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Editor for Chars starting stats???

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2002 11:54 pm
by Rico Len
Is anyone working on an editor (such as a more complete version of textmute) that can alter ALL the starting ability scores for charactors? IE If I want to make a new charactor in my new dungeon I could rename them but right now I can't edit Str Dex Wis etc...

Also is anyone working on an editor that can change the charactors starting pics? IE As in my last example if I want to make a new charactor in my new dungeon I can't change the pic that shows up in the portrait before choosing them as a member of my party.

Just curious. I'd really like to be able to use a editor like that.

Re: Editor for Chars starting stats???

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2002 3:41 pm
by Gambit37
Return to Chaos, an editable clone of DM and CSB can do all these things (although the specification has not yet been released):

As far as I know, there are no current editors that can do what you ask, although I seem to recall that Zyx has had some success modifying character stats and portraits for the original Dungeon Master.

Re: Editor for Chars starting stats???

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2002 4:36 am
by Zyx
For the character stats, I think Guillaume Bastard can already do it. Ask him.
For the portraits, I was investigating it. The answer is yes, ETA unknown.
If you already have all the portraits done, send them to me and I?ll probably can change the graphics for you.

Re: Editor for Chars starting stats???

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2002 6:29 am
by Rico Len
K Thanks for the info. As to the portraits when I get them ALL done maybe I'll send them, but right now I've only got 7 or 8 original portraits that I like. Until then though, thanks for the info again. :)

Re: Editor for Chars starting stats???

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2002 11:38 am
by Sphenx
Indeed I can edit all the character stats, but I don't know how it will be available in the next version of DMedit. So far, I can import/export texts for any dungeon. Then modifying is done with any program that supports .txt files.

The only problem is that character stats are coded, then I guess I should write a specific editor for that (unless you want to lose some time doing annoying conversion coding...)

Re: Editor for Chars starting stats???

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2002 10:00 pm
by Sphenx
Well, I have to update this thread:
you can now edit the starting stats of champions in your dungeons with DMBuild and HeroStat util.
You can also choose the portrait you want for any champion BUT the graphics are contained in the graphics.dat file, not in the dungeon.dat file.
So if you want new graphics, we need a graphics editor.