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Re: Charging money to play custom dungeons?

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 4:03 am
by Rasmus
And me DMT.. And all the unknown stuff I did before that..

Re: Charging money to play custom dungeons?

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 8:12 am
by beowuuf
Rasmus wrote:This is sort of OT (stop me if I am going to far). But as we were talking about it in the beginning that the dungeoncreators will be more motivated if.. money.. donation.. etc.
I estimate about 20 people have played the dungeon
Des can't know how many people it is that have tried out his dungeon, and he will get more motivated in creating more dungeons if he knew that it was about 200 people that have tried it instead.. I know that about 20 people downloads DMT before one comments about it, and this keeps me motivated :) Is it possible for Christophe to insert a download counter on his webpage per dungeon?

Just a suggestion :)
I like the idea, and didn't want it to get lost in the comments on figures :)

Re: Charging money to play custom dungeons?

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 10:48 am
by zoom
this is a cool thing , for the reasons already given.
Could stir up some competition, in a good and friendly way.
and maybe act as an indicator which dungeons are good..
could be demotivating as well: "no one downloaded my custom dungeon"
, but that is then that!

In a broader sense, Download counters are some form of "new" currency.
-->competition for true attention. Attention is scarce and in the long run means money

Re: Charging money to play custom dungeons?

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 11:01 am
by Zyx
I don't think that the number of people who actually played and enjoyed the custom dungeons gives a representative idea of the potential number of players. We're not advertising and we're not distributing. Except RTC which benefits from a small effort of publicity. It would be interesting to compare the number of downloads of RTC with CSBwin in this regard.
In my opinion, hundred of thousands would enjoy DM on their mobile. Imagine if it were one of the game that comes with the integrated package of new brand iphones or any other portable device.
Imagine that each one of us teach their kids to play and enjoy the game, then they show it to their friends and classroom mates: maybe in 10 years chaos will strike back.

Re: Charging money to play custom dungeons?

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 11:19 am
by zoom
a bit long and probably OT

I would not go so far to take into account how long it took to use the editor properly- you could further extend it endlessly:
It took me 6 years to learn how to write, and I charge 1.50 dollars per day for that time plus interest of 20 years or so.
I want to give 20% of the income to the creator of the clone i am using, so I have to calculate that , too. and so on..

True is that without the effort put into learning this or that -for a basis- you could not do such things like dungeon building.
But I would say it goes without saying maybe? -->It is something you have to get aware first , however.

You can only do so much each day, and not all things. You have to decide where you put your ressources : time and effort.
Take into account how much you already spent for something.
Bad example would maybe gambling: I gambled for 50 years and therefore I am rather good at it. Some things do not give anything new after some time!

On a rough estimate, it takes from 5 to 9 years to learn something to a decent degree. programming, kung fu, whatever. Learning how to ride a bike is maybe faster, maybe not. After all, an estimate. Talent etc can boost, money problems can hinder. anyway:
Maybe it is the same for archmaster levels in dm.. it takes ages of repetition of already known activities just to get a negligible increase in stats... So:
if you are dedicated, eg. an artist, you get maybe to archmaster over a lifetime.

What i want to say is, you cannot charge and take into account everything . else you only get frustrated; you should see that everyone can learn and learns new things every day. Try to break some day your routine and repetition, that is. Or isnĀ“t it?

Re: Charging money to play custom dungeons?

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 12:21 pm
by Hajo
I'm slightly curious how this will turn out. My bet would be that it turns out to be close to impossible to make money with selling custom dungeons. Even while putting aside the morale problems of sharing the income with the programmers of the editor/runtime, and the question how to create all the needed graphics.

I have no good idea about the phone market. "Hundreds of thousands" sounds like a very optimistic guess, to me, even for something that would be free. As I said earlier, these days it seems hard enough to get some attention to ones works, even if they are offered for free. A few responses in a forum already seem quite a lot of "pay". Under these circumstances, I expect only the very best things will sell.

I'll wait and watch. Maybe I'll be surprised :P

Re: Charging money to play custom dungeons?

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 4:14 pm
by Chaos-Shaman
it'd be like trying to sell a checker game, and who'd sell their love anyway, well...