Haynuus character sheet and notes

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Haynuus character sheet and notes

Post by ian_scho »

Name: Haynuus from the Bhut-Ock clan
Class: Fighter (7th)
Race: Half-orc
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Age: 15 years

Strength:18 +4
Dexterity: 10
Intelligence: 5 -3 (12 with circlet)
Wisdom: 14 +2
Constitution: 12 +1, +5 to continue on 'endurance' checks, resist nonlethal damage
Charisma: 7 -2

Hit points = 52
Speed = 30 feet
Armour class = 10

Melee bonus: +11, +6, can draw a weapon as part of another move action (+12/+7 with Great-sword)
Range bonus: +7, +2

Fortitude: +6, +10 for hot/cold environmental damage and suffocation
Reflexes: +2
Will: +3 (+6 with circlet)

Speak language (Orc): (1)
Speak language (Common): (1)
Intimidate: +3 (5)
Athletics: +3 (0), +7 to avoid nonlethal swimming damage (0)
Survival: +4
Knowledge (Nature): +1
Heal: +1, +2 bonus from Self Sufficient
+4 bonus to knowledge (Warfare) checks (with circlet)

Endurance: +4 to 'endurance' constitution and fortitude checks (continuing longer, avoiding nonlethal damage, resisting hot, cold and suffocation damage). May sleep in light or medium armor without becoming fatigued.
Diehard: Stable at -1 to -9 hit points. May choose to act as if disabled, losing 1 hit point for standard actions.
Self Sufficient: A +2 bonus on all Heal checks and Survival checks.
Power Attack: May take penalty to attack (up to base attack bonus in value) and gain that amount in damage bonus. Double strength bonus to damage for two handed wielding.
Cleave: If you deal a creature enough damage to make a monster drop, you get an immediate, extra melee attack against another creature within reach.
GreatCleave: Like Cleave, except that there is no limit to the number of times you can use it per round.
Improved Bull Rush: When you perform a bull rush you do not provoke an attack of opportunity from the defender. You also gain a +4 bonus on the opposed Strength check you make to push back the defender.
Great Fortitude: +2 bonus on all Fortitude saving throw
Proficiency in all armour and shields (including tower)
Proficiency in all martial weapons

Racial traits:
Darkvision: See in the dark up to 60 feet, black and white only.

They say that you have to be suicidal or just plain stupid to become an adventurer. Haynuus fills those two categories with abundance. Anyone with a motto 'Born to Die', and a tattoo of a red, white and blue target symbol on the back of his head is doomed to a brief existence. The tough upbringing of one being brought up between two societies, accepted by neither the humans nor the orcs brought our champion to the region controlled by the Bhut-Ock's who will take anybody in assuming that they survive an initation ritual which includes repeatedly slamming themselves against a wall, drinking from the udder of a poisonous cave snake (seeing is believing), and insulting the neighbouring tribe of Ogres. Weathering these ordeals marks Haynuus as a survivor, but with limited chances of entering the guild of wizards. Only time will tell as to whether our champion can survive the depths of a true test of heroes.

Leather trousers, Sandals, Circlet (grants a 12 intelligence (no extra skill points though), a +4 bonus to knowledge (Warfare) checks, and a +3 to will saves),

Right: Greatsword

Rune knowledge:
SAR Image


Sack, pouch, 2 X 50 ft rope sans soap, mirror, a plot, canvas sheets (around five 1ft squares, three 10 ft squares), 5 stakes, hammer, 1 partially used torch, bota - filled with water, fish! Brighteye's Compass, borrowed only temporarily like. Fantastic fruit (heals 2d6 hit points and also 1d3 ability points). A sloppy and moist canvas sheet with it's corners tied up which it contains some essence of screamer mulch. A signet ring which is simply a strange trifle from a human lord, one enamoured with puzzles. The signet actually opens if pressed and twisted a certain way for what could be poison or rare extracts.
* Green potion was an anti-venom, capable of curing most poisons.
* Empty flask from Westian

-7 (69)

None! Woot!

Macuahuitl - One handed for 1d8 damage. Can also use it as a two handed weapon for 1d10 damage, though without training you'd take a -4 attack roll penalty.
Greatsword - THW that's mastercrafted (+1 to attack rolls) with 2d6 damage (+6 with bonuses).
Last edited by ian_scho on Sat Oct 08, 2011 5:49 pm, edited 104 times in total.
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Re: Placeholder for Haynuus character sheet and notes

Post by ian_scho »

Haynuus likes it simple...

Before arriving here he had always assumed that his life as a hired hand would be a short one. With the discovery of screamers and an artifact that improves intelligence, however, and an opportunity to actually harvest them he has suddenly got a new personal goal in life. The title of the world's first Screamer Herder beckons, thereby removing him from that treacherous lifestyle of a warrior. If only he could work out the missing link as to how to propagate them.

Half human, half orc, half witted. Usually when you mix races you can get a little bit of the better bits of both but Haynuus is definitely with learning difficulties... Or lets just call it plain stupid shall we? However. He's recently acquired a circlet that was a magnificent gift for kings - they were all stupid too apparently (common knowledge, really) and so it would whisper some words of wisdom into their ears.
He's not the most likeable of people either, at first impressions. Smells bad, and is completely oblivious to racial traits or diplomacy when communication is required. He's plain old ignorant in this respect. That and having a face you'd scream at if you saw it in a dark corridor makes him at a disadvantage in any social gatherings.
His main traits are his strength and his toughness though. He's a fighter, but locked in a child's mind. In summary it makes him really sad to chop things up. Undead and unnatural stuff is fine, fantastic even... Oh, screamers are good too.
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