Level 4 pit room

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Level 4 pit room

Post by flirtylin »

Even after reading the walkthrough i cant do this room. Can someone please tell me how to do this in step by step instructions....would be very grateful...thanks
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Post by Ameena »

Level 4...I take it that's numbering not counting the HoC...
I know how to get from the entrance to the back right corner, but getting to the other corner I normally get by just running around (and falling down the pits a few times) loads of times until I hit on the right sequence of squares to stand in. To get to the first corner, I believe the sequence is as follows - Forward, forward, forward, back, left, forward, left, left. That's from my hint book and I'm sure it's right. However, the answer it gives to get you from that corner across to the other one doesn't work and I can't exactly remember what it is since I get it by trial-and-error myself. Just watch out for Flying Snakes - a new one seems to spawn when you step in...erm...one of the squares...might be the middle one, but you can hear 'em coming anyway.
Ameena, self-declared Wordweaver, Beastmaker, Thoughtbringer, and great smegger of dungeon editing!

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Post by beowuuf »

You really need to get to the back right corner to get to the left corner, as there is a key triggering pad somewhere.

Usually slide up the right hand wall, then move right across to the lef side opening after, watch out for the snake, and you should be able to spot the pit triggers.
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