Cannot find the entrance to DAIN with flying snakes

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Cannot find the entrance to DAIN with flying snakes

Post by luke41 »


It happened to me once before playing CSB, now again: I cannot enter the DAIN area with flying snakes, water elementals, a lot of pits etc. - and the ruby key.
Every time I enter into the blue fog and choose DAIN, I end up either before the "crossing of oitus" (how I call it), or before the room where I killed all the flying claws. No way to end up on the way leading to the water elementals / non-material / slimy monster - room (which leads to snake room with many pits). Sometimes I manage to get into the skort corridor with the staff and the teleporter, and end up in the other part of the "oitu"-crossing, which does not help.
I already finished two upper levels (KU and ROS I think - the southern one from DDD) - but now I am completely stuck. Is it pure luck to get there (or: a probability of 5%), or is there any trigger to open this way? I remember that the times playing CSB when I got there in past, I did nothing special before - I just ended up in that way...
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Re: Cannot find the entrance to DAIN with flying snakes

Post by Paul Stevens »

As with all things CSB....there are many ways.

You want to get there via the junction.
You need to understand the junction.
You enter the junction and are standing before a niche in the wall.
As you go down the hallway, you encounter two invisible
teleporters. They turn off and on very regularly. So there
are three paths:
1) Enter the first telporter and wait.
2) Wait for the teleporters to be off, step through the first
teleporter, stop in the second teleporter, and wait.
3) Wait for the teleporters to be off and dash through both
teleporters to the hallway past the teleporters.

Here is how I wait for the teleporters to be off. I place
an object in the cell just in front of me and wait. If it
does not disappear then step forward and repeat. If it
does disappear, then the teleporters will be off for a
moment and I can dash through.

Those flying snakes are Coatls.
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Re: Cannot find the entrance to DAIN with flying snakes

Post by Saumun »

You can get up to the Couatl/Pit room from wherever you end up when you enter dain from the Junction of the ways. Are you referring to the smallish room with water elementals and rives? If so, (and if you're at the oitu crossing) go through the western gate, then north through the blue hazes and up the stairs. It is pretty straight forward from there.

As Paul said, there are two invisible and silent teleports a few paces into the each corridor after the junction. In dain, one takes you to the Munchers (flying claws), and one takes you close to the place you want to go (near the Couatl/Pit room). Avoiding both takes you to the Oitu crossing. But as i said above, you can still get there by going through the western gate at the crossing.
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Re: Cannot find the entrance to DAIN with flying snakes

Post by Jan »

As others said, the JoW can lead you to three places:

1. The Muncher Room - go back through the appearing and disappearing teleporter at the staff to the "spider crossing".

2. A corridor leading directly to the "ghost room" (a pyramide-shape room with rives and flying fireballs) - it serves as an "entrance hall" to the "flying snake room" (yuck!) where you want to go.

3. The "spider crossing" - just go up and up and up and sooner or later you come to the "ghost room". The "spider crossing" can get confusing - you need either a compass or you need to know that the right way from the crossing leads through the portcullis with a small
poodle of water
behind it. :wink: From the "spider crossing" continue through the
"teleporter maze"
upstairs and through the
"laughing pit"
area and through the
to the large
"water elemental and rive hall"
upstairs and along the corridor directly to the "ghost room".
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Re: Cannot find the entrance to DAIN with flying snakes

Post by luke41 »

Thanks all 3 of you!

First, sorry for my own descriptions for some creatures and places: It comes from the first time playing DM & CSB on my Atari ST, when I could not know how to call all monsters, there were no websites or forums describing them, and you cannot get the name by taking them and putting on your eye to get the name. That's why I still call them "flying snakes", "flying claws", "spiders", "stone piles", "mushrooms" etc. :-)

My problem after stepping into do DAIN way is that I cannot see any teleporters - I just "feel" there must be some in the corridor. So as Paul suggested, the best way is to place objects, and wait: the only way to "see" the teleporters on/off.

The alternative way with "western gate" of oitu-crossing: I walked there many times, ending in the room with many raves and water elementals. But this is for me the ONLY place in CSB there i NEVER succeeded to pass (not to mention killing all creatures...)...

@ Jan: the "oitu-crossing" is not confusing for me, I always leave there some different objects, and later can recognize the way I have to go (similar trick with the JunctionOfWays). But - when in the muncher room, I never see any teleporter in the corridor, and walking back from the room to the corridor never teleports me anywhere...

But meanwile I made it : by trying over and over and over. One thing I did was WAITING some seconds in front of the "DAIN"-letters on the wall - then it often worked to get thru to the "my" DAIN way. Maybe the reason is: the time first teleporte was off, the second on...
Sometimes I think there is some special "dungeon-trigger": Post a problem to the forum, after that the problem resolves somehow before you get answers :-)
Thanks a lot though, the DAIN way was the hardest for me (since I play only with one DM-reimported champion)
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Re: Cannot find the entrance to DAIN with flying snakes

Post by awakeningcry »

The Rive level is without a doubt (for me) the hardest part of CSB. If you choose the DAIN path last, you may have picked up along your way a Staff of Irra and a Yew Staff, both capable of casting dispell, although for a limited amount of uses. You should also have in your inventory a Vorpal Blade. The trick is to not stand on the pressure pad that closes the gate behind you. However, you'd be amazed at how many Rives there actually are; I'd recommend sleeping, just to entice them to attack you so that you don't have to get trapped in that room.
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