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Can I dynamically change the gfx of a creature instance?

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2018 1:46 am
by Gambit37
Can I dynamically change the gfx of a creature instance? If so, please could you share the right way to do this?

I tried a few things trying to reassign front and attack of the instance to no avail... I'm not really sure if it's even possible?

Re: Can I dynamically change the gfx of a creature instance?

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2018 1:27 pm
by Gambit37
In addition, how would I do a "one-shot" change of a creature's images? For example:

Code: Select all

function obj.screamer:on_spawn(self, id)
	self.front = gfx.screamer2_base
	self.attack = gfx.screamer2_attack
I've tried the above with variations of id, exvar[id] etc in place of self, but can't get anything to work.

Re: Can I dynamically change the gfx of a creature instance?

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2018 8:22 pm
by Sophia
Changing the images in obj won't generally work because the images are cached, and you don't really want to do this anyway because you're changing the image for the whole archetype.

Using different images for different attack methods is well-supported in DSB. Basically, you just specify an array of attack images instead of a single one, and your function that selects which attack method to use also returns an index of that array. See multivexirk.lua in the test dungeon for an example.

Changing the other graphics of a monster is not currently supported, but there's a simple enough workaround-- just make different clones with clone_arch of the monster with different images, make sure they all have the same group_type (which is just an integer) so monster grouping doesn't get messed up, and dsb_qswap between the monster's different appearances as needed. As a side benefit this can also give the different forms slightly different behavior if that's what you want.

Re: Can I dynamically change the gfx of a creature instance?

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2018 11:47 pm
by Gambit37
I did start with using dsb_qswap on a cloned screamer, but the grouping didn't work (I ended up with 5 creatures on a tile, 4 originals on the sub-tiles, and 1 cloned in the center)... so I thought it didn't work. I didn't realise the group_type had to be set, and I also didn't realise that group_type isn't set for screamers by default.

What's the expected behaviour for monsters that don't have a group type set?

Anyway, I'll try your suggestion which sounds like it'll solve the issue. Should I set both the original screamer and cloned screamer to group type GT_SELF_ONLY? Or use a unique +ve integer not already used?

Going back to the original question though, the reason I asked is I wanted to programmatically create some colour variations of creatures, and randomly apply that variation on spawn. Is there no way to do this...? Do I need to pre-prepare all those variations and create multiple clones instead?

Re: Can I dynamically change the gfx of a creature instance?

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2018 12:08 am
by Sophia
If a group type isn't set, it's assumed to be GT_SELF_ONLY, which means that the monster will only group with itself. If you want different archetypes to be able to group up, that isn't what you want, so no, you'll have to set your own group type. Numbers above 100 aren't used by the core code and never will be, so that's a good enough place to start.

You can certainly programmatically create some color variations and apply that variation on spawn. The only difference is that it's handled at the archetype level. But you can execute all sorts of Lua code in objects.lua to generate different objects, so you can just automatically create different archetypes and swap to a random one on spawn; this leads to a certain degree of inflation of your object list, but certainly nothing that DSB can't handle, and with a good naming scheme it shouldn't be that much of a hassle in ESB, either.

Re: Can I dynamically change the gfx of a creature instance?

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2018 12:32 am
by Gambit37
OK, cool, thanks. I used this code and it seems to work fine:

Code: Select all

obj.screamer.group_type = GT_SCREAMER

obj.screamer2 = clone_arch(obj.screamer, {
   front = gfx.screamer2_base,
   side = gfx.screamer2_base,
   back = gfx.screamer2_base,
   attack = gfx.screamer2_attack

obj.screamer.on_spawn = function(arch, id)
   if (dsb_rand(1, 4) == 1) then
      dsb_qswap(id, "screamer2")
I did also try using the other function format, but this causes errors when I close DSB:

Code: Select all

function obj.screamer:on_spawn(arch, id)
   if (dsb_rand(1, 4) == 1) then
      dsb_qswap(id, "screamer2")
The errors are:

Code: Select all

Location: 1 22 43
Reason: Segmentation Fault
Stack Dump:
Location 1 22 43 is the party start position, facing the group of 4 screamers.

What's the difference between these two methods, and why does the second one cause errrors?

Re: Can I dynamically change the gfx of a creature instance?

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2018 2:10 am
by Sophia
The short answer is that the first one is right and the second one is wrong... but you probably already knew that, since it makes DSB crash.

The colon tells Lua to create a self parameter that refers to whatever table the function belongs to. It's just a handy shorthand. However, if the calling code doesn't actually call the function with that parameter (and on_spawn does not) then it creates all sorts of problems. I'm amazed it didn't crash sooner, to be honest.