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Ffuzzy Logik's Dungeon Master

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2022 11:43 pm
by FfuzzyLogik
Good night dear dungeon lurkers...
I'd just post here my "mod" of Dungeon Master.

Using some of the many informations stored around here I'd like to make some "rework" of this fantastic old game.
I don't master all the tools are here but managed to do some of the things I'd like to. I'll multi-post a bit to make reading more easy. The first for prenetation of the mod, the second for the links and third for "things I'd like to do".
At the moment I'm writing, I not far to finish the first tests in game and correct some mistakes (push button who triggers more than one time and forget to place graphics on a keyhole...).

What was modded in this "Dungeon Master" and what's quite the same ?

What's quite the same :
=> Game mechanics are the same, few changes on experience weapon and spells (time recovery, experience given by action, damage)
=> I think 75% of the dungeon is the same. As my skills to use the tool is limited and testing makes it hard, I didn't change "that many" things in some parts of the dungeon.

What's changed :

=> Dungeon itself : Its quite the same : more you do deep in dungeons, less there's space left so I kept the original dungeon with only few modifications but more hidden things to find...

=> Graphics : We're still on "DM" style but I re-used many of other graphics done by other games and modders + some modifications. I don't "own" them so if someone want the graphics I re-used to be deleted, tell me. For the one I"ve made, you can use at free will (but not sold them). You can say thanks if you use them for your mod - that will be appreciated.
- Creatures have been reworked, I still had difficulties with colours (I'd like to use "orange" for stuff so it makes hard to use the palette decently) ; I'm just not fond of my "slime devil" and "ruster" (IDK how to give him an "attack" frame)
- All items have been reworked ; some new ones and some "unused" have been used to make keys... I hope I've not made mistakes with keys...
- Few changes in decorations. I noticed a "bug" for some buttons, when you click on them its replaced by a shadow isn't at the same place (but I haven't changed this graphic... so I don't know where it come from)
- All heroe's faces were changed... Some "problems" of look can be seen on mirrors because I'd like to use "one more grey" but in game I hope the heroes are decent ?

=> Creatures : Mostly the same but few changes, the game is harder (really harder but I don't think insanely hard for experienced DM players). I hope the new things will still make the game intresting for some of them.

=> Stuff (weapons and other) : Graphics are changed but not the number or each of them (out of "unused ones"). Weapons are globally "weaker" so it increases difficulty and you'll have harder time to find good stuff. I hope I didn't "hide too much" things ? But searching for items is something who can be intresting. I found the original game a bit "generous" at start and so "finding items" wasn't important "enough".

=> Spells : All spells changed (I just changed the receptis "the runes" used for spells) but only two spells were really replaced (the second light spell and the darkeness spell). You can now make "blob poison" spell and "bomb spell". I changed mana costs and difficulty too. It will be more harder to train magic.

=> Difficulty and "hidden part" : There will be some "room of fighting" placed on the map. Zombie's room at "start", Worm room and the last near the end... They will be "quite challenging" in my opinion, be prepared to fight. Monster's health have been increased but I didn't changed many other things.

I tested (not to the end because I corrected some bugs and restart then...) so as its the first release it might still stand some bugs here and there...
I'd thank all persons who contribute do make the many tools & informations for their patience and share !
So I'd like to share my work too hoping it will please some players even "old ones" !

Have fun crawling this dungeon's deepness...

Re: Ffuzzy Logik's Dungeon Master

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2022 1:24 am
by FfuzzyLogik
Good evening !
As said before, the links are here.

To play the game you need :
- The program "CSBWin" (made by Paul Stevens) to launch the game
- The two files "dungeon.dat" and "graphics.dat"
Download them and place them toghether and launch "CSBWin" and I hope you'll enjoy.

The link to Paul Steven's site to get the latest version of CSBWin :

The link for the modded dungeon I made : ... 2bRVuAxHSX
Also available in the Shared OneDrive in archive named "Ffuzzylogik's Dungeon Master Mod" in folder 'Custom Dungeons'.

Good night,

Re: Ffuzzy Logik's Dungeon Master

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2022 1:36 am
by FfuzzyLogik
Now the last post, the "wishlist" - the things I'd like to do if it may be possible.

- 1 - I changed a lot of weights but couldn't find the chests' one. Someone knows where it is (even in hex editing) ?
- 2 - Same kind of question to change the "water value" bring by a bottle of water and waterskin ? I changed the food values but for water its possible ?
- 3 - I thought the "mana" items work if you get them in left hand. I also hoped to make them work in other places (the 6 places for weapons and small bag on the left)... I'd like them to do so because they'll then be really important stuff to get mana enough to train your "fighters" in magic.
- 4 - Also I noticed the slots of use look hardcoded ? I mean an armor who boost magic resistance must be "on body slot" to work. I intended to change the armor for a helm but then, it doesn't work anymore... Damn... So I changed back to armor type. Is it possible to make them "effective" to every place they're equipped ?
- 5 - I'd like to increase the number of weapons, helm, boots... Just using the "free space" for graphics but it looks very hard to "add new weapons" or "add new armor". If someone knows how to add few of them ?
- 6 - To give some use to "see through wall" spell, I'd like to "hide tips" behind walls but you can't read at 1 square distance. If it could be possible to make the text on walls "readable" at 1 sqare it shall be extremely cool !
- 7 - I changed (with ADGE) items are given by some creatures but I noticed the "empty flask" or "water flask" doens't fall when creature dies. As I added a spell to cast explosive potion (and it exists a spell for ven potion), I'd like to have some kind of ennemy(ies) who can give you somme flask to cast those spells before some difficult fights.

That's what I had in mind for now.
See you dear modders,

Re: Ffuzzy Logik's Dungeon Master

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2022 3:08 pm
by FfuzzyLogik
I can't edit my own post...
I changed back the dungeon's "dificutly", because I made a mistake increasing level 0 difficulty making it "without light" and buggued the game...
Its now changed in the first link I posted. I don't know for the second, someone else did this to share. I thank him/her ; if he/she can also place the good dungeon it'd be nice.

Re: Ffuzzy Logik's Dungeon Master

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2022 5:49 pm
by ChristopheF
I have updated the archive on the shared OneDrive