HEARTSTONE QUEST DEMO ready to be tested!

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Post by Trakl »

I just wanted to say that I reworked all the levels and finished two additional levels.
(Same link)
I'd be glad if anyone could try to get down to level 4. I played it many times and tried to clear all the bugs but I can't really tell if my dungeon is too awkward or too easy now.

Please let me know. Have fun!
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Post by Trakl »

Corrected a bug...

Now you can go on...

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Post by beowuuf »

What was the bug, since I've played through a good portion of it for the second time now?
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Post by Trakl »

Never mind leaving that part out. it is near the end - i forgot to connect a pit to a trigger so you won't reach one part... sorry :((

in level 3 (0 is surface...) just do not enter the pit opened by the two big switches.
It's near the end of the demo so never mind. you will get past there when I release the finished version. i won't release another demo, so you will have fun...

I just need to know if it's too hard or too easy now.

do you need more monsters or less etc.
puzzles too heavy?

how far have you played it?
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Post by beowuuf »

I got to the fireball corridor

So far it's still easy enough.... hard to gauge as of course easy for one person used to DM is not easy for someone new

I reckon it's balanced well enough
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Post by Trakl »

Wow, cool :) Then you've got another two levels to go ;-)

Please try, because that is the part where the actual adventure starts - and I am not sure if it is too hard or too easy. Before that it is merely collecting the characters and getting equipped... :)
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Post by beowuuf »

I think I am finished, in that a bug with the blood key door seems to be blocking me (blood key locks, and presuimable the prison's onyx one too) will toggle their state with each key inserted. That's not the main bug, just mentioning it, the main bug is that in the hall of *******s the blood key lock removes the doorframe not the door...unless this is some puzzle I am missing the asnwer to (couldn't walk through it so assumed bug). Have six keys, so that will tell you if I am finished or not

Umm, it's still hard for me to comment on the difficulty - for me the creatures around, even the powerful ones, weren't difficult, but of course these are deeper dungeon DM creatures that could prove a challenge for newer players, so not sure if you'd want to tone them down. Incidental fights were ok, perhaps a generator or two would not go amiss for backtracking parties

I think the puzzles were fine and fun, the monsters are ok, jsut the end of the dungeon felt a little unfocused when i was first playing it, and now I think I am stuck :( Oh, I did go down that two switch pit, and managed to go through and get back out ok... are you supposed to be able blocked before using a fourth coin?

In general I found some of the walkign around areas a little long. Dead ends help to know you are going roughly the right way, but there are sometimes an aweful lot of corridors to walk

Liked the solution passed the blue gem door, and if it's the same area liked the solution to the creature before (though there is perhaps a small bug in the movement attack being used, it walks into its own attacks). Perhaps if you deal alot of damage one of the party can comment on it through...

Anyway, creature bug possibly caused by the engine - I am playing with an RTC beta for 0.41 (not the one with the record feature, one just before) and I have found wto creatures that seems to have spontaneously died - one was beyond the archmage's room (actually, it was fine, but when locked inthe mage's room and came back to later, was dead) and one was the eye god (found the eye, never saw the god). It soudns like a creature killing itself with a spell attack if there is a LOS but not a path to it..except this hasn't been introduced yet!

Anyway, non-spoilery references to the bits of the dungeon -

I liked the archmage room (including the effect) and the set piece there. It operhaps took a little to long for each part of it in the big room, but quite cool. A small bug though - you can actually block it though by opening the second door though - maybe having it 'jammed' to start with?

I liked the creature the appiraition of the dark lord summons (before the fireball corridor) ... that was quite a neat idea.

The wraith weapon idea is also quite cool, I must admit I didn't use it in the main game though so no idea of its full effects.

I found the area for getting the blood keys a little unfocused though...it was obvious when there were blakc doors close to solve a puzzle, but there are areas way beyond that give you keys that did not feel part of the same quest...I must admit to having assumed I had missed out carrying on, and only later realised it all linked back to the hall.

Oh, and I liked the set up of the 'give me back what's mine' alcove riddle, but the answer to it was not obvious at all,

The ful ir corridor was fun, maybe a little too many creatures beyond it though.

I didn't find the three gods particularly challenging, but then the biggest seeming challenger wasn't around (see below) so don't know how this fight would have gone. Got an inquisitor rather easily here too, not sure if that was intentionally easy to get?

The implementation of gil's gem seems to be working out fine, though of course since I knew what would happen it was slightly spoiled. I was worried it was goign to get overused afer the second time, but it hasn't been needed again yet so that's ok.

