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Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 9:32 pm
by beowuuf
If you guys don't want to be spoilt, don't read, if you do, then feel free to read.

The moment Falkor activates the cloak, everything blurs and the colours mute to a gray. The lack of any noise whatsoever, after the subtle noises of Soorec's room, is the most disorienting aspect of the swap. It takes a moment for Falkor to realse the noises as still present, but heard as if from a distance away, and through a cotton wool ear plug.

It is very strange when Ameena and Haynuus start bustling around. It's an unpleasant non-sensation when Ameena walks through Falkor, and downright unpleasant when Haynuus walks right through Falkor and Falkor's vision is darkened for a moment. This is probably for the best, Haynuus is ugly enough on the outside.

The odd short blobby figure that can only be Soorec seems to be pointing alot. Sudden'y there are odd flashes of light. Falkor realises the little gnome is firing spells. Although the magical energy of the spells and material components are not of much concern, the physical components of a fireball - as much as the the explosion gives - can be felt even of the ethereal plane.

Roll a relfexes save. You might take 2 damage if you fail (force component of a fireball) but otherwise are immune. Sadly, only force effects from the material plane travel. Using a fireball in the ethereal plane does nothing. Otherwise, your spells work normally attacking anything on the ethereal plane.

Is is only when Falkor moves he feels the odd resistance to his movements from the strange fogy nothing of this place. And yet, he also recognises that friction seems to be his only impediment - the sensation of weight has gone.

Welcome to the ethereal plane! Feel free to walk or float where you like,. Note that while you go through anything, you are blinded. Note that some physical components of magical forces can affect you. However, normal creatures can't see nor touch you. And all the vaguely visible aspects of the material plane still block LoS until you go through them. Your vision and hearing are limited to 60 foot, and the material plane will seem very fuzzy, and the noises very quiet. You might require a good perception roll to hear or see things without coming back. Technically your tranfer from place to place will be a move action, though you can combine it with a movement. You have @10 minutes game time total in the ethereal plane - use it wisely!

Anyway, that's the boring stuff out of the way - what do you want to do? :D


Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 8:58 am
by money
Falkor found it hard to adjust, the sudden change in state and realisation that he was indeed in the Ethereal plane was all too much for a 'simple' halfling to take in. Given his exit, if this had failed it would have been a some what awkward situation to try and get himself out of, but just as he expected, just like the last time he met Gholst, he was now in the Ethereal plane.

Falkor breated deeply only to be interupted by the odd sensation of, what could only be Ameena (or someone walking on all fours) passing through him, It was a strange sensation, not one he wanted to repeat in a hurry... but Haynuus had other ideas, the huge figure followed Ameena right through him, that was it - no more he told himself, but before he could react the sudden flashes of light turned his attention to more important matters.

Falkor tried to move out the way, but the falshes and moving light were coming too fast, allowing him little time to react (1d20 = 12). The explosions happened quickly and it wasnt long before other items were coming his way. He could make out an crack, or an explosion, and a green mist appearing - whatever it was he knew it best to keep away from it. Falkor moved closer to the walls to keep his distance.

For now - he remained quiet, he had little interest in escaping, he had his friends to protect and it was obvious that he was now the prime target for this Gnome. As the dust settled for a few moments he watched and listened, trying to make out as much of the conversation as he could. When it became clear the others were to move on he ha a tough decision to make...

Hmm.. he thought to himself, should i travel with them, or stay back a few minutes, see what this Gnome is upto. I don't want to loose track of them, but perhaps there is an advantage in staying a few minutes... It was then that the others began to move onwards... with two of Seeroc's children as escorts... Falkor would, for now wait.

Still close to the wall Falkor put his hand upto it, ready to rest upon the stonework... it was then he realised that he was not limited by solid obstacles. He could walk through things - this was not just great to know, but would allow him to walk through closed walls at least... he would have to try it out on a door soon.


Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 1:12 pm
by beowuuf
I think I already gave the non-lethal damage in the previous post for the fireball explosions, yell if not.

Soorec went back to his table once the party had left, and started looking through scrolls again. One of the grak-graks smashed the side of the scroll shelf violently, and Soorec kept mumbling angrily to himself, but otherwise there seemed to be an odd calm that decended on the room, as if the party had never been there.

Soorec's grumbles were not particularly loud, and certainly the ethereal plain muffled them more, but Falkor could probably spot his name once in a while. And also it sounded as if the Sorrec occasionally was throwing an angry thought towards Theron for some reason. Soorec threw scrolls off the desk, then went to look for others. At once point he shifted on the table, looking up. For some reason, the grak-graks looked around as well, and their appearance shifted. It was hard to make out exactly what they shifted to.

Roll me a perception check to appreciate what they are changing too!

"Bah, later," said Soorec out loud, and the grak-graks lost interest, instead all congregating around his table, forming a polite circle while the mage worked more. However, it was not long before the five heads at the table snapped up again, this time in the direction roughly where the party had disappeared towards.

