Dmute & creatures generator

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Dmute & creatures generator

Post by Alpha »

I am facing a little problem with Dmute :
I would like to maintain a constant number of creatures in a certain area of the dungeon.
Is there a possibility to make a creature generator inactive if the last generated creature hasn't been killed ?
Tx in advance
Sundeep Nandra

Re: Dmute & creatures generator

Post by Sundeep Nandra »

I don't think there is......
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Re: Dmute & creatures generator

Post by beowuuf »

Hmmm, maaaaybe....
But it would take alot of pads

There is wall object that is activated by other activation effects, rather than the party. Its feature is that each face acts as an 'input', and depending on the states of the faces (on or off) an output will be generated.

So you could have your generator triggered through one of these wall objects, no problem - you can set this pad to be active or not depending on one face, and have the generator activation effect goign to another face. As long as the 'enabling' face is active, all is good.

The maybe part comes from how you enable/disable the generator.
What you want is every single square of that area of the dungeon with a monster activated close, constant weight pad. These will all target another set of wall objects. Each time they move an open effct is geerated from leaving a square, but it is balanced by ther close effect from a new square. If you kill a creature, there will be only an open effect. I'm pretty sure it would be possible to have a set of wall objects triggering themselves in such a way that open effects that aren't then countered with a close, will allow an activation signal to be sent to the generator enabling pad.
That's problem one, getting a nice set of pads.
Problem two would then be timing...monsters mioving about might act fast, so two saimultaneous opens are balanced by one close, and so forth.

Umm, I'd offer to look at it right now, but I'm a little busy even in free time
If you want to leave it a while, I can get back to you on this...I love DMute problems like this : )
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Re: Dmute & creatures generator

Post by Paul Stevens »

My money says you will fail.

The simultaneous movement should be no problem.
There ain't no such thing as simultaneous, IMHO. Things
happen one-at-a-time. There is only one thread in the
program and it processes events from the timer queue
to completion before going on to the next.

In CSBwin I encountered a 'maximum number of creatures'
on a level problem. Perhaps you could actually take advantage
of this limitation (I won't call it a bug....the designers had to
confine their work to fit into a very limited space).

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Re: Dmute & creatures generator

Post by beowuuf »

Yeah, I've seen this too, but you find that takes out all other monster generators too, so if you are riding that limit in the dungeon, nothing new can get generated anywhere.
I've seen generators going non stop in DMuted dungeons, and you can also lose earlier generated monsters as it decides they are redundant.

Good about the simultaneous in paralell couls mess up that idea...hmm, have to try it out now, at some point...
Was unable to (permenantly) kill off ian_scho (Haynuus), Ameena, oh_brother (Westian), money (Falkor), raixel (Petal) and Lord_Bones (Aurek) in the DM D&D game Time's Champions!

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Re: Dmute & creatures generator

Post by Zyx »

As Beowuuf said, the only way would be with pressure pads in all the monster's lair. Doable for a small room, and only with non flying monsters. Maybe a 10000HP monster would be easier? Is it a satisfying solution?

About the simultaneous problem, Paul is right of course. But it causes a strange effect, namely that when you or a monster steps on a teleporter, he stays for a very short while on the tile before being teleported. This explains the "shooting around a corner effect".
There is a mechanisms based on this effect in the Teamdungeon at the market. Hmm, this dungeon has not been released yet. And I'm already spoiling it... *Cough*...
As I was saying, Chris_alpha_gamma, think about the 10000HP monster solution...

Re: Dmute & creatures generator

Post by Alpha »

Thanks for the advice.
I though about that at first, then I realized that the heroes would have no clue the monster is "immortal" and would probably waste a lot of time on trying to kill it (and eventually some weapon charges).
I think this option is the best ... if the heroes know they can't kill it. As I'm not ready yet to write the information on a dungeon wall or scroll, I will simply put it in the text file accompaning the dat file.