&TYPE list

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&TYPE list

Post by Zyx »

Is there a quick way to obtain the &TYPE number of all the objects?

EDIT: I found a way. I'll post it in a while.
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Post by Zyx »

Code: Select all

  weapon_EyeOfTime    =  0,
  weapon_StormRing    =  1,
  weapon_Torch        =  2,
  weapon_Flamitt      =  3,
  weapon_StaffOfClaws =  4,
  weapon_Storm        =  5,
  weapon_RaBlade      =  6,
  weapon_TheFirestaffA=  7,
  weapon_Dagger       =  8,
  weapon_Falchion     =  9,
  weapon_Sword        = 10,
  weapon_Rapier       = 11,
  weapon_Biter        = 12,
  weapon_SamuraiSword = 13,
  weapon_SideSplitter = 14,
  weapon_DiamondEdge  = 15,
  weapon_VorpalBlade  = 16,
  weapon_DragonFang   = 17,
  weapon_Axe          = 18,
  weapon_Executioner  = 19,
  weapon_Mace         = 20,
  weapon_MaceOfOrder  = 21,
  weapon_Morningstar  = 22,
  weapon_Club         = 23,
  weapon_StoneClub    = 24,
  weapon_ClawBow      = 25,
  weapon_Crossbow     = 26,
  weapon_Arrow        = 27,
  weapon_Slayer       = 28,
  weapon_Sling        = 29,
  weapon_Rock         = 30,
  weapon_PoisonDart   = 31,
  weapon_ThrowingStar = 32,
  weapon_Stick        = 33,
  weapon_Staff        = 34,
  weapon_Wand         = 35,
  weapon_TeoWand      = 36,
  weapon_YewStaff     = 37,
  weapon_StaffOfIrra  = 38,
  weapon_CrossOfNeta  = 39,
  weapon_SerpentStaff = 40,
  weapon_DragonSpit   = 41,
  weapon_SceptreOfLyf = 42,
  weapon_HornOfFear   = 43,
  weapon_Speedbow     = 44,
  weapon_TheFirestaffB= 45

  clothing_Cape          =  0,
  clothing_CloakOfNight  =  1,
  clothing_TatteredPants =  2,
  clothing_Sandals       =  3,
  clothing_LeatherBoots  =  4,
  clothing_TatteredShirt =  5,
  clothing_Robe          =  6,
  clothing_FineRobeA     =  7,
  clothing_FineRobeB     =  8,
  clothing_Kirtle        =  9,
  clothing_SilkShirt     = 10,
  clothing_Tabard        = 11,
  clothing_Gunna         = 12,
  clothing_ElvenDoublet  = 13,
  clothing_ElvenHuke     = 14,
  clothing_ElvenBoots    = 15,
  clothing_LeatherJerkin = 16,
  clothing_LeatherPants  = 17,
  clothing_SuedeBoots    = 18,
  clothing_BluePants     = 19,
  clothing_Tunic         = 20,
  clothing_Ghi           = 21,
  clothing_GhiTrousers   = 22,
  clothing_Calista       = 23,
  clothing_CrownOfNerra  = 24,
  clothing_BezerkerHelm  = 25,
  clothing_Helmet        = 26,
  clothing_Basinet       = 27,
  clothing_NetaShield    = 28,
  clothing_CrystalShield = 29,
  clothing_WoodenShield  = 30,
  clothing_SmallShield   = 31,
  clothing_MailAketon    = 32,
  clothing_LegMail       = 33,
  clothing_MithralAketon = 34,
  clothing_MithralMail   = 35,
  clothing_CasqueNCoif   = 36,
  clothing_Hosen         = 37,
  clothing_Armet         = 38,
  clothing_TorsoPlate    = 39,
  clothing_LegPlate      = 40,
  clothing_FootPlate     = 41,
  clothing_SarShield     = 42,
  clothing_HelmOfRa      = 43,
  clothing_PlateOfRa     = 44,
  clothing_PoleynOfRa    = 45,
  clothing_GreaveOfRa    = 46,
  clothing_ShieldOfRa    = 47,
  clothing_DragonHelm    = 48,
  clothing_DragonPlate   = 49,
  clothing_DragonPoleyn  = 50,
  clothing_DragonGreave  = 51,
  clothing_DragonShield  = 52,
  clothing_Dexhelm       = 53,
  clothing_Flamebain     = 54,
  clothing_PowerTowers   = 55,
  clothing_BootsOfSpeed  = 56,
  clothing_Halter        = 57


