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Reactor Puzzle "Reflexion direction selection"

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 8:58 pm
by terkio
Is my game working right
The teleporters do turn objets. An arrow is deflected "left" through it. So far so good.

The teleporters do not turn fireballs. The fireballs go straigh througt it. Teleporters do nothing on fireballs. This looks wrong to me.

Am I missing some trick ?
Or something wrong with my PC, Windows XP SP2, RTC V049.

Re: Reactor Puzzle "Reflexion direction selection"

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 9:38 pm
by Sophia
It is wrong.
Reactor doesn't work on current versions of RTC. You have to play it with RTC 0.24 or something only a little later than that.

Re: Reactor Puzzle "Reflexion direction selection"

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 9:51 pm
by beowuuf
The latest one available is

I think it was before the messing around with pressure pad actions / spell triggering

Re: Reactor Puzzle "Reflexion direction selection"

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 10:11 pm
by terkio
Many thanks for your Faster Than Light answer and hello to everybody in custom dungeon building.

Any idea where I can find a RTC V0.24 ? Will my save be compatible ?

I am stuck too in Theron's quest conversion RTC.
I did the first two dungeons.
Entering the Sarmon dungeon looks impossible to me.
Hints are "Dodge" "Shoot".
There is NO time gap to allow shooting througt the teleporter. This looks wrong , is this because I use RTC V0.49.

Re: Reactor Puzzle "Reflexion direction selection"

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 10:28 pm
by beowuuf

Try 0.28 first, I don't think the big changes were until the early 30s. I have the earlier versions than that on my HD, if it doens't work then I cna try to upload it tomorrow. Not sure about save compatibility I'm afraid!

I think the Theron's quest was compiled under a new version of RTC though. Can't recall that area, there is maybe a trick to it. Any fake walls to skirt around the teleporters - or at least one, so you can fire passed them?

Re: Reactor Puzzle "Reflexion direction selection"

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 10:46 pm
by terkio
beowuuf wrote:The latest one available is
I just tried using this RTC_V028
No luck.

I installed "reactor" the same way that worked fine with RTC_V049.
I put the file "reactor.RTC" in the directory "Modules".
Launching RTC.exe, it does not find "reactor".

Re: Reactor Puzzle "Reflexion direction selection"

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 11:07 pm
by beowuuf
Very strange, done it with a clean install and both versions of the .RTC, and again with 0.29. I shall post older RTC files tomorrow. Not sure why it can't find it though, yet find it with later versions. Must be something obvious...

Re: Reactor Puzzle "Reflexion direction selection"

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 2:19 am
by terkio
Very strange indeed.
I have no trouble starting custom dungeons with RTC_V049. It works with reactor.RTC, theron's quest conversion V01.RTC, theron's quest conversion V02.RTC.

With RTC_V028 or RTC_V031, installing a dungeon the same way. When launching RTC.exe, it does not show in the list of available dungeons.
I have tried other places to put the dungeon.RTC file. No luck. Inside a "new" directory, inside "Modules" , it shows the directory name, it doesn't show the dungeon.

Was there a specific dungeon install when using old RTC versions ?

Re: Reactor Puzzle "Reflexion direction selection"

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 7:42 am
by beowuuf
No, it was all kept reasonable compatible until the spell opby change, and even then, as you can see, the old dungeons can still compile. There is a development history in the RTC forums for each build, so you can look back.

Though I just noticed that reactor 23 comes with the text file, so you can always re-compile the dungeon and see if that corrects the issue?

Re: Reactor Puzzle "Reflexion direction selection"

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 3:36 pm
by terkio
No luck compiling reactor 23 with RTC_V.0.28.
I did as explained in Editing.txt.
Nothing happens when I run RTC.exe. No error message, no log file, no .RTC file created.
RTCEditor.exe finds errors in reactor 23, however it loads it.

I found a way around the puzzle.
I managed to "open" the doors, found nothing great beyond.
I don't feel going further on...likely to be stuck again.

Re: Reactor Puzzle "Reflexion direction selection"

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 9:04 pm
by beowuuf
Apparently I have done this before! RTC 24 and RTC 33 are alreayd shared on One of those two must work:

Reactor shows up in v24. 33 is probably the latest before the big change (I'd need to check the development threads to remind myself)

Hope that helps! If you like Sophia's style, Surgical Strike and Dark Portal are very different from each other but equally cool dungeons.

Re: Reactor Puzzle "Reflexion direction selection"

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 11:38 pm
by terkio
The reactor dungeon does work with this RTC_V0.24
The savegame from playing with RTC_V0.49 does not. I was not expecting savegame backward compatibility.
I am back in business with Tula Darou Hissa and Petal.

Re: Reactor Puzzle "Reflexion direction selection"

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 7:14 am
by beowuuf
Oh, well, and least it works :) Have fun!

Re: Reactor Puzzle "Reflexion direction selection"

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 8:58 pm
by terkio
As expected, the puzzle works with RTC_V0.24.