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[Custom Dungeon] [Bennis Dungeon I] Hints

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2003 4:34 pm
by Wil
I played this one too.
Let me please give a hint: an axe is hidden early in the game (before the riddles). You will need it, the good weapons are otherwise late to come by.

Actually, there are a lot of fake walls with good treasure behind.
BTW, why call this area the riddles? "Smash Them All" would be more appropriate.

In the last levels, you are invited to take a ride, that is, jump.

Another spoiler: the firestaff is not far from Chaos, in the Final room. You must improve it and, of course, fuse the bastard. If things get a little hot, jump in a trap. I think dragons regenerate (there were 2 of them when I came by).

I think it's in this dungeon (sorry if I'm wrong, I've been dungeoneering madly this time. It's because it was so hot in Belgium, my new PC doesn't like it, so I played old games on an old one) : the wall says "what is under feet is soon overheard" but nothing happens when you walk on the tiles.