Without word, once of the grak-graks scooped up the mage while the mage fumbled at his neck, and three of the room's occupants made towards the door.

That's proabbly as much as you need. Sorry, he's not doing too much - although the first interruption might be interesting to find out about :) Let me know if you do something before Soorec moves, or if Falkor would wait for the mage to go.


Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 7:00 pm
by money
Roll a relfexes save. You might take 2 damage if you fail
- not sure if this is what you are refering too? Falkor: Rolled 1d20 and got 3 (Perception check)

BIC: Falkor tried to see what the commotion was about, it had certainly got all their interest and yet he struggled to understand. Seeing the Grak Grak's make their way towards the door Falkor felt a sense of urgency to support his friends. Perhaps they were about to be surprised by the Gnome with his muscle... whatever happened he didn't want to find their chared remains later. He quickly, and quietly, followed the Grak Graks out the doorway only to see What looked like Haynuus, the other, he thought, resembled Westian - there seemed no sign of Ameena though... Falkor continued down the corridor, past the Gnome and his Grak Graks, he was not interesting in moving through them - he didn't like the sense himself and didn't want to give them any sensation - if indeed thats what it would do! He carried on and saw the Rat coming through the damaged door. It was dark, and there was very limited light... he struglled to see much but coud hear the raised voices - he turned, peared through the door and listened hard...(17) he could make out the voice of the pesky Gnome...


Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 7:33 pm
by beowuuf
Ah, thought I gave you the DC. Probably DC15 because you were expecting a reaction (and because of the low level of the fireball) so... I think you squeaked avoiding it, even without the extra checking for level 6 additions. Whew.

Falkor could make out little through the haze of the ethereal plane. The grak-graks has seemed to form into a blackskull soldier - they all blurred together really, so Falkor could not work out if it was once they had faced. There wre not enough features visible in what seemed to be a raised helm to make out. Falkor didn't think it was supposed to be Westian nor Aurek, but beyond that he had no real idea.

Heh, just to remind you, Falkor's mind is shunted a little away from the previous set of memories - so instead of getting challenged on his current memories by seeing a certain Captain called Drommal, Falkor instead just thinks 'solder'. Which is probably for the best :D But as a player, just so you know - somewhere out there Drommal has just enountered a grak-grak, and probably challenged or yelled at it it enough for it to register with Soorec. So he's probably reasonably close. Not that Falkor knows this at all. But I didn't want you to have spend a precious resource liek the cloak's time, and not get anhy information as a player just because of a bad perception roll ;)

Soorec's muffed voice droned on in the real world, along with the parties replies. Falkor's attention was drawn to the door, and he could swear he heard something clear beyond the door - clear, as if it was on this plane, not the material plane. It sounded like an odd form of breathing, which given where he was seemed a chilling idea.

The door still provided a block to sight in the ethereal plane, but luckily what did not was gravity. Without even thinking, Falkor hovered a foot in the air, and was able to see through the gap in the door. In the distance of the room there seemed to be a very dull light. However, it was certainly another manifestation on what could otherwise be a very lonely plane.

I'm calling @ half time on your cloak's usage with this update. Five minutes done, five minutes remaining. Obviously, if Falkor enteres the room, he could happily stop using the cloak and be unseen just beyond the door. You can assume Soorec leaves during your next update, obviously there's nothign to retcon if Falkor's actions brings the gnome back one more in a minute or so ...


Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 9:03 am
by money
Pleased that his friends were ok, Ameena included, his attention turned more towards the door, before he knew it he was pearing up through the gap into the room looking towards a dull light in the background. Falkor made a decision, perhaps not the brightest - the last thing he wanted to do was give himself away, and at the same time he wanted to avoid this "thing" the other side of the door, he moved through the door, made sure his feet were firmly on the ground and uttered the magic words. He was Material again... But he wondered if he had attracted the attention of that "thing"... He now listened, ear pressed against the door, to what was being said outside... Once they moved on he would be able to investigate a little further without fear of being attacked...


Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 9:08 am
by beowuuf
The feeling of weight was startling and oppressive, as was the sudden darkness from being behind the door. In the half light coming from the giant crack in the door above Falkor's head, soon all the details of the stone and wood came to him in blissful sharp relief. Soorec and the party's words were clear, as were the noises once the gnome disappeared again, and the party started to move off. At no time did Falkor see any additional light, nor hear anything. This, of course, could be seen as worrying...

Nothing attacks Falkor as he is waiting for thigns to die down. Thoogh of course he'll be left in darkness once the party moves on.


Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 12:55 pm
by money
Falkor was quiet, trying not to make a sound... he waited for a few moments for the otthers to move on and was soon surrounded in darkness... and perhaps something else. He waited a moment more, listening for doors to open or close, and once he believed it safe he clicked his fingers and concentrated on creating some light.

There was no flash, just a slow increase in the light levels and before long he could see into ths cupboard. He still had the cloak on and at the first sign of trouble (A Grak-Grak bashing down the door....) he wouldn't hesitate to vanish again.. Obviously Falkor knew that the trouble on the Ethreal level may be worse, but one way or another he will be ready to fight - or Run!

