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Looking for some help with CSB

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 2:13 pm
by prozak
OK so I beat the original DM after watching my father play 20 something years ago, what a good game. Now onto CSB. I'm at the point where I went through some of ROS and i cleared all the rock piles, but i led the Death knights down the hall and hit the lever to open the pit and dropped them a level. The problem is now the are all in that room below where there is 2 doors and I cant figure out what to do with them. I tried about 100 ful power fire balls, and i dont really have any ninja weapons. How can I deal with these guys ? I read something about a push/ pull spell ? But I cant figure out what it is. alot of the higher spells it says I'm mumbling nonsense ?? is that because my guys are not leveled up high enough ? for example the Show Magic and Show Creature spells, done properly says im mumbling nonsense. Any tips for the death knights would be helpful... also is there an easy way back to level 4, from the junction? I need food badly

Re: Looking for some help with CSB

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 3:32 pm
by Jan
Hi! As far as I can remember:

Well, you'll just have to kill the knights now. Use your swords or anything and beat them until they're dead. :wink: Use the stairs for the "turning trick" (go downstairs - swing - go upstairs).

The whole puzzle should work differently: before you do anything, go to the room downstairs (with the two doors) and pull the lever there (to your left) - it opens a pit there. Now, go back upstairs, lure the knights onto the closed pit and pull the lever there - the knights drop two levels into the worm-breeding area and die. But it's too late for you to do it now.

If you need to go back to the junction, there are two ways, I think:

1. Go back to the dagger - launchers (at "Give up...") and jump into the pit nearby (there should be a pit I think... I hope :oops: ). The pit should lead you to the worm-breeding area on the lowest level and from there there's an easy way to the junction.

2. Depending on actual position of the knights in the room with two doors: if you descend into that room, there should be a fake wall to the right (just bellow the stairs - just hope that the knights don't occupy it). Go through it and keep heading south. Soon you'll come to another fake wall that will lead you to stairs down to the worm-breeding area again.

Other people might correct me if I'm wrong.

Good luck and keep us informed on your progress! :D

prozak wrote:also is there an easy way back to level 4, from the junction?
Oh, OK, I see, you were asking about the way from the Junction to the Home Base. Alright. There are many ways. I use the "KU" one. Go to the KU section (with the sword) and take that way with the small shield lying to your right. To your left now, there's a fake wall leading to the Muncher Area. Directly in front of you there are three pits, one of them leads directly to your base (I think). I think it's the farther pit to your right.

Re: Looking for some help with CSB

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 3:42 pm
by oh_brother
Hi Prozak. Well done on completing DM!

The death knights are not affected much (at all?) by fireballs, so don’t use that. Use melee weapons. Some Ku potions can help.

As for the spells, I think you are getting confused with DM2. There is no pull/push spell. That might be why it says you have mumbled a meaningless spell. The list of DM/CSB spells is here.

Good luck!

Re: Looking for some help with CSB

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 5:35 pm
by prozak
Thanks for the quick responses. I managed to kill one of the knights by using the stairs... only like 12 more to go.. haha. I wish I had done this puzzle correctly in the first place. I did manage to run through the room and make a right where there is a pit. You have to turn around and throw something through a mist and the pit closes. So I was able to escape the rest of the knights for now and made it back to home base for some worm rounds. This game is insanely complicated and confusing. But I wont give up. As for the spells, I guess its the 4 magic map spells that wont work. maybe im missing something. show creatures on magic map, show spells , anchor magic map to cast location.. etc... It says they are for CSB in the link you posted.. Anyway im slowly progressing. I managed to take out all the dragons on level 4 or 5 depending on whos map your looking at. So I have plenty of food returned to the junctions for a fresh start. I must have 3 chests full of steaks.. :)

Re: Looking for some help with CSB

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 7:04 pm
by oh_brother
The magic map was just in the Amiga version as far as I know. What version are you using? I know CSBWin does not have one.

Re: Looking for some help with CSB

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 8:16 pm
by prozak
I am using the SCBwin version... that explains it.

Re: Looking for some help with CSB

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 11:41 pm
by prozak
Having a hard time finding the towers of power or whatever it is... any hints ?

Re: Looking for some help with CSB

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 11:59 pm
by beowuuf
I beleive it is in one of the chests of the dragon's den.

Re: Looking for some help with CSB

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 12:30 am
by prozak
I only found 2 chests, neither had it... I went back like 3 times now... is this another issue with CSBwin ? Im pretty stuck without it.
I am using the adventurers handbook when I get stuck, and it shows it in the chamber to the right when you enter the room, but its not in there. I found the eye of time and the gold key in the other 2 chests.. but the one with the tower of power is missing... crappy

Re: Looking for some help with CSB

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 12:34 am
by beowuuf
look for imaginary walls, i believe

Re: Looking for some help with CSB

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 1:51 am
by Ameena
Yeah, it's either through a false wall or you need to push a button (in one of the rooms) which opens a wall (in either the same room or one of the others).

Re: Looking for some help with CSB

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 10:03 am
by Jan
I think that the location of the chest with the Powertowers is random - it can be found in any of the five rooms around the central one and it's teleported there only after some time. Try walking around a bit - the triggers that active the "sending-in" mechanism for the chest should be behind the three destructable portcullises. I think. I hope.