Oh, and a small bug - I stupidly didn't go back for the princess so was one party member short, but in the area of the massacre she started speaking anyway!

Anyway, that's it I guess ... sorry if this is a rambling post, I haven't written down my thoughts so I'm havign to remember as I type! Anyway, I think that is it.... hope that helps!
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Post by Trakl »

Cool ! Thanks!

Maybe I corrected the bug behind the pit before and you got that newer version. Cool! The gag with the getting 4 for the price of three is the last pit: it's invisible. If you push the button below, everything's ok, if you walk over the 3rd pit first, you will notice ;-)

Well the bug with the doorframe is not cool, but that's where the demo ends anyway....

The jammed door for the archmage is a good idea. I think I can implement that.

I think a worm generator would be a nice thing.

I think too it may be a bug in RTC that monsters tend to shoot their lightning or fireball against walls and kill themselves. Especially the Eye God tends to commit suicide. I even had it appear by generator trigger so it doesn't have time to kill itself, but obviously that didn't work...

And I should put some triggers and relays in the area before the party descends to the apparition, so that the King says something about getting his daughter before descending or something like that...

Maybe I'll fill up the long corridors with something interesting to collect and some more monsters, so you won't get bored :)

Thanks again for your in-depth review. Stay tuned for the final version!
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Post by George Gilbert »

Anyway, creature bug possibly caused by the engine - I am playing with an RTC beta for 0.41 (not the one with the record feature, one just before) and I have found wto creatures that seems to have spontaneously died - one was beyond the archmage's room (actually, it was fine, but when locked inthe mage's room and came back to later, was dead) and one was the eye god (found the eye, never saw the god). It soudns like a creature killing itself with a spell attack if there is a LOS but not a path to it..except this hasn't been introduced yet!
Yes, this is the same bug as the monsters fireballing doors one (and so now fixed in V0.42).
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Post by Joramun »


-I'm stuck, I have all 4 party members, went down to the fireball corridor (did not pass it, though), I went to emerald also.
-The king (1st one I found) died really fast fighting the second skeletton. I still received his messages, though. Also no VI altar...
-Graphics are ok, and I disagree with others, probably because my method of exploration is different : I go everywhere I can before trying keys and gongs and things like that, so I was fully armed against the ghost armor.
- For the gong and horn of fear : first thing I tried was the attack action, so I killed myself the first time using summon in front on the gong, and I blew the horn stupidly in front of the armory before clicking on it.
- The symal into the fountain now looks obvious/logical (princess neck = necklace, find it without any help) but only once you have found the necklace.
- Didn't find anything looking like worms.
- Didn't find any jewel to open all those jewel locks
- Can't open a few doors (I have cross and master key) (I think they have the double-rectangle-outlined lock)
- Can't open the grey door on the left in the beginning (no lock)
- Garden seems completely useless. The first key should be somewhere logical, not just lying on the ground.

Good job, anyway.
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Post by Trakl »

Joramund wrote: -The king (1st one I found) died really fast fighting the second skeletton. I still received his messages, though. Also no VI altar...
No bug. That's the first real challenge. With the Horn of Fear you can also make them go away. I don't use VI Altars. I use resume buttons ;-).
- Didn't find anything looking like worms.
- Didn't find any jewel to open all those jewel locks
- Can't open a few doors (I have cross and master key) (I think they have the double-rectangle-outlined lock)
- Can't open the grey door on the left in the beginning (no lock)
- Garden seems completely useless. The first key should be somewhere logical, not just lying on the ground.
Good job, anyway.
That's the problem: you probably missed the secret door in the second prison. (Near where you found Kom). There is also one in the Armour section of the armoury. You will find Githram's Gem. You can use it for various short cuts in the prison (gem locks will open walls).
Look for the secret button in the dining hall (behind a tapestry). You will be able to open the entrance to Githram's lab.
There you will find worms and other useful stuff. Then go back to the fireball corridor and try summoning Githram, he'll help you.
Still a long way to go! Have fun!
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Post by Joramun »

Nope. I've explored everything near Kom's mirror, besides the corridor of fireballs and a door without lock/crack/anything, and the I can't open in the second prison, ...

No gem also. I knew of the lab. Also for some reason I am carrying a tapestry ??
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Post by Trakl »

You definitely have to open the secret wall. It's just on the way to the stairs that lead to the fireball corridor.
Look for a small switch. This is important. I tested it multiple times. It works and you will find it if you look for it.
The tapestry is just rubbish. You can leave it there, it was just to cover the stuff on the floor.
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