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[Custom dungeon] Venture Deeper in the Prison [DM PC] [Guillaume Bastard (a.k.a Sphenx)]

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2023 11:15 pm
by Sphenx
Version: 0.90
Platform: DM PC
Author: Guillaume Bastard (a.k.a Sphenx)
Email address:
Date published: 2002, January 7
Date last updated: 2002, January 7

At last, I made a real playable dungeon, based on the original CSB Prison.

It is not completely finished and some parts are inaccessible.
But I couldn't wait any longer to release at least one small dungeon.

One funny thing : list all the monsters you will encounter in level 3 (level 1 is HoC). How many they are? :)

  • Find the hidden passage that leads to the undiscovered mazes under the Prison.
  • Venture the deeper you can and retrieve the Sceptre of Lyf.
  • The monsters are generally rather easy to kill, but you will certainly have more difficulties to find how some doors can be opened.
  • The dungeon is actually not finished and there are some doors that will really not open in this version. I should even add 2 or 3 more levels (because otherwise you'll miss some monsters you may want to encounter). You will notice push buttons and levers will not toggle their graphics as they should do, but they are functional.
  • I should add some texts on walls and scrolls, but I am not able to edit them properly.
Replace your graphics.dat with the one from the archive (supplied by Zyx) and you will play this dungeon with the graphics meant for it. (this adaptation is not perfect)

Download this dungeon from this Shared OneDrive (in the 'Custom Dungeons' folder)

Custom dungeon 'Venture Deeper in the Prison' review by Michael Hutton (a.ka. Beowuuf)

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2023 11:15 pm
by beowuuf
Reviewer: Michael Hutton (a.ka. Beowuuf)
Gameplay: 7. Straightforward, areas of exploration and combat.
Originality: 7. Feels different.
Difficulty: 6. The combat is fairly simple, the puzzles a little more taxing.
Puzzles: 8. Some fun and some head scratchers - the fireball level was fun, the shifting wall maze hard to figure out the secret of.
Size: 5. Another small map *sigh* - easy to progress through the starting levels, but lots to see in the later.
Replayability: 5. Small so maybe not much reason to rush to replay once you do it.
Craft: 5. It's more the puzzles themselves than the craft behind them that catch the eye.
Game Ending: 6. Since there was room to expand, then the game kinda 'ends' - though the proceeding level was cool so it ends on a nice note.
Atmosphere: 7. The start and end have a great 'feel', I hate mapping os the middle kinda lost me in 'feel'.
Overall: 7. Another dungeon that ends too soon (see sphenx test dungeon)!
Best part: The fireball level, the RA level.
Worst part: Having to restart because some ways of doing things dead end you so you cannot complete the game :(