The Loch Ness Monster/Cryptozoology thread

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The Loch Ness Monster/Cryptozoology thread

Post by lord soth 75 »

Can ANYONE explain what that is,in this video?

And is there any way that the footage could be enhanced? Computer programme ect?

Thanks in advance.
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Re: The Loch Ness Monster/Cryptozoology thread

Post by Gambit37 »

Probably an otter. The footage is so bad quality, it's impossible to tell. People who take these sorts of "proof of a myth" videos do them in deliberately bad quality to avoid scrutiny...
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Re: The Loch Ness Monster/Cryptozoology thread

Post by Jan »

It's apparently the "Gill Man" from "X-COM: Terror from the Deep". He seems to be checking the weather on the surface of the Gulf of Mexico (above his very secret base at the bottom of the sea). I think it's quite clear. And, no, the video has not been enhanced. Nobody would dare to enhance a footage like this - especially when it's so clear that there's no need to do it.
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Re: The Loch Ness Monster/Cryptozoology thread

Post by Sophia »

They should take these videos and pass them through whatever image enhancement algorithm they use on CSI that lets them get a perfectly clear license plate from two pixels in a blurry mirror image off to the side of one frame of security camera footage. It would clear everything up!
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Re: The Loch Ness Monster/Cryptozoology thread

Post by beowuuf »

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Re: The Loch Ness Monster/Cryptozoology thread

Post by raixel »

LOL Jan.

And *sigh*. OK I could see the reason for blurry, shaky film in like the 60-70s when full color self-contained vid cameras had just come out, were naturally low res anyway and were the size of me, so kinda hard to hold up. But now? Come *on*. My dad has an 8 year old camera about 4 in on a side with NIGHTVISION capabilities, a 3 in fold out screen and other stuff. Its also real hi-res. So in 2002 theres no excuse for blurry shaky film.

I agree with Gambit, the blurryness was intentional. Looks like a dog, or even a person in a wet-suit.
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Re: The Loch Ness Monster/Cryptozoology thread

Post by lord soth 75 »

Gambit37 wrote:Probably an otter. The footage is so bad quality, it's impossible to tell. People who take these sorts of "proof of a myth" videos do them in deliberately bad quality to avoid scrutiny...
When the vid begins,you can clearly see a commotion going on at the surface of the Loch from what appears to be a couple of miles.The camera then zooms in,and the picture quality gets worse.
Surely an otter dabbling around in the middle of a lake wouldn't be so visible from that distance.And if it is an otter...its a bloody big one.

Is there any computer software available that i could use that would enable me to make the image in this video clearer? Or something that would let me take frame by frame pics?
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Re: The Loch Ness Monster/Cryptozoology thread

Post by beowuuf »

It is loch ness - even a monster breaking the water wouldn't really be visible from any distance, so it has to be something reasonable close. And you can't really do anything with the youtube video, because they are already messing around with it in the video, and so the final 'proof' part is a heavily messed around with thing were the contrast lets you blur it and sharpen it to be anything.

You cna simply screen capture your screen and play with the picture in any paintshop/photoshop package.
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Re: The Loch Ness Monster/Cryptozoology thread

Post by raixel »

Hm. Growing up and living where I do, ive seen orcas, otters, seals, and sea lions. This isnt an otter. It could be a seal or sea lion, but as I know nothing about the native wildlife, I dont know if those kind of creatures live there.

I seriously wish Nessie(s) existed. That would be so cool. But, based on what I know about biology, even if it was possible that a few pleiasaur(sp?) descended creatures managed to survive this long in a giant lake, there was no way there would be enough of them to support a viable breeding population. If enough of them existed that they had a self sustaining population, they would have been sighted more than just a whoa, blurry footage of a head popping out of a lake that pops up every few years.