As his eyes adapted he could make out the remains of someone... or something on the floor. He continue to look around the room. (7)


Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 2:09 pm
by beowuuf
What at first has seemed a smallish room was revealed to be in two parts, a small anti-chamber opening up to an impressive room. The skeleton figure illuminated to Falkor's spell had been disturbed by Ameena's quick rummaging. The robes seemed to be priestly given time to examine them. The corpse did not seem to want to get up and attack Falkor, and nothing seemed to manifest in the room. However, something - one the material plane - had caused noise and illumination there.

A quick examination of the room did not reveal much but dust and rocks scattered around, the dust on the floor only disturbed by Haynuus's larger feet, and the small paw prints of Ameena - along with a trailing staff track.

At the far end of the room, too high for Falkor's normal reach, seemed to be a recessed small brick. It was not clear if the brick had been pushed in somehow, or if it was a makeshift recess for small items.

However, his exploration was interrupted by an audible noise from outside. It had remained below his hearing apparently until too close, a very subtle shuffling as if something was moving outside the door. The noises from party previously hacking at the door and arguing had attracted attention, and irritatingly that attention had arrived too late to harrass the real causes.

A small noise that Falkor couldn't quite now understand, but could recognise, occurred. It was an inquisitive utterance, made by a giant scorpion.

Heh, if the party had delayed in messing about with the room, or delayed more with Soorec, there would have been an interesting surprise - the price for having to make much more noise attacking the door. Still, the party did well to quickly move on, so sadly Falkor gets to explain himself. Or hide!

Feel free to roll dungeoneering if you want any hints about the temperament of giant scorpions. Sadly, the low perception roll means Falkor won't spot the switch by the body that Ameena spotted earlier. If Falkor takes 20 (basically spends time exanining the room thoroughly) it should be spottable. You call if Falkor would bother, given the boringness of the room. And more importantly, if you as a player actually want to find a switch that might kill you :D


Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 3:31 pm
by money
Falkor remained silent, He hoped that the Scorpian would continue on his way - if he thought the room was empty plus perhaps it would pickup the sent of the others - or even better a Grak-Grak or two...

OOC: Quick update, Falkor would wait to see if it passes... or attacks the door. He won't want to use the cloak if he can help it. Also - I would like to take 20 (assuming the danger passes) to look at the room in detail. Especially at the body - note he would do this with honer (for a change) - I'm thinking this other light he saw could be the spirit of this poor priestly looking charactor and paying respects would be usefull here!


Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 8:35 pm
by beowuuf
There was a shuffling sound, as the creature obviously moved its bulky frame close to the door. There was another inquisitive snarl, although Falkor did not have any lingering perception as to what exactly the creature was saying. There was a moment's quiet pause.

CRACK. A powerful blow fell on the door. Even from his hidden place aroudn the corner, Falkor could make out the very distressing sound of a splintering door. There was then a pause again. Silence.

CRACK. Boink. There was a thick sound, like a piece of wood hitting the stone floor. There were a couple of small, solid sounds afterwards, like a hammer and nail on wood. Then there was silence.

Finally, in the pregnant silence there was one last inquisitive snarl. Falkor still waited.

There was a shuffling sound, not one that sounded like it came from inside the room - at least, not once Falkor concentrated on it. The sound grew quieter. The scorpion, for now, seemed to have gotten bored and moved away. Falkor did recall something about the strange behaviour of the giant scorpions under Anaias, however the details eluded him at this time.

Still, for the moment, there were no more sounds. Falkor seemed to be safe, and he very quietly got on with carefully exploring the area.

Heh, just to speed this bit up, I rolled a stealth check for Falkor. Anyway, everyone scored well for attckign the door, hiding and checking, luckily the end ressult was a nearly trashed door, but a well hidden halfling, so a scoprion giivng up. Whew. Obviously, if it went badly I might have let you roll your own stelath there :D

The door itself now had a very distinct line rght the way down to the ground, and was bowed. The hole higher up was now wider, and apparently a section of the upper door had been bashed to end across the other side of the little anti-chamber area. Back in the main room itself, Falkor respectfully examined and laid out the body. The rags could be straightened to a logic front and back. The skeleton's hands were placed crossed to its shoulders, and the rest of the body straight. A knee joint gave out and a leg sagged separately, A jawbone came undone. The glass of a flask crunched as the body rested. Still, there was no other things to do with the body. It had no more earthy possessions than the rags it possessed, and the barely on footwear. The bones were very badly crushed, and for some reason Falkor flashed to the scorpion in Soorec's room crushing its prey, aswell as the damaged door. Why was he so certain this was the work of scoprions? And if it was, where were they? The body looked damaged enough that certainly the man had probably died where he had been attacked.

As Falkor was comtemplating the oddness, he did some prospective jumps to examine the recess in the room. There seemed to be notice there, and more and more the shifted brick looked like exactly what it was - a shifted brick. Should he poke it more with a broken piece of door? More importantly, as Falkor was beside the body, he realised that close on the wall - again high up on the wall - was a brik that jutted out. Too uniform to be a nautral loose brick, it seemed to be a switch of some sort.

