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Newbie DM & CSB questions

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2003 9:53 pm
by Lost Prophet
Hello all.

I'm pleased to discover this community. DM & CSB were my favorite games on the Amiga, way back when... I look forward to replaying these old classics.

I have forgotten much of what I learned about these game and would like to ask the following:

1. In DM, what 4 characters have the 'best' starting stats when reincarnated? I've come up with: Gothmog, Hissa (lizard), Alex and Sonja.

My characters tend to become archmasters in all 4 classes, so I'm wanting to maximise statistic with this in mind.

2. Same as above, but in reference to CSB.

3. With RTC version of DM & CSB, what is the difference between the modules "Return to Chaos" and "DM Original" that comes with the standard installation archive? I could find no documentation discussing this.

Re: Newbie DM & CSB questions

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2003 10:43 pm
by Lost Prophet
I forgot to ask...

4. Can I import a Single Character DM game (Any party containing 1 to 3 characters) into CSB and then load one or more CSB characters into the party to play CSB with mixed DM and CSB characters?

In otherwords, when playing CSB, can I mix 'n match DM & CSB chars when building a party?


Re: Newbie DM & CSB questions

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 1:04 am
by Lost Prophet
In regards to the differences between Return to Chaos and the Original DM, (#3 above) I am mainly referring to information not mentioned in the "Manual" blurb about it. So, I'm not looking for replies along the lines of "RTFM". ;)

I know it has a limited spellcasting system with the spellbook and the process of learning runes via scrolls. But other than this, I have not found any metion of differences.

Moved to

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2003 5:45 pm
by Lost Prophet
Due to lack of traffic here, I've moved my question thread to: ... 6168#26168


Re: Newbie DM & CSB questions

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2003 1:54 pm
by PicturesInTheDark
The problem here at the moment is that posting is difficult - only each third or fourth try works normally. Check for some more details at Gambit's unfinished DM codex - there are some very interesting infos including an engine showing all the character stats and allowing you to sort them the way you like.

Regards, PitD