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DM2 on RTC

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 3:58 pm
by Paul Evans
I never got to complete DM2 first time around as my computer exploded before I got to Dragoth and my sparkly new PC didn't have Dos. Reading through the walkthrough guide on this website I was extremely close to the void, so I was extremely pleased to hear that I would be able to revisit Skullkeep through Return to Chaos. I picked my old party and set off to search of Dragoth, only to be very nearly killed by the first glop. I was then killed by a worm, a rogue vortex, and dino cow who had ventured into the shopping area. I don't remember it being this hard! Has George made it difficult on purpose?

I also remember having ambidextrous fighters and the spells casting system was different. Why has it been changed?

I have since downloaded DOS box and am playing it how it should be.

Re: DM2 on RTC

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 4:25 pm
by Gambit37
HI there

The RTC version of DM2 doesn't have the interface or AI improvements of the original Skullkeep. The RTC version simply re-uses the standard DM interface and AI, and adds all the new graphics and sounds of DM2 plus a few special bits and bobs. So it's basically a "version" of DM2 using the older DM engine (or rather, the RTC version of the older DM engine!) And RTC monsters are generally tougher than in original DM, which is why they do odd things in RTC that you wouldn't expect in DM.

As you've spotted, if you want the original experience, you need to play the original game.

Re: DM2 on RTC

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 12:02 am
by MasterWuuf
Paul Evans said: I was then killed by a worm, a rogue vortex, and dino cow who had ventured into the shopping area.
I laughed and laughed at that sentence. I just noticed the thread, so thought I'd read some of the comments.

Thanks Paul. Made my day.

I downloaded the RTC versions today, then tried out their first DM. I haven't been able to put the spell scrolls into the magic book.
User glitch?

Re: DM2 on RTC

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 12:13 am
by Bit
Paul, if you are playing the original DM2 now, please do me a favor and collect savegames at (let's say) critical points whereever possible. I am still working on a Win-version, but the most critical part is, when the program calls routines indirect. Those are things like taking a coin from a table.
So whereever there is a thing that you think it could be of interest, save the game and collect them. Perhaps sometimes copy the savegame folder to another one.
Tell me, when you are done with all, and maybe send me a pm with the location where I can find the files, or I'll give you my email. Thanks in advance!

And a big hello to Wuufy - long not seen here!

Re: DM2 on RTC

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 8:41 am
by beowuuf
MW - you place the spell book in someone's hand, open their inventory, and then touch the scroll to the spellbook screen to transfer the runes.

Re: DM2 on RTC

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:43 pm
by MasterWuuf
beowuuf wrote:MW - you place the spell book in someone's hand, open their inventory, and then touch the scroll to the spellbook screen to transfer the runes.
I was doing it just as you suggest in the above note. Before I read your comment, I tried again, with no difficulty.
Perhaps I was placing it on the wrong side of the spell book? Whatever the reason, it's working fine for me now.

Oh yeah, and a big hello back to BIT.

Re: DM2 on RTC

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 6:36 am
by Bit
Thanks :)
It's somewhat unlucky that you chose the RTC-version, but well, continue with that one then.
Think savegames can't be compatible.
Surely the one or the other will try the original sooner or later.
Unfortunately there's still so much to do that I don't find time to play myself yet.

Re: DM2 on RTC

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 1:11 pm
by Tianhe1A
You are right, as You said,"Surely the one or the other will try the original sooner or later.", but I agree, G.G. did a great job on RTC, everything is basically working fine, only the player interface is different from Doug Bell's version, which I prefer. The original played via the DOS-Box is as I was used to. Actually I still have problems with the sound config. The music is playing in the background, but the environmental sounds are still missing, so, it is like being deaf.