Everything else in the room seemed boringly solid, and there was nothing hidden on the dusts of the room, not even in the corners.

This time, Falkor's contemplation was not interrupted by a scoprion.

So there we go, you got away with the scorpion - for now. The real question is what now? And yes, good thought about being respectful to the body. Best not to antagonise something that might guard your escape. Might be a good idea to roll a general die for any actions you might do. Anyway, I reckon at the moment you are about the same timeframe, just abotu to go ahead of the party in game time. Given that it would take time for Falkor to rejoin the party, this shouldn't be an issue. If Falkor would come back to meet the marty ahead of the main timeline, I'd just halt you for a few posts :)

Anyway, will Falkor keep up his inquisitive streak, and start poking things? Or will he actuall be cautious? If you want to take any precautions before doign something, be sure to mention it - feel free to state a few contingencies.


Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 6:17 pm
by money
Falkor was inquisitive, he always had been and although things had been a little strange so far in this journey, he was still alive - good enough for him to start prodding again. He 'quietly' picked up a slice of door and began pushing at the recess - if there was anthing on it he was sure it would fall....

OOC: Depending on what happens Falkor will next move his attention to the loose brick.


Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 6:32 pm
by beowuuf
The air turned blue instantly and there was a scent of magic. A loud buzzing filled Falkor's ears. One moment he had been clumsily trying the recess, and the next moment he was standing somewhere different. He had been teleported to goodness knows where, possibly a trap of Lord Chaos's from years ago. Certainly, it was a large, plain room. Plain except for small, white items scattered around - remnants of bone.

As Falkor's vision returned fully, without the flashing afterlights of the teleport, something made more sense. The empty room, perhaps perhaps, had a way to teleport to and from it. He had left, but perhaps there was also a way back.

Of course, that was what had probably happened to the priest - he had came back, and something had followed him.

As if to amplify that train of thought, Falkor's concentration was turned to the lone exit arch in this small area. There was a very loud shuffling sound. It was very, very similar to the previous scorpion sound Falkor had head.

It was very, very likely Falkor was in trouble.

The room is a 20 x 30 foot room, Falkor situated in one corner, and a 10 foot archway leading to a short corridor in the middle of the opposing longer wall. The scorpion noise is coming from the corridor beyond, lukcily not from inside the room :)

There are no visible teleporters here, however there might be a similar switch to get back, or an invisible teleporter, in this room. Or, there might be one elsewhere close.

What to do, what to do...


Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 9:33 am
by money
Once more Falkor kept quiet - he didn't wish to attact the attention whatever was making the noise. Still, with cloak ready he always had another option - he just hoped it wouldn't lead to him getting into more trouble if he needed to use it... so he waited, quietly...

OOC: Couple of options... 1. Scorpian moves on.... Then Falkor will spend some time checking this room over for any hidden switches, alcoves etc. 2. Scorpian picks up the scent and comes charging in... Falkor will first try to talk to him using his feat (not sure if I can use this yet - since used in Seeroc's room) or use the cloak if I can't or the speak to animal fails and his life is in danger.


Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 8:26 pm
by beowuuf
Falkor kept as quiet as possible, and there was not much else in the room to cause any attraction. The sound of shuffling got a little closer, but then the sound seemed to stabalise. It took a few moments for Falkor to be able to convince himself the creature was going away, but the scuffling did sound quieter and quieter. Sadly, the sound did not seem to be fading out completely. As Falkor strained to hear though, he was convinced he could hear somethign else. A whisper of something, like wind or a voice. It seemed to be coming from inside the very room. Perhaps it was the spirit? Or perhaps it was a flight of fancy. Or perhaps there was a hidden opening somewhere.

I'm going to assume Falkor would start his search if the creature was at least much further than before. I'm also going to assume the careful search is a take 20. Luckily for Falkor, the DC for finding this switch, that he's already seen an example of, is visible on a 20.

Falkor slowly searched the area, initially pressign the wall around about the same height as where the previous button had been. Irritatingly, the corresponding switch was was finally found back near where Falkor had started. Surely to activate a receiprocal teleporter?

Around the rest of the room, there did not seem to be much. There was a tarnished gold coin and two silver coins held in a ripped belt pouch, clutched by a set of bones that might have been an arm once upon a time. There was also an odd scrap of green cloth covered in dust, perhaps from a set of fine breeches or tunic once upon a time.

Coudl you roll me a stealth check, please? It will just be your dexterity check, as I dont' think you have any ranks in that skill.

The odd whispering sounds was more audible as Falkor moved around, but it did not seem to be located in any area. More worryingly, once Falkor finished his sweep of the room, he noted that there was a small movement of air in the centre of the room. It did not seem to be coming from any breeze upwards nor downwards nor from the exit to the room. After a moment more, the movement of dust became worse - a small bone started to skitter around. And the sound of whispering was not getting any quieter either. Could anything else hear it?

