Just Intrested

This is an archive of posts from the Unofficial Dungeon Master website, run by Daniel Durgan. It was the first DM web site and disappeared from the web in 2000. This archive is for reference only.
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Just Intrested

Post by +Paul »

Can you tell me :--
1) What does the orange button(jewel?)on level 10 after the transporter do?
2) Has the Fire, Earth, Air & Water any significance, and what's that stuff about 'balance' mean, on the firestaff level?
3)Is there a skull key That I havn't found? I'm one short!

Regards Paul

Post by +Guest »

Hi Paul
1) If you're talking about the cross button after the zooooom part of level 10, this one cancels the invisible walls in the room you just suppose to have entered. Those walls block monsters on some part of the room so that you can f*** them easily.

2)I don't know anything about the 4 elements meaning, but as for the balance, I think this is related to the different powers of the firestaff. I you use this staff in an evil way against chaos (with the "invoke" option), you can't succeed in destroying him. It is the same if you use the good way with the "fuse" option alone. Balance seems to mean that only the "fluxcage" and then the "fuse" can destroy Chaos. A kind of eternal choice between good and bad...

3) You haven't missed any Skeletton key. The game enables only to open 5 doors out of 6. There is no 6th key.
Hey, adventurers, have you any other explanation (especially for the balance and 4 elements ?)
+Jonas Lööf

Post by +Jonas Lööf »

This is my thoghts on the balance question...
Remember that the quest that Lord Librasioulus gave Theron was to fetch the firestaf for him. Theron thoght of Lord L as esentialy the Grey Lord, but he did notice a hard streak in him.
Have you ever tried to bring the Firestaf to Lord L at the start of the dungeon? I did it once just to prove the point to my brother. (Hint: you get toasted.)
As explained in the introduction, Lord Chaos is a part of the Gray Lord that got ripped away when the Grey Lord tried to extract the Power Gem. In reality Lord Chaos is about half of the Gray Lord, and Lord Librasioulus (Lord Order) the other half. So in short it just means that you shouldn't give Lord L the Firestaff. Instead, as is explained in the rest of the scrolls, you should find and extract the Power Gem, using the Firestaf. When you then uses the fluxcage-fuse combo on Lord Chaos, Lord Chaos and Lord Order are merged into the Gray Lord again, as is hinted to in the last (I think) two scrolls.

Post by +ruiner »

If I remember correctly, you can only take the Firestaff WITHOUT power gem back to level 1, because the path gets blocked off once you get the gem. Obviously, if fusing Lord Chaos has the effect of recombining him and Lord Librasulus, then fusing Lord Librasulus would (in theory) have the same effect. But since the way is blocked to go back to level 1, the only option is to fuse Chaos. How convenient...

Post by +Jeff »

Two things:
1. It would be interesting to alter level 1 with Dmute and try to fuse Order. You would have to be quick as Order sends mega fire balls.
2. The four elements in the Tomb of the Firestaff seem to be there for narrative/story telling purposes. These touches are what made DM so awesome in the first place.
+Lucky Charms

Post by +Lucky Charms »

There's a pressure pad in the power gem room activated by the power gemmed firestaff that transports a copper coin to level 13 and closes two walls on you, preventing you from getting back to level 1 (or even above level 13). So just turn around and throw the converted firestaff out the door and then pick it up . . . the rest of the game remains open still.
I doubt that they coded anything into the game for this event though should you decide to bring the converted firestaff back to level 1.