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How do I make a fun dungeon for my little sister?

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 3:41 pm
by JoeSalmon
So I remember loving playing Dungeon Master when I was a kid on the Atari. I'd really like to offer my sister the chance to do the same (she's only 10) by creating some custom characters named after her and her friends, and maybe tweak some of the original DM dungeon as well.

What programs should I use for doing this? I've got CSBuild and DMute, but no idea how to use either of them properly or if they are appropriate.

What I'd like to do first is

1 - Edit the default Dungeon Master starting character names and stats.
2 - Edit the default Dungeon Master starting character portrait images.

Once I can do this I'd love to know how to use something like CSBuild / DMute, but I think that's more long term.

Re: How do I make a fun dungeon for my little sister?

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 4:35 am
by Saumun
Welcome Joe...

Either may be appropriate, but I should probably point out that DMute (being George's creation) will probably no longer be supported. Whilst this is also true of RTC (Return to Chaos - also George), there are still plenty of people using it, and it is a very good package (also easy to use). The link on the ragingmole site seems to be broken, but you can get it here....

CSBwin was created by Paul S, and he is still active here... so presumably it's still supported (I'm unfamiliar with CSBuild at the moment, but hoping to get into it after I've finished my current project). No need for the link, since you already have it.

Sophia's DSB (Dungeon Strikes Back) is a highly customisable clone that uses Lua scripting. The editor (ESB) is very easy to pick up, so you can make a great dungeon. If you're familiar with Lua, then you can customise it much further (I'm not, and still managed to make a couple of decent dungeons). Go to the DSB thread here: ... 53&t=26508

If you have any specific questions, I'm very familiar with RTC, and reasonably so with DSB (but not so much with code). Also, there are members that have created extensive dungeons with CSBuild such as Conflux and Tower of Chaos. I'm sure anyone here will be willing to help as best they can.

Re: How do I make a fun dungeon for my little sister?

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 5:59 am
by Paul Stevens
Editing the character images is not a built-in feature of
CSBuild. You would have to export the images, convert and
edit them with some sort of 3rd party software, and re-import them.
It has been done and is therefore possible.

I don't know anything about DSB but I imagine that editing the images
would be a simpler task.

CSBuild can easily edit the character names and stats.

Re: How do I make a fun dungeon for my little sister?

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 4:12 pm
by JoeSalmon
Ah okay, thanks for the advice. I've got CSBuild working fine so think I'll stick with that.

How do I edit the character names and stats using CSBuild, is there a read me or some instructions somewhere you can point me towards.

Thanks for doing this by the way Paul, you are a total hero!

Re: How do I make a fun dungeon for my little sister?

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 1:33 am
by Paul Stevens
Each character is defined by the text in front of his portrait.

On the main view (The map) right-click on the cell in front
of a character's portrait. You will see the "Edit Open Room"

Select the 'text' in the center of the room (double-click or
click on 'Edit'). You will see the Text editing dialog.

Select the "Edit Portrait" option. There you can edit all of the
character's attributes such as name, strength, etc.

When done, Click on 'OK', click on 'OK' in the 'Edit Open
Room' dialog, and save your game. In the "Edit" menu
there is a 'Export Portraits' and 'Import Portraits' option.
I think someone, somewhere, in a galaxy far, far away
devised a method of editing those portraits.
Paul, you are a total hero!
My wife says similar things. And she never used CSBuild.
(I think she mostly likes the way I wash dishes.)

Re: How do I make a fun dungeon for my little sister?

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 1:42 am
by Paul Stevens
Hmmmm... I just tried "Export Portraits" and it appeared to
do nothing useful. Does that jeopardize my 'hero' status?

If nobody else jumps into this conversation
to help us with this problem, I am willing to work with you in
return for a copy of your resulting dungeon.

Re: How do I make a fun dungeon for my little sister?

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 4:49 pm
by Jan
Hello, Joe, and welcome to the forums! I can't tell you anything about anything software-related, but I like you idea. Your sister is lucky, and good luck to you with your creation! Don't forget to share your progress with us, and, more importantly, your DM-related stories from the past. :)
Paul Stevens wrote:Does that jeopardize my 'hero' status?
Not in your wife's view. :mrgreen: