This is an archive of posts from the Unofficial Dungeon Master website, run by Daniel Durgan. It was the first DM web site and disappeared from the web in 2000. This archive is for reference only.
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Post by +Louise »

Please, help a poor french girl to continue her favorite game... I'm at the level 6, just after the riddle room. When I go on the right after it, I'm stuck in the final room, where there's two pressure plates, a pit and a force field... I hope you all understood me and that you are gonna tell me how to get rid of this dammned room!! thanks a lot Louise


Post by +Paul »

If it's the room I think it is, there is also a door. Walk to the wall where a switch is.(in front of door) Make sure the force field is off. Put an object (axe, ect.) on the ground where the field is. Turn around and turn on the force field. It will move the item to open the door and your done.

Post by +Niklas »

Another way to solve that puzzle is facing the lever, with the teleporter on, pulling the lever and immediately running backward (got to be quick). This will teleport you to the pressure plate, where you can close the pit, and the teleporter will be turned off-you can just walk past and collect the key. I think this is the fastest way. :-)