While contemplating that, Falkor was again conscious of the sound of scuffling. Was the scoprion getting closer again?

Ok, will end the update it there. As you may guess, the stealth roll will in part determine if the scoprion hears Falkor or not. And you may guess the button probably gets you out. Although remember the teleporters are likely to stay active for a while, so things could follow you.

Anyway, feel free to investigate the mystery of the moving dust, or the whispering voice. Or just run :)


Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 8:47 pm
by money
The coast was clear and Falkor began his search.. at first he didn't find anymore switches or levers, his years of dungeoneering told him that it was rare for teleports to lead one way - not impossible, but rare or part of a puzzle that ultimately would lead back... or worse, to ones death. Still, he was determined to find the switch (if there was one). As he moved around the room the frustration was probably getting the best of him, he was trying to remain quiet but the movement, coupled with his huffing and puffing and occasional sigh was probably not going un-noticed (9).

Before long he found what he was looking for, a switch to take him back to where the rest of this party was, or at least had been. He had spent what seemed like an age trying to find the switch by now they could have moved on out of his hearing range or worse, they could have found a way out. (Falkor would have been pleased for this friends, but he would have considered their escape with his sorry ass remaining here worse - safety in numbers and all that!!)

The more he continued to search, and the longer he thought the louder his thoughts needed to be for him to concentrate - soon he realised that the noise level in the room was increasing. He stopped still for a moment, and looked around the room - it was then his attention was drawn to the center of the room and the strange dust cloud was forming... His inquisitve nature got the better of him. He picked up the coins, placed them in his pockets and moved towards the middle of the room. He concentrated on the noise and the dust... what was it he pondered... (13).

OOC: Same as usual, something comes to get him and the cloak is invoked :)


Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 9:11 pm
by beowuuf
Falkor stepped into the epicentre of the movement, and allowed all his senses to - and knowledge - to work out what was happoening. A magical phenominon? Somethign trying to form a body? An odd natural occurance?

As Falkor stood there, he felt a certainty that the movements were supernatural in origin. The items - now little bones - did not seem to be moving in any form of perfect line or curve, and nor did they seem to me moving towards each other as if pulled. No, the movements of the smaller items on the floor seemed to be as if the items were being pushed badly. The disturbance of the dust was haphazard.

The biggest clue was his cloak itself - it tingled a little as he stood in the small maelstrom of lightly moving dust. And the whispering continued. Not as much louder, but more refined, he could tell that it was not some movement of air. Falkor could almost feel as if there were words being directed towards him.

Such checking was, of course, distrupted. Falkor's luck with making noise and having noise thrust on him could only last so long - the scuttling from outside begane to grow louder again. Whether random chance, or more likely from the noises in the room here, something was coming closer. It sounded as if it was just down the short corridor Falkor could make out beyond the exit. And, of course, Falkor could see the exit and the cirridor because he was also producing light. There was probably no real way to fully hide, even if he was completely quiet.

It was then that a small stone skipped across the floor, as if flung out the door, making little echoing pops as it skittered out into the darkness. The scuffling sound grew louder.

Heh, and hopefully you've gamed with me long enough now to start asking yourself 'what if they thing coming for me can actually reach me through the cloak?' So yes, sounds like something supernatural and perhaps ethereal (something from inside the other room perhaps?) might be interested in Falkor. And I'm afraid the ..ok, I'll go ahead and say definitely scorpion's -attention has been focused on Falkor by a good perception roll.

I might relent on how long the talking to animals power takes to rechargem but you are right, it is currently too soon since Seeroc's room to attempt it again against a Scoprion. So, stay for longer, say the cloak word, or run to the switch all seem to be good options right now :D


Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 9:20 pm
by money
He was fascinated - he could just imagine Bright Eyes reaction now, the sense that someone (or something) was trying to communicate with him. Falkor decided he would have only a few moments to react and if he waisted any more time the scorpian sounding creature making it's way towards him would surely be pleased with it's lunch. Falkor moved between the dust and switch he found... and whispered the words... held his breath and waited to be elevated to the Ethereal plane...

OOC: ok, so... My Plan is to talk to this "thing" in the Ethereal plane.. I think it's friendly, and I'm willing to take th chance.... but if he attacks (I'm sure i'll need some reaction rolls) then I will de-activate the cloak and attempt to hit the button very quickly. Here's hoping this isn't the end of Falkor.


Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 10:21 pm
by beowuuf
Falkor once again received the join relief and suffocation invovled with crossing int othe ethereal plane. His body became lighter, and yet his vision and hearing worse so his head felt heavier. It was tempting to imagine he would flip 180 degrees because of it.

Instantly though, the blur of the material plane was overshadowed by the sight in this plane that occupied the space where the dust storm was occuring. There was a bright light, fixed upon an strange and terrifying group of shapes.

At first Falkor thought Gholst had found him again, because the general impression was the same. An armoured warrior stood before Falkor, white shapes moving around. However, quite quickly the differences became apparent. Where Gholst had been tall and powerful, this figure seemed to keep flinching, pulled downwards. Where Gholst's armour had peeled off to reveal armour beneath, the figure's own armour was static - and was torn apart grotesquely at part of the face and at the chest.

