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Specifying images for wallitems at different ranges

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 6:45 pm
by meadwarrior

How would I go about specifying images for wallitems at different ranges?

I guess it's something I'd have to define in my graphics.lua, but how?


Re: Specifying images for wallitems at different ranges

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 8:09 pm
by Sophia
You just need to specify front_med, front_far, side_med, and side_far bitmaps. There are no examples of wallitems that use these bitmaps in the DSB base code, but it's similar enough to the way it works for floor objects (i.e., FLOORFLAT and FLOORUPRIGHT) that you can use those as examples.

Re: Specifying images for wallitems at different ranges

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 11:14 pm
by Gambit37
Also, these options are only in DSB 0.70+, so you'll need to update if still using 0.69.

Re: Specifying images for wallitems at different ranges

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 2:22 am
by meadwarrior
Thank you!

So I've made a custom objects.lua (and her manifest) like this, unfortunately when I try to start, I get this error:


(I used the hook_front graphic in the 'side' specifications for quickly testing it out).
I'm using DSB 0.71.

What did I miss?

Re: Specifying images for wallitems at different ranges

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 3:24 am
by Sophia
You don't need to (and shouldn't) put objects.lua in the lua_manifest.

Re: Specifying images for wallitems at different ranges

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 10:02 am
by meadwarrior
Thank you!

That got rid of the error, but now it doesn't show the hook object at all...

Even if I delete it from my objects.lua (this should reset it to the default hook, right?), there's no graphic shown in the editor...

Re: Specifying images for wallitems at different ranges

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 10:15 am
by Gambit37
Make sure you reload the dungeon in ESB after making any changes to your Lua files. If you leave the editor open while coding and forget to reload the dungeon after changing your code, you can get into an awful pickle...

If that doesn't solve it, try NOT re-declaring the entire object. So in your objects.lua, just specify individual properties that you want to add or override. For example, in mine, I just need to tweak offsets, so I added this:

Code: Select all

gfx.hook_front.y_off = 8
gfx.hook_front.x_off = 1
gfx.hook_front.mid_y_tweak = 3
gfx.hook_front.far_y_tweak = 4
gfx.hook_side.y_off = 4
gfx.hook_side.x_off = -20
gfx.hook_side.mid_x_tweak = 1

Re: Specifying images for wallitems at different ranges

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 10:45 am
by meadwarrior

After reloading the dungeon in ESB, all the default objects work again.

The objects in my own objects.lua are still missing/not being shown in the game, however.
This is how I set them up.

Code: Select all

obj.temple01_roof = {
Is there something wrong with the code?

Re: Specifying images for wallitems at different ranges

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 2:31 pm
by Gambit37
When a graphic name is followed by [x], DSB expects to find the images defined in a table, which is generally how floor item graphics are defined such as this example from the base/graphics.lua:

Code: Select all

gfx.doorframe_front = {
  [0] = dsb_get_bitmap("DOORFRAME_FRONT0"),
  [1] = dsb_get_bitmap("DOORFRAME_FRONT1"),
  [2] = dsb_get_bitmap("DOORFRAME_FRONT2"),
  [3] = dsb_get_bitmap("DOORFRAME_FRONT3")
When you refer to gfx.doorframe_front[0], for example, you'll get back the bitmap for that entry in the table.

But wallitems don't need that , they use the simpler "one graphic per entry" approach, eg:

Code: Select all

gfx.fountain_lion_front = dsb_get_bitmap("FOUNTAIN_LION_FRONT")
gfx.fountain_lion_side = dsb_get_bitmap("FOUNTAIN_LION_SIDE")
So just make sure that you define your graphics for wall items in the simpler way, and remove those [X] numbers from your object, eg:

Code: Select all

obj.temple01_roof = {
The reason your graphics aren't showing up is because you're asking DSB to look for graphics in a table which doesn't exist. At least, I think that's what's happening. :)

Re: Specifying images for wallitems at different ranges

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 5:01 pm
by meadwarrior
That's exactly what happened!
Thank you very much for the detailed explanation, Gambit, it really helped a lot. I thought that the numbers were related to the size of the graphics.

As a bonus, I now know how to define flooritems in a list ;)


Re: Specifying images for wallitems at different ranges

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 6:37 pm
by Gambit37
You're welcome, glad it helped. :)