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DM Story

Post by beowuuf »

I had a stab at this, narrating/storytelling using the DM dungeon like BFS and Ameena. Despite my good intentions its fairly straight and uninspired in some places, and VERY wordy in others : ) If I were ever doign a DM novel I would certianly base it on chunks of this it much better...

I've only done to the end of level 2, but that's came to about 80 odd pages! It's gone very differnet from the DM dungoen from about half way through, but I don't know if I'll continue it further (then again, getting ideas for level 3...). I've cut the full story into sections of 3 - 20 pages, here's the first four evened out into around 7 - 12 page chunks : )

I've basically done it for my own amusement, but if anyone wants to see the rest after wading through this, then I can spellcheck and put up the rest.

Part 1: Falling Together, Falling Apart - champions rise, people talk
Part 2: Minions of Chaos, Champions of Theron - people still talk...
Part 3: The Cupboard is Bare - people talk about dungeon mechanics...
Part 4: First Encounters - woohoo! monsters! : )
Part 5: Theron's First Challenge - woohoo! A puzzle! Theron steps up...
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Post by Ameena »

Just acknowledging that I have seen your post and that I WILL read the whole story eventually. It'll probably take a couple of weeks as I'm unlikely to do any reading at home unless I've got nothing else to do on the computer. So it'll wait till I'm back at college and then be dependent on whether the Net is working at speed, and whether I get time to read it after doing other stuff. But I'll post up here, perhaps, as I get through each part or something, and certainly when I've read the lot :).
Ameena, self-declared Wordweaver, Beastmaker, Thoughtbringer, and great smegger of dungeon editing!
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Post by beowuuf »

lol, don't stress about it : ) be more interestign for you to keep goign with yours anyway!
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Post by Ameena »

Can't get on with that till I'm back at college either :P Next week, that is.
Btw did like my last poem? No-one's replied to it so you probably all died of boredom halfway through ;).
Ameena, self-declared Wordweaver, Beastmaker, Thoughtbringer, and great smegger of dungeon editing!
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Post by beowuuf »

lol, i like everything you have produced so far, just sometimes i am at work when i read them... : ) poor doors...the dungeons most abused and ignored inhabitants with a rich life and heritage!
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Post by Ameena »

Lol. I did forget to mention those doors who get bashed/fireballed simply because they have no button or keyhole near them, then couldn't be arsed to add it in somewhere afterwards 'cause I'd already written the poem.
Unless you have any further requests, I won't be writing any more till I'm back at college next week.
Ameena, self-declared Wordweaver, Beastmaker, Thoughtbringer, and great smegger of dungeon editing!
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Post by Ameena »

Hehe just started reading your story now Beo...was the mention of "Riddles in the dark" deliberate or coincidental? :).
Will post again probably very soon when I finish Part 1, then see if I can be arsed to read on tonight (it's nearly 1am atm).
Ameena, self-declared Wordweaver, Beastmaker, Thoughtbringer, and great smegger of dungeon editing!
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Post by Ameena »

Just finished Part so far...cliffhanger ending hehe ;). I see a few similarities with my story, the most obvious being the use of Gothmog and Wuuf. Weird how a lot of people seem to like the same characters, even if we think of/portray them in different ways.
There were afew spelling/grammatical errors here and there but they didn't get in the way of the story - I could still see what you meant. I kind of got confused as to how/where exactly everyone was standing, but I can probably just think around it :).
Now to read Part 2...
Ameena, self-declared Wordweaver, Beastmaker, Thoughtbringer, and great smegger of dungeon editing!
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Post by beowuuf »

lol, riddles in the dark, i liked harkening to tolkein for no good reason : )

and lol, yeah, i think i mentioend soemwhere how weird it was how similar things get focused on : )
the party is almost what i would normally take, but i decided i wanted gothmog as i liked the cows idea of him as chaos's apprentice rather than stamm, who has nothing interestign about him so no good character hooks in keeping with the mythology : )

yeah, i haven't polished just have to imagine Zed standing where he is, at his mirror, wuuf to his left, gothmog driftign from the right, then halk coming in from far right...
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Post by Ameena »

They're still at Zed's mirror? I thought that, but then he went and looked into it and saw Iaido...or was that across the corridor or something? Since I never use either of those characters, I've never really memorised their locations, lol :).
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Post by beowuuf »

yeah, he is like two steps opposite...i had him get turned around in the confusion, but he is in that area

and lol, i skimped on the descriptions alot since i guessed people would have played it alot...if (when? i was redoing it i'd cut alot out, then add some more descriptions etc : )
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Post by Ameena »

Finished reading it...somehow it didn't feel like 90 pages or whatever it was...more like 30 or something lol.
I like this sentence - "Zed he allowed to go first in honour of killing the door."...I just found it amusing hehe :).
Was a good story, though it was a bit confusing at times as to who was thinking what and why, but that's probably the idea. I kind of hope Wuuf reverts to his original name, 'cause "Argus" just doesn't suit him, I think. He's still pretty cute though, hehe, kinda like my Fippy :).
Think I'll finish checking through my Level Three now...should post it up soon :).
Ameena, self-declared Wordweaver, Beastmaker, Thoughtbringer, and great smegger of dungeon editing!
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Post by beowuuf »

lol, it is only 30 or so
aww, its just my bad writing that who is sayign what is confusing...i need to tighten it up if i was seriously tryign to make it into a novel...who knows, one day...
there is another entire set of sections that takes you to the end of level 2
and i have already about 5 -7 pages of my own level 3!
the rest completely changes the context of the dungeon while actually leaving the objects the same ...if you see what i mean...

and as for wuuf...hehehehehhehehehehehehehe
though that isn't until level4, which i will never do, so *shrug* no one will ever know/care

but yes, post up your own level 3! it will be weird to see the similarities again, but post post post
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Post by Ameena »

I was gonna do it like I said in the previous post, but I forgot we haven't reinstalled Microsoft Office on here again and Dad said nothing is to be installed or messed around with till he does another system reformat to get the comp back to what it was before we tried DLing DOSbox.
So although I e-mailed the story to myself from college, it'll have to wait till the weekend or something so I can sort it, seeing as college is closed today due to the snow/ice (woohoo!), and may be tomorrow...
Ameena, self-declared Wordweaver, Beastmaker, Thoughtbringer, and great smegger of dungeon editing!
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