It took a moment for Falkor to recognise the figure, and when he did, his blood was chilled. The figure was Arbrut, the sergeant Falkor had killed in battle only a few hours ago. This spirit's appearance seemed to exaggerate the wounds the man had in death, the armour peeled back to reveal bones, and his normal face peeling to show a skeletal jawbone.

Where Gholst had been wreathed in flames, this figure was surrounded by half-visible faces and hands. They seemed ot be clawing at the man, causing him anger and pain. Falkor realised the man's armour, in death, no longer contained the faces it once had. Now, those faces surrounded him, and agrily tried to pull him somewhere. His struggles, pushing them to one side seemed to be causing the disturbance.

When he concentrated on the faces around him, they could not pacify him. However, he continually let his guard down as he focused all his rage on one thing.

"YOU! HALFLING! I WILL TAKE YOUR SOUL FOR TAKING MY LIFE!" the man screamed it, and then screamed in pain as several hands pulled at him. He swatted them back, and took a malignant step towards the mage. Even in death, the ghost of Arbrut still possessed his sword, and he pointed it directly at Falkor.

Falkor immediately stepped back into the real world, and made for the teleporter button.

Heh, so yeah, not friendly. Although I will say, this is not necessarily what you were seeing in the previous room.... so the idea there is something else, that would be more friendly around, isn't unfounded...

Anyway, so when you push the button, you will be teleporteed back to the original room. Nothign will have changed, except for the blue haze beside you, on the space infront of the other button.

Feel free to make a knowledge (arcana) roll for Falkor to work out of a ghost can use magical items in the real world like teleporters. Your DM playing might make you suspect the answer. Also, feel free to roll perception on Arbrut to see if you can spot anything to use against him as needed.

Also, Falkor would know that his spells, while not able to cross from the ethereal plane to the real world well, work perfectly well on the ethereal plane against ethereal creatures if he dared to fight there. Falkor hasn't yet got Des Ew worked out, although he is closer to gaining it. A very good arcana check might let him get it, but that wouldbe all he could do - his time be better served doing somethign else instead!

Good luck!


Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 10:48 pm
by money
Falkor was shocked at the figure althouhg he felt a sincere level of remorse at the same time. Arbrut had been serving his master after all, but the shadows in the shield and the sense of evil were obviously well founded as the lives of his victims seemed to be getting their overdue revenge. Falkor was saddened by the sight it was clear that in death he would be troubled and he feared that perhaps one day he would also get the same sentance. For now though, he acted quickly, returning to familiar surroundings and hitting the button he had previously found. His hope was that the approaching Scorpian would not make it through the haze in time and that the ethereal being would also be stopped - still he was prepared at the other end. He believed that through his respect of the dead he had paid that he would be able to communicate with the other being he had sensed upon entering. With a deep breath, a lot of optimism, he used the cloaks powers again.

OOC: feel free to work with the narrative if the scorpian made it through :)


Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 11:41 pm
by beowuuf
Heh, I wouldn't do that to you...yet...

Falkor once more entered the ethereal plane. As he had suspected, the light from the room previously was not linked to the light of Arbrut. Instead, a soft glow surrounded where the body was in this room. After a moment's adjusting to the sight, Falkor could make out an odd sight.

There did not seem to be a discernable figure in the glow. Instead, all there was were three distinct humanoid shapes - two hands, cvlasped as if holding something, floating disembodied close to the group. To one side of them, at a ninety degree angle to Falkor, seemed to be a bald head. The eyes were closed, and the head nodded to itself, althmost touching the hands at some point.

The spirit seemed to be of the man, thiough the spirit's orientation was closer to the body he had found, instead of the body as he had laid it now. The fact the figure hadonyl three distinct aspects, and was obblivious, seemed to imply it was locked in the last moments of its death.

However, perhaps Falkor's actions had begun to penetrate the ghost's psyche? Falkor would swear he could hear a low deep voice mumering, "are you there is that you are you there I can hear you are you there?"

Falkor realised that the blue haze in the ethereal plane seemed to be quite bright still. Force could present itself into the ethereal plane, certainly, for he had felt the explosions of the fireballs earlier. Did the bold haze in the ethereal plane hint that the teleportation magic worked just as well? If so, how long did he perhaps have before the tortured Arbrut fended off his victims long enough to follow the halfling again.

After all, Falkor suddenly realised, Arbrut had already done it once, appearing in the other room, hadn't he?

There we go, you were right to be respectful. Of course, is this a spirit that can help you, or one that could be put in danger by Arbrut's very probable arrival soon. I'll let you either try to communicate, or figure out a best means of defense.

No scorpion for now.... that might depend on a thing or two :D


Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 8:48 am
by money
Falkor, touched by what he made out to be a spirit trapped since it's death, moved closer. He sensed no evil from this spirit, only regret and sadness. "Hello there, I'm not sure if you can hear me but I want to help you. However we may be in danger - I'm worried that an evil spirit is on it's way behind me." Falkor looked for any sign of acknowledgment from the tormented spirit (14).


Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 2:16 pm
by beowuuf
"I'm here..I waited...I was not afriad...can I go now? I have been faithful," said the whispering words of the spirit. It then, at least, seemed to latch on to a single word of Falkor's. "Evil? What evil? I was not afraid...why is there evil...must I banaish it? I was faithful..must I banish it before I go? Must I pass one last test?"

Falkor could sense the spirit was very insular, locked probably into the final moment of its death so strongly that it hasn't been able to let go and leave this place. He could not tell exactly how to accomplish this from the spirit's words nor any intuition, but it was an encouraging sign that the spirit was at least reacting to Falkor's words.

This might have been easier if someone hadn't stolen his pendant, because of course Falkor would know what the man had been holding at the time! Oh well, I'm sure you'll be able to muddle through anyway. Good luck!


Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 4:48 pm
by money
Falkor turned around, to check the haze - was Arbrut on his way... Turning back, "I will help you leave this place, trust me. I might go back to the material world but if you come with me I will try and free you of your burdon. If the evil spirit comes through I will stand side by side with you to defeat it... help me with this and I will do all i can to help you." Falkor moved next to the spirit...


Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 10:19 pm
by beowuuf
"Material world?" said the spirit, his eyes finally lifting upwards. "I am on the material world, I await ... I await... " There was a confused pause. "The material world?" he said again. "I am ...on...the material world. I await...I await..." There was the confused pause once more. "Help me?" The spirit did not seem to be pleading, merely turning over the words Falkor had said. "Yes, come back the material world! Help me!"

The spirit had apparently twisted Falkor's words until the spirit could try and understand the meaning. At least he seemed to be partially coming out of himself. The hands lifted as did the head, and some faint miasma representing a very faded, cloud like body came too. "I will face the evil!" it said, lifting its hands aloft. However, then it seemed to realise that its hands were empty.

"My faith, my faith has deserted me!" wailed the spirit, and the cloud of it splashed outwards, billowing, its hands and head falling down. Now it looked up pleadingly, as if on its knees, when Falkor walked towards it. Its eye level was lower than Falkor's.

"My faith! My faith is gone!" is wailed again.

Before Falkor could immediately reply however, the room grew brighter. There was a faded 'zap' sound from behind the two. Falkor knew what he would see when he turned around, it was indeed the spirit of Arbrut. Ghostly apparitions similar to the spirit Falkor spoke to still surrounded the very real looking Arbrut. Arbrut hacked the head from one, and it dissolved into nothing, only for the same appirition to rise again from the floor.

"You!" hissed the sergenat, temporarily turning his full attention to the halfling mage. "The voice told me how to find you. The voice told me how to free myself. I will take you llife, and you will have my death!" The sergeant laughed a nasty laugh, and picked up a ghostly figure beside him, throttling it. At first Falkor thought it was a representation of him. Then he realised it was simply a different halfling spirit. And then Falkor stopped looking, incase the short figure turned out to be not one of Falkor's race after all.

So, angry spirit one side, confused and currently helpless spirit on the other. What's a halfling to do? Something really cool, I hope! :D If I didn't make it clear, Des Ew is good against incorporeal ghosts on the material plane, any spell is good against ethereal creatures while you are on the ethereal plane.

Technically you are almost in combat, although because its just you and one enemy, no need to roll initiative. You get to act first, because of its distraction. Just remember to keep your actions to roughly one big action like a spell, attack, etc, and a reasonable amount of movement. Owing to the nature of the encounter, I won't be tracking distances and actions too closely, so the fight will be very narrative in nature.

Once more, good luck!


Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 7:49 am
by money
"Stop, I have no business with you.. I have never met you.... You talk about death and my part in yours, well I can assure you I played no part in this. Seeroc, Brighteyes, whatever you call him has been holding me for such a long time. Then all of a sudden I notice a party arrive, with one of them looking exactly like me. I don't know how he does it, but he managed to create a monster that then took my form."

"Perhaps together we can all work to put an end to Seeroc's evil?"

OOC: In need of a v. good bluff here...17


Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 9:19 am
by beowuuf
Lol, wow, that's ballsy. That's like...brilliantly ballsy. And that's a really good roll. Trouble is, you actually need like a roll of like 35 to pull off that kind of bluff, given that Arbrut was actually standing right beside you when you died, and was already formed and tormented as a spirit when you you almost died. Remember I started PMing you about seeing things when unconscious, but Westian broguth you back the round afterwards? Still, if you can't bluff him, I think such a dismissive and manipulative lie should reward you with some wonderfully enraged anger instead.

