weird scoll on CSB

This is an archive of posts from the Unofficial Dungeon Master website, run by Daniel Durgan. It was the first DM web site and disappeared from the web in 2000. This archive is for reference only.
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weird scoll on CSB

Post by +Gallian »

I'm not sure if anyone remembers...I cant really, but there was a scroll with like latin or something on it in CSB? Nobody at the time new what it meant? It's been so long that I cant tell you anything else about it except I remember it saying something like 'aquirias' water? Sorry if this sounds vague, buts it's been on my mind for years! =)

Post by +Francis »

It's found in a chest just beyond the vexirk (jawa) room, near a staircase leading down. "GRYNIX ERNUM QUEY KI SKEBOW REDNIM U OS DEY WEFNA ENOCARN AQUANTANA" is definitely not Latin, except for "GRYNIX", which could be a compound word meaning "crumb-snow". It's probably either a complex code or just a red herring, like the green gem thing in DM probably is.

Post by +GG »

"GRYNYX..." document is in the ST version only and the green gem trick as well (I'm writting now about CSB and not about DM).