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SURVEY: What browser/OS do you use?

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2003 10:49 pm
by Gambit37
Hi all. Many of you will know that I'm in the process of building a new DM site. I didn't do any work on it during 2002, but I am intending to rectify that over the next few months, with the intention of having the first version on line in late spring early/summer. I need to make some decisions about new features that I would like to use, and this is based on browser capabilities. Therefore, it would help me a lot if you could tell me:

What browser you use, and what version (e.g. IE5.5, Opera 5)
What Operating System you use (e.g. Windows 98, Mac OSX)
What screen resolution you surf at (e.g. 800x600)

Although I intend to make the site as accessible as possible to everyone, your response will certainly help me out! Thank you.

Re: SURVEY: What browser/OS do you use?

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2003 1:04 am
by Paul Stevens
Opera 6.05 Win98 1024

Re: SURVEY: What browser/OS do you use?

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2003 1:08 am
by ChristopheF
Personnaly, I use:
Windows XP
Crazy Browser (it uses the IE engine, so IE 6.0 in my case)
Screen resolution: 1280*960, 32 bits.

For your information, here are the Xiti stats of my web site for january 2003 (up to this day):

7 301 Visits

Browsers # of Visits
MsIE 6.x 4 394 (60,2%)
MsIE 5.x 2 266 (31,0%)
Netscape 6.x 329 (4,5%)
Netscape 7.x 103 (1,4%)
Netscape 4.x 101 (1,4%)
Other browser 50 (0,7%)
MsIE 4.x 45 (0,6%)
MsIE other version 10 (0,1%)
Netscape other version 2 (0,0%)
Netscape 3.x 1 (0,0%)

OS # of Visits
Windows XP 2 466 (33,8%)
Windows 98 2 068 (28,3%)
Windows 2000 1 191 (16,3%)
Windows Millenium 589 (8,1%)
Windows NT 239 (3,3%)
Windows other version 239 (3,3%)
Mac Os PPC 227 (3,1%)
Linux 143 (2,0%)
Windows 95 84 (1,2%)
Autres 32 (0,4%)
Unix 23 (0,3%)

Screen resolution # of Visits
1024x768 4 513 (61,8%)
800x600 1 524 (20,9%)
1280x1024 and more 1 196 (16,4%)
640x480 and less 55 (0,8%)
Undetermined 13 (0,2%)

Color depth # of Visits
32 bits 4 287 (58,7%)
16 bits 2 898 (39,7%)
256 colors 68 (0,9%)
Undetermined 45 (0,6%)
16 coolors and less 3


Re: SURVEY: What browser/OS do you use?

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2003 12:51 pm
by Zelmo
Most often, IE6 in Win98 at 1024x768x32.
Other times, Netscape 7 in Linux at 1024x768x16 or 24.

Re: SURVEY: What browser/OS do you use?

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2003 6:57 am
by Erik Svanberg
As a linux user I have many different kind of browsers.
Personaly I prefer "dillo", which is a frameless JavaScript-unaware browser, but it's very fast. Otherwise I use "Mozilla" which is a heavy and slow browser, but it has JavaScript, CSS and that kind of spiffy stuff.
My favorite browser is "links". It's a faster-than-light text-only browser which produces nice easy-to-read results of sites with ugly graphics ( which of cource don't apply to dmweb :-).

I have tried and rejected a lot of different browsers, and I would not like to be dependent upon JavaScript and similar. My web site of choise would be a no JavaScript, frameless, plain html-only page. I have seen beautiful examples of such pages. Some of them were also driven by php and cgi scripts (which can generate pseudo-dynamic html-pages). If you are interested in php than you can check out and And I'm certain that Christophe knows something about php since he's using it.

Re: SURVEY: What browser/OS do you use?

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2003 10:40 pm
by FLaZ
Opera rules!

6.05 Build 1140

Windows NT 4.0

Screen resolution
1280*960, 32 bits.