Do not underestimate the value of boxing monsters!!!

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Do not underestimate the value of boxing monsters!!!

Post by kaosthafeared »

Lot of people complain about how hard it is to raise levels for this skill however I found it at end game to be the most invaluable of all my skills.

On my solo gothmog I found myself using less and less of my inquistor and more and more barefisting..

Here is where it shines... when your facing mobs that your having trouble hitting with high damage attacks or almost nuke proof... You are better off saving the mana you were using to nuke with and make a handful of heal pots and box tanking.

While beserk on lower ac monsters can have some very high damage... it also has a very high wait time....

During that time you could of tossed over 15 punches (depending how fast you can mash that mouse button) or more. 15 punches at say 0-10 damage on usual... is average 75 damage. ( 150/2) That sure is a lot more impressive then that 19-40 damage beserk (assuming monster has high ac such as golem) you just pulled off.

My 460 hitpoint wizard was able to tank monsters solo that normally a group would have trouble with using no more then 2 heal pots tops. (maybe 3 if injury occured)

Hope this helps some of you out!
If it moves, KILL IT!!
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