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Re: RTCWM - RTC Wallset Maker (current version 0.2)

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 12:04 am
by ebeneezergude
Is there a "correct" list of what the co-ordinates should be for any given bitmap? It looks like RTCWM controls the co-ordinates from within the programme when 'generate RTC code' is used.

Do you make your own bitmaps? If so, what method / programme do you use?

Is there an archive of what the standard DM bitmaps should look like? I suspect I don't know exactly what each bitmaps is supposed to look like and what RTCWM objects I am supposed to turn on when pressing 'save bitmap'. It would be great to compare the standard DM bitmap for, say, WALL_FRONT3 with the output I am creating.

Re: RTCWM - RTC Wallset Maker (current version 0.2)

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 9:20 am
by Seriously Unserious
When you load up the RTC editor, you should be able to find all graphics used in RTC, including all the standard wallsets taken from DM,/CSB, and DM2:skullkeep, by going into Resources -> Add/Replace Graphics and look for the graphics for the part of whatever wallset you want to look up. I usually use this to get an idea of what offsets I need for a new image I'm importing by using a similar image that's already correct as a starting point, then just refine it a bit from there.

Re: RTCWM - RTC Wallset Maker (current version 0.2)

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 10:03 am
by Gambit37
I'd agree with Seriously, that's probably the simplest way of finding out graphics sizes and offsets. RTC has a slightly odd way of positioning things on screen which isn't always intuitive.
ebeneezergude wrote:Do you make your own bitmaps? If so, what method / programme do you use?
Yes, PhotoShop. Plus 20 years experience ;-)

Re: RTCWM - RTC Wallset Maker (current version 0.2)

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 10:32 am
by linflas
ebeneezergude wrote:Is there a "correct" list of what the co-ordinates should be for any given bitmap? It looks like RTCWM controls the co-ordinates from within the programme when 'generate RTC code' is used.
RTCWM has its own set of coordinates because it displays a real 3d scene. RTC (CSB) perspective is wrong and cannot perfectly be done in real 3d. RTCWM reproduces it as close as possible but not perfect. All this means that if you make a wallset with RTCWM, you must stick with its values and not mix with RTC values for all "architectural" stuff.

EDIT : and you can ajdust almost everything which is not architectural with RTCIP...

Re: RTCWM - RTC Wallset Maker (current version 0.2)

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 11:14 am
by Seriously Unserious
ebeneezergude wrote: Do you make your own bitmaps? If so, what method / programme do you use?
Although I try to avoid working with graphics as much as possible, when I do need to edit/create bitmaps I use the free version of Ultimate Paint. What I like about it is that I can save the palate so I've managed to get the classic 16 colour DM palate saved so when I want classic DM style graphics I just load that palate and work with the colours available in there.

Re: RTCWM - RTC Wallset Maker (current version 0.2)

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 11:47 am
by linflas
ebeneezergude wrote:Is there an archive of what the standard DM bitmaps should look like? I suspect I don't know exactly what each bitmaps is supposed to look like and what RTCWM objects I am supposed to turn on when pressing 'save bitmap'. It would be great to compare the standard DM bitmap for, say, WALL_FRONT3 with the output I am creating.
For WALL_FRONT3, Walls must be shown. You can view what wallset bitmaps actually look like into RTC Editor > Resources > Create new wallset.

Re: RTCWM - RTC Wallset Maker (current version 0.2)

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 10:42 pm
by ebeneezergude
First of all, thanks to all for the responses to my questions (Gambit thx for taking time to look at my files, appreciate it).

Am now getting somewhere. I have been tweaking the co-ords, to make the bitmaps sit in the right spot. Linflas thx for the tip on RTC create new wallset - I hadn't delved into that part of RTC before, very useful to be able to see what the base DM textures are supposed to appear like.

A few problems:

First, some bitmaps I just can't find the right co-ords for, despite matching what RTC says they should be.

Second, when I walk down a long corridor with my wallset applied, for some reason I see wall a few blocks in front of me when all I should really see is blackness in the distance. (Imagine in the base graphics wallset, assuming adequate lighting, you're looking down a 4-10 block long corridor, you see blackness ahead, with the walls and floor disappearing off into the darkness). I see a wall texture always a few blocks in front. Have checked the texture output and all seems correct. Thought it might be something to do with WALL_FRONT1/2/3 bitmaps, but having compared my bitmaps to the RTC WALL_FRONT bitmaps, they are all are shown as wall bitmaps; the ones I exported from RTCWM seem to be correct and the same as RTC previews of base DM bitmaps.
EDIT: is it something to do with fog settings? Is there a recommended default setting?

Re: RTCWM - RTC Wallset Maker (current version 0.2)

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 10:54 pm
by Gambit37
I mentioned before that you've captured your ceiling with walls showing. That's what you're seeing. RTCWM also doesn't quite capture floors right either so you may need to edit both of these by blacking out all the bits you don't need. As the bitmaps are very dark, you may need to add a brightness adjustment layer over the top to see where the problems are (if you use Photoshop).

Re: RTCWM - RTC Wallset Maker (current version 0.2)

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 8:53 am
by ebeneezergude
Have solved the issue, it was to do with left and side wall co-ords being incorrect and making it appear as if there is a flat wall in front. Not sure why the co-ords went off placement however, it was like they had been changed somehow automatically between saves and exports. But now have a handle on the process! :D

Re: RTCWM - RTC Wallset Maker (current version 0.2)

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 9:14 am
by Seriously Unserious
Also remember that you can go into Resources -> Add/Replace Graphics in RTC Editor to get a handle on the offsets and other graphic settings as well. All the base graphics for wall sets, monsters, items and everything is in there. So look in there to get a feel for the approximate sizing and offsets you need for any graphics you're importing, whether they're for a wall set or something else.