Arbrut lets out an inhuman scream, and his form wavers for a moment, as if his skim and armour are further melting. Falkor's remarks may as well have been a fireball exploding in his face. "YOU DARE! YOU COWAR AND SNIVEL AND TWIST YOUR WORDS AT ME? I CAN SMELL YOUR SOUL!" The spirits around him temporarily pull back, terrified as his voice echoes in a place that should have muffled, reduced sounds. "I watched your soul escape its body," hisses Arbrut, "your lifeforce was mine after I took your life, but your cleric stole you from me, took what was mine by right of arms. I know you, and you will not forget me."

Arbrut then turns to face his tormenting spirits. "And Seeroc? I don't want to end his evil. I gladly pay for what he gave me. I willingly took on this for the power Gholst gave me through him." The man starts hacking away at the terrified spirits. Arbrut turns back to Falkor. "No, if Gholst can claw his way back fro mthe dead, we all can. I would kill take on a thousand souls, end a million lives in agony for Gholst, for the power he had and now has. And all I need is one! YOURS!"

The sergeant burns furiously, and takes a malignant step. However, his appearance seems to bring the spirit beside Falkor to live. THe poor soul there fully comprehends the moneter before him.

More importantly, however, Arbrut has turned his back again on the spirits. With Arbrut's arrogant words, the spirits seem to gain resolve. With many moaned cries of 'no' they beset the sergeant again, and he is yanked back into a sea of spirits. His sword flashes, and slowly they are driven back. However, for the moment he is far from able to move.

So there you go, you've perhaps brought the spirt beside you one step closer to being useful (at least you might be able to speak to him normally) and more importantly you've angered Arbrut so much that he's actually gone and got himself very tied up for probably a round or two. Don't expect it to last, but also don't expect a sword to come whistling at your head for a little bit.

Still wish I could have somehow justified Arbrut going 'oh, it was Seeroc? Bugger...sorry...I'll..I'll just go and see him then...' That would have been very funny.


Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 10:05 am
by money
Falkor could feel him tremble at Arbrut's words, he had tried an almighty bulff, but it was clear that this soldier was not as clueless as perhaps many of his comrades. With the rage came a sense that if he got his hands on Falkor, it would not be with a good outcome. He turned to the other spirit.. "You have passed into this world now, you cannot go back but you can pass on again... To be with your friends, family, loved ones. You have to believe in yourself, your God and your faith."

Falkor turned back to where Arbrut was fighting the tormented spirits surrounding him, "You must pay for your evil, your carelessness for life - Gholst can not protect you now. Tell me - why have you killed so many? was it for honer and dignity, for the greater good or just for greed - perhaps even for sport!

Falkor was hoping Arbrut would reply the latter and enraged those spirits even more, buying him a little more time..


Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 1:58 pm
by beowuuf
The spirit looks at Falkor, his eyes just about focusing. " god? My god is Galias, of the earth. What can I do here?" The spirit's face was more defined now, and whispy areas around its face revealed themselves to be flowing hair and a beard that trailed off into miasma. The features looked elven.

The spirit looked up and down from Arbrut to his empty hands, which now seemed to have the beginnings of arms too. There was also the beginnigns of resolution in the spirit's face, but the spirit obviously looked on helplessly, unsure how to combat the evil apparition before it and aid Falkor.

Feel free to knowledge check on this, though I think it will just a be a straight intelligence test due to it being tied to nature not wizard magic. Oh, and don't worry, I'm not saying 'get a pendant or he's useless', I'm just pointing out his main religeous focus is gone, so he's still gunshy. If you can figure out any clever ways to give him faith, or perhaps tie him back to his power, go for it.

Arbrut struggled out of the arms of those armound him, but his face took on a dangerous light. "All of it! Strength is respected, and strength is the only thing that matters - ridding this world of the weak is the greatest good." Arbrut hacked apart a spirit for longer than needed. "Why shouldn't I enjoy it, too," he hissed. "Why shouldn't the suffering of the weak make me stronger!"

Falkor's plan did work, the spirits howled in rage around Arbrut, and started tearing at his armour. Meanwhile, the words seemed to galvanise the spirit beside Flakor. However, the spirit still seemed to be unsure of what it could do against the soldier.

Arbrut will most likely get free and start attacking next post. Good tactics though, he'll certainly be hampered by his arrogance and the rage of the spirits around him - I don't imagine anything he could do could make them stop harrassing him now :D


Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 2:43 pm
by money
Falkor turned to the spirit, "An Elf... I am honoured to meet you. If only these were better times. Perhaps i may be of help to reconnect you to your God? If we can stop this monster then I can return to the Material world, I will honor your body and your spirit and pray to Galias to connect with you. Your God would not have abandoned you - try, try and channel your powers and pray to Galias to help you."

Falkor was running out of options, he needed this spirit to help him out and quickly... Falkor concentrated on the ever closer Arbrut - "Time will judge you..."

He took a small step back, concentrated and prepared to fire a fireball directly at the hand of Arbrut... perhaps the sword he was brandishing would be heated to an unbearable level... giveing the spirits he was hacking away time to take control...

OOC: Still hopefull we can get support from the spirit. If Arbrut gets too close then Falkow will act by releaseing his most powerfull fireball... directly at Arbrut's arm/hand... let me know what dice rolls are required.