To Drake and Bertman74, about Dm using Quake Engine idea

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To Drake and Bertman74, about Dm using Quake Engine idea

Post by +Fadeout »

If you guys are interested in recreating Dungeon Master in a quake environment i'd love to help out in anyway i can. It sounds like a great idea but i think it'd take a hell of a lot of work.
How faithful are you thinking of being to the original game though? I mean like, will you be making the dungeons the same sort of dimensions as they were in the game, ie 1 square high?
Also what about the creatures? would they just all roam around instead of being limited to moving in a grid like fashion like in the original?
The rune system would need to be worked in too, with all the spells. That would be REALLY cool if we did it properly, we could make loads of new spells using rune combinations that were never in the original DM. We'd also need an experience system for the players to gain levels and learn new spells.
If we can drum up enough people to be interested in helping with this, and really plan it well, it could really be amazing.
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Post by cowsmanaut »

well, I can not speak for bert but I have a lot of preplanning done on this (about 2 years of planning for a quake style and since about 92 for other things).

If you can contribute in way of GFX or code I'm sure we could all put our heads together.

The actual game has not really been started and Code is really where the big need is right now. since you can't really make use of gfx untill the code is written for it.

anway, this is not a for sure thing no promises have been made. Right now it's just an idea.

contact me at my email attached to this response and we can talk more.

Post by +Isamu »

all I have to say is PLEASE make it happen!!!