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Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 7:53 pm
by beowuuf
Ok, I think I wanna see what you guys have retained instead of flooding you with too much information. Still, let's have some broad headings and comments.

Theron is still around, serving in the Grey Lord's domain. Gholst is a (dead) warlord associated wiht the Cult of Death who flocked to Chaos's banner. For some reason, Theron seems to be under semi-voluntary possession by Gholst. Gholst seems to be able to take control of Theron, but Theron can also resist and reason with Gholst. It seems a strange balance that has formed. And one that has hinted can, and must, be broken by a spirit that is Theron's dead sister.

Gholst's men (and noteable NPCs)
Gholst's men have taken possession of the dungeon (or they are trying with a wild dungeon like Mount Anaias), apparently using Theron's prescence as legitimacy. Two problems are

1) They are spread very thin, and there are many dangers in the dungeon. Rogue creatures are one. An active Trolin colony that has stayed - including a King - is another.
2) Their high command is fractured. Gholst is dead, but there are hints (or there should have been) that his men do not know this. At leats not at the lowest levels. "His body a shame."

Dargat - was Gholst's second in command (an orc) who was rumoured dead. However, his name has been dropped as being alive. It might therefore be a logical leap that he is the 'sham body'. Therefore, orders from him would be said to come from Gholst.

Soorec - a rogue gnome sorcerer associated with Gholst directly (apparently so old as to know Gholst's granfather, and be associated with the family and cult indirectly). Appears loyal to Gholst, but therefore has no real loyalty to the soldiers. Controls the powerful Grak-grak undead as they are linked to him directly. He therefore occupies a tenuous position of no-one (Save Gholst?) liking him, yet none daring to get rid of him even if Gholst were out of the picture.

Garax - was the lower in the three ultimate commanders, now appears to be the second in command. Is definitely a powerful warrior, although seems to lack the complete assurance and arrogance. Has apparently allied himself with a priest called Dolo, and aswell as serving gholst, is also trying to follow the demoness Lolth. Appears to wish to seek Lolth's aid for some reason to do with Gholst.

Dolo Smitre - an elven priest that seems allied to Garax, and follows Lolth. It appears that Dolo and Soorec have some form of mutual non-agreesion pact, even though both plot against the other behind the scenes. Soorec's grak-graks can't (or won't) go into the priest's domain and it appears Soorec gives Dolo aid. Dolo was a paladin of Lilith (the High Lord of dark elves and other rejected people), but has since become a cleric of Lolth (the demon queen of death and ice).

It will hopefully be clear soon that while each seem to be contending with each other, there is also a common thread of keeping together at least to keep the cohesion of the soldiers, and because of loyalty/self-interest in still operating undre Gholst.

Ghost girl - Theron's sister
There were thoughts she was perhaps Theron's betrothed Veyla, died in childbirth, but she resembles Theron too much to be anything except kin. She has appeared to be drawn by spirits and death, and has spoken of the Theron/Gholst balance, and also seems to feel she is partially responsible. Also, there seems to be indication that Theron feels he caused her death (as a child) but that she does not think so.

Questions answers:
- why did Soorec sent soldiers after the group? It appears Gholst directly asked for it to happen, although apparently he could not convey his messahe well due to his situation with Theron.
- why did Gholst want Falkor? Well, Falkor has seen or knew of Gholst's existence. And given the delicate balance wit hthe soldiers, one could suspect that this would be a bad thing.
- what happened to Ameena? Ameena seems to have briefly touched and come back from the future. For a while this meant she was firmly in her future self mindset, however the recent trauma should allow her to recall her present existance again

------------------------------------------------------------ Everything below this line hasn't been touched yet.-----------------------------------------

Seems to be a mage Falkor knows, and who led Deephold into the mountain as Fex apparently had knowledge of the place. Apparently because Falkor didn't go with Fex, Fex hired Helm instead to act as a general 'deal with weird stuff' extra party member. It sounds as if Fex might have abandoned the rest of his the party.

Sir Farel
A knight who came to Anaias apparently by accident. Was split off from his squire, Ardur. Currently dead - can he be ressurected?

The soldiers
Seem to profess to have been invited by Theron. Fall into two types - normal ones with plainish black armour, with skull masks and skulls on joints of their armour. And 'elite' soldiers and leaders, who appear to have armour with screaming faces also embossed onto the armour. Aurek has declared this second type of armour 'evil', and soldiers do keep referencing 'taking the Souls' as some major decision point. The party captured one plain armoured soldier called Passin, who seemed half-swayed against his path in life. Last seem being pushed with his sergeants embossed armour through a door.

Trolins and other disappearing monsters
It seems that creates created by Chaos's magic alone don't know they are fake, but seem to be fading. The soldiers don't liek them very much and have tried to drive them away. For some reason, the fake Trolins were looking for their 'king'.

Edit 18/4/10: It seems that the Grey Lord kept creatures Chaos manufactured from pure magic alive after Chaos was beaten. It also seems that if the Grey Lord is absent from the mountain, the creatures would fade except for the power of a 'Soul Stone' the grey lord possessed in Anaias. It was apparently broken by Gholst.

Dungeon lay-out.
Everyone seems to think that the entrance to the dungeon is 'open' even though the party found it shut. Although, apparently if the party went through the 'paths of the kings' (through level six) there is a secret exit - thoguh one the soldiers seem to know about. There is a teleporter connecting level 2 and level 7 )the tomb of the firestaff). There seems to be a trolin population on level 8. The skeleton key stairways seems to be open as a quick method of getting passed level 8 and 9, although Soorec seems to have blocked off the way further, to force passage through his own room on level 10. Apparently, much further down (level 12, perhaps?) is the main 'command centre' of the soldiers right now. Certainly, the Grey Lord's labs

Somewhere deep inside Anaias, seems to be a FUL YA pit. It seems to be somehow locked or guarded by some form of elemental related blocks. A set of lines in the four elemental languages hinded at four 'things' that might be required.

Party memory
Ameena excluded, as she is behaving weirdly, everyone can recall everything that has happened in their lives up to meeting in a tavern in Viborg - or in Aurek's case, being sent after Westian when the priest was a little enthusiastic in his pursuit of his mission and left without his protection. Everything from goign to Mount Anaias until they woke in the first room is a little hazy.

Westian and Falkor still seem to have issues with their magic and spell knowledge.

The party still seem to have the occasional issue with 'deja vu', although it is very rare now.

All the party, at one point or another early on, faced a choice in one way or another by an apparently external force. The choice seemed to do with fake versus real memories.

Loose threads and sub-plots?
The grey lord's raven fulcrum seems to be missing too, although in the dungeon
Apparently there has been further research into corbums
Apparently someone has been researching the splittign of the grey lord (the grey lord himself?) The room the scrolls for this also possessed a cell that had magical shielding.

Re: PLOT SUMMARY 17/4/10

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 10:09 pm
by beowuuf
Oops, missed out a biggie....

Soul Stone
Seems to be an object that the Grey Lord acquired that allowed him to know what was happening in his dungeon, even when absent. Also seemed to be required to keep the magically created creatures of Chaos alive if the Grey Lord left the dungeon. It seems Gholst smashed it, and so the Grey Lord has no clue what is happening - and all the magically created Chaos creatures are slowly fading. Still plenty of real ones, and real ones twisted to other shapes, of course :D

Note, Westian's order gave the Grey Lord the stone (I think that's been revealed to at least Westian), and hence it's very possibly this is how the order knows if something happens to the Grey Lord! Pretty sneaky...