Re: Looking for some help with CSB

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 1:38 pm
by prozak
Ok, thanks for the tip, I went through all the rooms but that would make sense. Ill go back . This game would be impossible for me if I didnt get some help.. lol

Re: Looking for some help with CSB

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 2:30 pm
by Jan
CSB is impossibly hard. IMHO it's one of the hardest games ever - together with the Zork trilogy, I think. It took me more than a year to finish it for the first time - I didn't use any external help, just the Hint Oracle, but it really consumed many hundreds of hours of my time. Definitely my greatest gaming "achievement". And it's my most beloved game - and the more I play it the more I enjoy it. Its complexity and concentration of puzzles is just amazing.

Btw, always use the Hint Oracle. It should lead you to the solution in most cases - sooner or (in my case usually :wink: ) later.

Re: Looking for some help with CSB

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 5:20 pm
by prozak
Finally got through that part, found the powertowers and got the first corbum... I have been using the Hint Oracle. I cant imagine trying to go through this without any outside help, it would take hundreds of hours. I'm lucky enough to have to be sitting at a computer for many hours a week with lots of down time to play. I'm basically on call at my desk. which corbum to go after next ? I cant seem to find the second half of any of the other paths... trying everything to close the pits on DDD with no luck... Edit.... I had a rock pile stand in front of the fighters charge writing and managed to get across..

Re: Looking for some help with CSB

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 5:40 pm
by Jan
Well, there's no "proper" sequence of the four ways in CSB - you can finish them in random order. I'd suggest ROS now.

Do you have the three other "super" keys for the three remaining upper parts from the respective lower parts of the dungeon? If no, go back and look for them.

All four upper parts of the dungeon are accessible from the DDD. Well, I don't want to spoil it too much for you... but if you enter the DDD, one of the ways starts to your left hand (behind the "lava pit" - you've already been there apparently) and the other three to your right hand (behind the pit two squares south of the "Fighter charge").

It's just hard to say more - tell us where you're stuck or what you're doing. DDD has an incredible density of puzzles, you basically have to do something on every step, so keep trying. Don't be afraid to save your game and try falling into the pits or simply doing other insane things.

EDIT: Alright, I can see that you've managed to make some progress. Excellent! It's always like this in CSB. :)

Re: Looking for some help with CSB

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 4:41 pm
by prozak
Well I have the Emerald key, the Sapphire key and I used the Turquoise Key... So I guess I am missing one. which one ? I found the skeleton key also.

Re: Looking for some help with CSB

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 12:43 am
by Ameena
The Emerald key is from Ros, the Sapphire I think is Neta, I'm pretty sure the Ku key is the
Solid key
, while the Dain key is the
Ruby key
. I don't recall what the
Turquoise key
is for.
You get the Ku key
from the big dragon on the bottom level of the dungeon
, and the Dain one is
somewhere in the room containing "Bridge" and "Prove you are a Wizard" with all the pits and Flying Snakes and general wtf all over the place :)

Re: Looking for some help with CSB

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 2:53 pm
by Jan
Turquoise key is very important - it's for
the DDD / upper part of NETA.
Sapphire key is not that important - it's used to open the
"Vending alcove" room below DDD
prozak wrote:the skeleton key
Skeleton keys are used on the skull locks to open short-cuts through the dungeon (to connect different ways). They're useful but not necessary.
Ameena wrote:general wtf all over the place :)[/spoiler].
*chuckles* Very true! :)

Re: Looking for some help with CSB

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 8:50 pm
by prozak
Ok I had time to play a little more but I think I'm going in circles missing something. where is this " bridge " you speak of with the general WTF all over the place ? lol EDIT I found the bridge... but I cant get the winged key in the middle... having a hard time figuring out that room. I also keep going back to the room where you prove your a wizard... when you enter the room there is a button on the right... how do I push it??? I cant get to it.. i have 2 of the corbums... one from Ku and one from Ros.. should I return to the DDD and work on the other 2 corbums, I'm not sure if I have all the keys I need. I have sapphire, square, cross, a bunch of iron, skeleton, a few B.. I dont think I have the ruby key yet... this is in dain ? I feel like i have been through dain and back 20 times and havent seen it. I still cant get over how ridiculously complicated and hard this game is. The generation of Call of Duty players would pull their hair out and smash the PC...

Re: Looking for some help with CSB

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 12:32 am
by Ameena
Lol...yeah, "Chaos" is very much the operative word in this game ;). So yeah, the Ruby key is in
Dain, and in fact is very close to the "Bridge" area where you've already been
. To get past the "Prove you are a Wizard" bit in Dain, you need to
conjure a Zokathra spell and hold it up to the eye
- I think this opens a wall which leads you through to the next bit, which I'm pretty sure is
where the key is

Re: Looking for some help with CSB

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:35 am
by Jan
Looks like you're generally on a good track! Keep going! :)
Ameena wrote:but I cant get the winged key in the middle.
To get it you need to solve two puzzles: firstly the
three buttons alcove in the north of the room
and then
"Wrong Right Left" to the west
prozak wrote:when you enter the room there is a button on the right
It's not important. You don't need to push this button.

For NETA you need
the Turquoise key
. You don't seem to have it. It's literally
somewhere around. Once it
it can be hard to find because it's mostly grey. It's in the room that you enter if you
go upstairs from the "lock-four-mummies-into-their-rooms" area.
The location of the Ruby key was described by Ameena.