Diablo 2 - Patch 1.11 and the reactions

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Diablo 2 - Patch 1.11 and the reactions

Post by Trantor »

I know that several people here (ok, Ameena and especially Sucinum) used to play or still play quite a lot Diablo 2. Since yesterday, the new patch 1.11 is out - with new Über-Bosses, a new unique charm, some new items and a few new runewords. It also seems that the most common methods of cheating/hacking don't work anymore, and several bugs were fixed. However, the patch did not bring any rebalancing of the skills or characters or the long-awaited ladder reset.

I think the patch is fine. It really says something that Blizzard still cares enough for a 5-year-old game to please its crowd with something new. I would have liked a ladder reset or some rebalancing, but oh well. What appals me is the reaction most people give to this patch. The majority of players seems to be feel betrayed by Blizzard and complains that they don't care about the gamers at all. I can't understand this attitude at all. After all, the game is very old, and playing via internet is FREE. I don't think the players can really expect anything grand (sixth act? Pathetic!). Everybody should be glad that the game is not forgotten and still cared about, even though it only produces costs today. I wonder how the other Diablo players here think about this? Especially Sucinum, since he is a Moderator on Germany's largest Diablo 2 site. Benni, how can you do so much work for so many ungratifying people?! :wink:
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Post by Ameena »

Well I've not played Diablo much recently, so I didn't know anything about this patch, plus I prefer single player anyway since you don't have to worry about lag, LD, or stupid annoying people :P.
So this new patch has added some new items, mobs, and runewords, and nerfed some methods of hacking/cheating and yet people are complaining about it? I don't get that...either they're being stupid idiots or there is some real reason to be annoyed about it (apart from finding your hack doesn't work any more or anything). I agree Trant, if they're still bothering to patch a game that's been going so long and is free to play online anyway, they should surely be thanked, not moaned at...
I might go on Diablo soon and check it out then...if there's some new named mobs I wouldn't mind...er...meeting them :twisted:.
Ameena, self-declared Wordweaver, Beastmaker, Thoughtbringer, and great smegger of dungeon editing!
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Post by sucinum »

i solved the whole new quest and posted 2 news and a guide to it on indiablo.de :) - most of the other new stuff was discovered, too, only 3 runewords are missing, because they are _really_ secret and not hidden in the gamefiles ;)
was very funny, now im going for some hellfire-torches ;)

but the patch was still only a distraction from the real problems d2 has...
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Post by Tom Hatfield »

You have to understand: there are a great many people who love nothing better than to complain, even when it's over something that cost them absolutely nothing. The initial buy-in for Diablo II is phenomenally cheap when you consider there's no monthly cost like there is for WoW (which is where Blizzard is getting most of their money these days). The fact that they're still patching a five-year-old game is credit to the company itself, which has invariably produced and supported outstanding games since they were still a division at Interplay (Silicon & Synapse). Personally, I love Blizzard as a company. I just don't care for the games they make.
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Post by sucinum »

i don't want act 6 - i want all duped items go poof, no more bots and maphack. even more ridicolous ;)
but since i don't play too much, but enjoy d2 as a very complex game to learn about and master, i'm glad about new features and stuff to discover, so 1.11 was quite ok - it just wasn't the fulfillment..
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