The BOOST_CHARACTER and BOOST_PARTY pretend that the given member (or ALL members) have drunk a certain potion. So if you put an OBJECT_ACTIVATE that targets a relay (a cloned one, of course) in the CONSUME convert tab, then whenever you actually drink (or pretend to drink) the given potion, the relay will fire.
Then with that relay, you can use the conditions to check if it is the member you want.
Once you determined that it IS the member you want, you just boost that character with a positive strength stamina potion, and then boost with stronger negative one (IE: strength 10 positive + strength 11 negative = strength 1 negative)