	(Strength: +0 to +255)
  potion_MonPotionA =  0,->0
  potion_UmPotion   =  1,->256
  potion_DesPotion  =  2,->512
  potion_VenPotion  =  3,->768
  potion_SarPotion  =  4,->1024
  potion_ZoPotion   =  5,->1280
  potion_RosPotion  =  6,->1536
  potion_KuPotion   =  7,->1792
  potion_DanePotion =  8,->2048
  potion_NetaPotion =  9,->2304
  potion_AntiVenin  = 10,->2560
  potion_MonPotionB = 11,->2816
  potion_YaPotion   = 12,->3072
  potion_EEPotion   = 13,->3328
  potion_ViPotion   = 14,->3584
  potion_WaterFlask = 15,->3840
  potion_KathBomb   = 16,->4096
  potion_PewBomb    = 17,->5352
  potion_RaBomb     = 18,->4608
  potion_FulBomb    = 19,->4864
  potion_EmptyFlask = 20,->5120


MISCTYPE + 100 000

 misc_Compass        = 0,
 misc_Waterskin      = 1,
 misc_JewelSymal     = 2,
 misc_Illumulet      = 3,
 misc_Ashes          = 4,
 misc_BonesOfHero    = 5, //value = character index
 misc_SarCoin        = 6,
 misc_SilverCoin     = 7,
 misc_GorCoin        = 8,
 misc_IronKey        = 9,
 misc_KeyOfB         = 10,
 misc_SolidKey       = 11,
 misc_SquareKey      = 12,
 misc_TourquoiseKey  = 13,
 misc_CrossKey       = 14,
 misc_OnyxKey        = 15,
 misc_SkeletonKey    = 16,
 misc_GoldKey        = 17,
 misc_WingedKey      = 18,
 misc_TopazKey       = 19,
 misc_SapphireKey    = 20,
 misc_EmeraldKey     = 21,
 misc_RubyKey        = 22,
 misc_RaKey          = 23,
 misc_MasterKey      = 24,
 misc_Boulder        = 25,
 misc_BlueGem        = 26,
 misc_OrangeGem      = 27,
 misc_GreenGem       = 28,
 misc_Apple          = 29,
 misc_Corn           = 30,
 misc_Bread          = 31,
 misc_Cheese         = 32,
 misc_ScreamerSlice  = 33,
 misc_WormRound      = 34,
 misc_Shank          = 35,
 misc_DragonSteak    = 36,
 misc_GemOfAges      = 37,
 misc_EkkhardCross   = 38,
 misc_Moonstone      = 39,
 misc_TheHellion     = 40,
 misc_PendantFeral   = 41,
 misc_MagicalBoxA    = 42,
 misc_MagicalBoxB    = 43,
 misc_MirrorOfDawn   = 44,
 misc_Rope           = 45,
 misc_RabbitsFoot    = 46,
 misc_Corbum         = 47,
 misc_Choker         = 48,
 misc_LockPicks      = 49,
 misc_Magnifier      = 50,
 misc_ZokathraSpell  = 51,
 misc_Bones          = 52
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Post by Zyx »

&TYPE of a magnifier should be:
50 (misc_Magnifier) + 100 000 (MISCTYPE) = 100 050

&TYPE of Antivenin of strength 255 should be:
2560 (AntiVenin) +80000 (POTIONTYPE) + 255 (strength) =82815
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Paul Stevens
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Post by Paul Stevens »

Thank you very much. I think my documentation points to
a non-existent link that should contain this information. But
I never bothered to actually figure it out. I will
put your description there.
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