EDIT: I know I said it before, but I'll say it again, I hope you share your dungeon with the rest of us when you're done.

Re: RTCWM - RTC Wallset Maker (current version 0.2)

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 11:50 am
by ebeneezergude
will certainly share my dungeon if it's any good. But that's a big 'if'... ;-)

Is there a way to extract the standard bitmaps to use as a base for customised bitmaps? Whilst RTC displays them in the application window, I couldn't see where they are stored other than in the graphics.dat files

Re: RTCWM - RTC Wallset Maker (current version 0.2)

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 1:27 pm
by Gambit37
Nope, no way to extract from RTC.

However, you can screen grab anything in the resources window that's shown at 100% or 50% and paste that into your graphics program. Don't forget to double the size of the fifty percent ones.

Re: RTCWM - RTC Wallset Maker (current version 0.2)

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 8:42 pm
by Seriously Unserious
Also, if you are doubling the size of the 50% ones, be careful that the program you are editing them in doesn't anti-alias them, as that can create a pink halo around your modified graphics. I got burned by this myself in my custom dungeon and had to go back and fix it.

Re: RTCWM - RTC Wallset Maker (current version 0.2)

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 10:18 pm
by ebeneezergude
So, have got replacing graphics/bitmaps working (thanks to you guys..), next question, is it possible to change the wall text graphics? Am experimenting with a dark wallset, which generally means I need to darken some of the standard graphics (skeletons look really bright on dark background, for example). Standard wall text stands out really brightly, I can't seem to see a bitmap for it (in RTC or in DSB). Anyone?

Edit : Ps, thanks for tip on the anti-aliasing Seriously... I've been burnt also on that one.

Edit: Actually, have found the graphic, called WALL_FONT. Thanks anyway :wink:

Re: RTCWM - RTC Wallset Maker (current version 0.2)

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 9:19 pm
by ebeneezergude
Ok another query if you'd be so kind.... :-)

Short version: how do I acheive the high ceilings effect, and what are the correct coordinates for the ceiling bitmaps?

Long version: Am having difficulty getting the ceiling bitmap to place correctly. On my first test, in RTWM I ticked 'level has high walls' and unticked 'level has roof', in order to get the no ceiling effect. I don't want to see a ceiling or a sky, just have the walls extend into darkness above.

In RTC, in game, I can't see the bitmap that RTCWM makes for the ceiling when I run RTC (custom_ceiling_front0.bmp). All relevant bitmaps are exported, present and correct. So I ran a test using the default RTCWM 'tron' textures into a test dungeon, leaving 'level has high walls' unticked. This displays a ceiling texture with same coordinate values.

Now, given that the 'no ceiling' type of bitmap appears to merely be a redrawn standard ceiling tile - ie, the bitmap is drawn to appear as if the walls are taller, but actually as far as the game engine is concerned, the ceiling bitmap is the same pixel size and placement as a standard ceiling bitmaps, the difference is only in the pixels used in that bitmap, if you follow me - I can't figure out why in my 'no ceilings' dungeon the bitmap is not correctly placed when using the same co-ords for the ceiling bitmap as the 'with ceilings' dungeon, when both have the same co-ordinates for the ceiling bitmap.


how do I acheive the high ceilings effect, and what are the correct coordinates for the ceiling bitmaps?

Thanks, and sorry it's such a big query... :-)

Re: RTCWM - RTC Wallset Maker (current version 0.2)

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 9:37 pm
by Gambit37
All I know is that the bitmaps that RTCWM generates for tall walls aren't correct, because it doesn't actually come with the right masks for creating tall-wall bitmaps. You can set that tall wall setting in the tool, and can preview the effect, but it won't actually export them correctly as tall walls, so whatever you're doing with exported bitmaps is not what you think is happening....

You've got lots of manual bitmap editing and trial-and-error positioning ahead I'm afraid....

Re: RTCWM - RTC Wallset Maker (current version 0.2)

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 10:35 pm
by ebeneezergude
In RTCWM I think I've nailed all the coords apart from the ceilings. Presumably someone has managed to 'translate' all the required co-ords for each bitmap type to ensure RTCWM to RTC is correctly registered in the dungeon.txt? All someone would need to do is replace the co-ords in the dungeon text file once and use for all projects?

Re: RTCWM - RTC Wallset Maker (current version 0.2)

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 4:37 pm
by Gambit37
ebeneezergude wrote:In RTCWM I think I've nailed all the coords apart from the ceilings.
Ceilings start at 0,0 and you don't need one for tall-walls as the ceiling would always be solid black.
ebeneezergude wrote:Presumably someone has managed to 'translate' all the required co-ords for each bitmap type to ensure RTCWM to RTC is correctly registered in the dungeon.txt?
Nope, not as far as I know. You're treading new ground.
ebeneezergude wrote:All someone would need to do is replace the co-ords in the dungeon text file once and use for all projects?
Only if you always use walls of exactly the same shape and size. This is rarely the case if you're doing something irregular, such as caves. For example, the DM2 orange caves walls need different offsets.