Here, dead whales of various species get washed up on beaches in Puget Sound at least once a year, if not more. And there arent that many native whale pods, and the ones there are, are carefully watched and documented. And still, a while carcass or two will be found somewhere. So, therefore if there were some kind of water-based reptile like creature of that size living there, in a sustainable population, there would be evidence, and I mean more than a shaky low res video. Period.
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Re: The Loch Ness Monster/Cryptozoology thread

Post by lord soth 75 »

@ raixel
I exchanged a few messages with the person who uploaded that video to youtube,and he says that he is 95% certain that there is an undiscovered species in the loch.
The hot bed of sightings seems to take place at Urquart Castle,and many of the eye witness reports say that 'whatever it is' is not reptilian.
Many reports say that it is around 15 foot long,with a long neck and a head that is similar to a sheep,or Goat.
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Re: The Loch Ness Monster/Cryptozoology thread

Post by Jan »

It's interesting that every time someone takes a picture / video of a Loch Ness Monster, UFO or a reasonable politician, it's so blurred and bad that you can't see anything from it. Every other stupid home video they make has a super-quality of course.
lord soth 75 wrote:he is 95% certain that there is an undiscovered species in the loch
:lol: That proves a lot. Is it on Wikipedia, by the way - that would be a definite prove? :wink:
lord soth 75 wrote:Many reports say that it is around 15 foot long,with a long neck and a head that is similar to a sheep,or Goat.
:lol: Or a giraffe prehaps?

Oh, wait, you're not serious, are you? :shock:
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Re: The Loch Ness Monster/Cryptozoology thread

Post by Gambit37 »

There's nothing that big living in Loch Ness, there have been enough sonar and deep level scanning expeditions that have yielded nothing of that size. All these silly videos and theories are just bunkum.
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Re: The Loch Ness Monster/Cryptozoology thread

Post by Zyx »

A brief, messy, shaky, coarse grained, bad quality, possibly edited video clip of an undefined place with no scale reference only works as a proof if your urge to believe is stronger than your reason. If you have this tendency, i would recommend reinforcing your scientific mind to avoid delusional situations, unless you're ok with people specialized in exploiting this trait.

The Loch Ness has a low density of food. I don't think it can sustain a pleiosaure-like creature. A specialized biologist could do the calculus.
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Re: The Loch Ness Monster/Cryptozoology thread

Post by lord soth 75 »

Zyx wrote:A brief, messy, shaky, coarse grained, bad quality, possibly edited video clip of an undefined place with no scale reference only works as a proof if your urge to believe is stronger than your reason. If you have this tendency, i would recommend reinforcing your scientific mind to avoid delusional situations, unless you're ok with people specialized in exploiting this trait.

The Loch Ness has a low density of food. I don't think it can sustain a pleiosaure-like creature. A specialized biologist could do the calculus.

I have never been interested in loch ness until i saw that video on youtube a few days back.
Since watching it,i have looked at the history of these sightings and the history of the area itself.

The idea that a dinosaur is swimming around in that loch is absurd.I agree.
But....That video clearly shows something big on the surface of the loch.That's why i started this thread.
You mention 'lack of scale'. The video when it first begins,clearly shows land on the other side of the loch.The vid was filmed from Urquart castle car park,and the object in the water is at least a mile away from the camera.
An otter...bird....or even a human....would not be as visible from that distance.

The vid would be better if the camera didn't zoom in.

The food source argument is only valid is we assume that 'whatever it is' is a carnivore.
There have been sightings of these things eating the lichen or moss of the rocky outcrops of the cliffs of Urquart Bay .

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Re: The Loch Ness Monster/Cryptozoology thread

Post by Zyx »

About the scale reference, the landscape could be a model. The creature could be man-made (look at the second part: Filters could have been applied to the video to hide the forgery.
The quality of the video doesn't allow to distinguish a fake from a mistake from an authentic creature.

About knowledge, I think that when dealing with muddy evidence, we can't conclude anything.

As for an herbivorous huge creature in the Loch Ness, it's possible, but not with a plesiosaurus shape (aquatic long necks, long heads with front eyes are for catching preys).
Just my 2p, I have investigated Nessie in my youth and couldn't find any reliable evidence.
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