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Hello all

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2023 9:50 am
by Orchid1989
Hi there, just joined the group. LOVED my Atari St 520. Had a copied disk of DM and photo copied instructions. Never got past the worm level - was too scary, ha ha, but had so much fun on choose your door level. I once opened all the doors, went back up the stairs then went to look at the carnage.
Have the app on my phone (still stuck at wormies), but get more fun watching my other half play on his Windows laptop - he has completed it many times. My 9 year old daughter has written a log of all the spells and potions. Amazing this game still brings joy to kids 35 years later.

Re: Hello all

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2023 7:01 pm
by Ameena
Hi, welcome to the forum :D. It's always cool to have new people join when the game has been out so long, and seeing all their stories of weird things they did/stupid ways they got themselves killed, etc. Feel free to post more about your time playing...many of us still replay the game via various emulators and such (RTC, CSBWin, DSB, actual Atari emulators...I think I've even seen someone say they can still play the original version on an actual Atari). Did you ever play Chaos Strikes Back? Or how about DM2, a few years after that?

Oh, we also have a Discord, feel free to stop by and say hi. It's pretty quiet, as is the forum, but if someone starts up a conversation a bunch of us will join in :). Link here -

Re: Hello all

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2023 1:03 am
by ParuNexus
greetings, I'd also like to echo the same thing, Even with everything you can learn and read it goes to show how 36 years it's still being played. this community is a labor of love, so many people going hey I love this game, i'm going to make a brand new program so you can play these games on new machines. seeing games that never had a PC release to be able to run and play them with ease. to even the find out there is this very cool japanese person who downloads and plays peoples custom dungeons even talks about the experience after its betten. Even know i'm hoping that with Nexus translation people are checking the game out? i just had a small chat in a discord about "what languages did the snes dungeon master for EU use or support". So even your daughter writes down all of the spells in one game there are 4 more games, did you know there is a spell completely removed from nexus that was in all other 4 games? So welcome go checkout whatever sections of the encyclopedia that suits you maybe try some of the user created things a chance. I was the one who came up with the discord idea to help grow and see if others would join and talk about this fantastic game series. It can be quiet but even know people are talking about some other games that helped influence it and games inspired from it. I feel it's been a great success making that discord, I'll always wish more people would join and would like to make use of the people's user creation dungeons but it's great As is. Even know I'm preparing to do something that i was scared of but felt it was needed, streaming some of these games online live with people. What will the future hold for this series? who knows but with all these creative people and inspired works I'm excited!

Re: Hello all

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2023 3:48 am
by jayrshaw
It's definitely cool to hear that you have a daughter that young who enjoys playing this game, Orchid1989! It always brightens my day to hear about younger people who have an interest in things from generations earlier than their own.
