object conversion

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object conversion

Post by THOM »

can anybody tell me, what the object_conversions


I think STEAL/ THROW are selfexplanatory but the others?

I tried to converse a mushroop by "equip" but the result seems not to be connected with equipping the item - or did I something wrong??

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Post by Sophia »

Equip means what to do when the object is put into the location where it's defined as "equipped." This depends on what the item is for-- weapons are equipped in hand, clothes are equipped when they're worn, and so on. I'm not sure where a mushroom would be "equipped." Perhaps you mean CONVERT_CONSUME.

Unequip is the reverse, it happens when it's taken out of this location.

Examine means when it's pressed to the "eye" icon.
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Post by THOM »

I do not mean consume. I have got two different Ideas:

1 - how to converse a mushroom after picking up from the floor in - lets say - a faded one? (actually I solved this by a trigger on the floor which activates an action-tile -- but maybe there is a more elegant way)

2 - how to converse a weappon if its combined with another on (I don't like the COMBINE method because I would prefer if they both would be pressed together to trigger the action)

How is the Firestaff combined with the powergem? Can't figure that out...

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Post by beowuuf »

Well, since the ultimate DM mechancs are that you swap things out of the hand then you can't say 'oh, I want to combine two items like that ' . That would be like asking to be able to combine thigns with a right mouse button click

I thought about this for adding armour ontop of itself (plate mail ontop of mail aketon, say) and the way to do it would be to check, when one item is equipped, if the other item is in the hand. If so, you would swap to null the item in the hand and swap the other item into a 'combined' version. If the items are to be uncombined, then the unequp would put the original top item into the hand and put the lower item back onto the body (maybe filtered through a relay so this didn't re-trigger the combine) or simply dump both items into the hands/floor

The firestaff with combined with wall trigger mechanics, swapping one item fr another and swapping the wall graphics
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Post by THOM »

I ask myself If I can handle this with the help of a wallobject. They have this convert menu - with 8 slots. but how is this event of wallobjects triggered?
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Post by beowuuf »

NO, convert converts the wallobject itself (on clicking, on exiry) NOT 'coverting objects'
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Post by Sophia »

thom wrote:how to converse a weappon if its combined with another on (I don't like the COMBINE method because I would prefer if they both would be pressed together to trigger the action)
I don't really understand what you're trying to say, but I think what you're getting at can't be done with DM mechanics. Do you mean clicking on one object with another? The standard DM way to handle that is to switch the two objects, and I see no reason to change that.
thom wrote:How is the Firestaff combined with the powergem? Can't figure that out...
This was done in standard DM and existed long before all the SWAP stuff. It doesn't use it. The sealed powergem is simply a wall object. When it's clicked with zokathra, it becomes invisible/destroys itself (I forget which), revealing the exposed powergem, which is simply a different wall object. When the exposed powergem is clicked with the firestaff, it switches to its "no powergem" frame, destroys the firestaff, and RELEASEs a firestaff+gem.
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Post by THOM »

Sophia wrote: Do you mean clicking on one object with another?
Sophia wrote: The standard DM way to handle that is to switch the two objects,
Do you mean that could work? Right at this moment I am doing some stuff with a third object that functions as a trigger for several actions.

But thats a bit complicated. if it's possible to do that easier would be fine.

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Post by beowuuf »

Sophia and my post it very clear. YOu play DM too and know this - you click an object with another object in hand, they swap over - that's a basic funciton, and there is no reason to have the engine do anything else instead of this

I did suggest a way of using equip and checking if the other object is in the mouse to then create your effect, but I don't know if it would work. It would probably be as complicated as your method, and to be fair its a comlicated thng you asked for, so I'd be happy you found a way
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Post by beowuuf »

I played around with this off and on today, there is still a bug with the delay times on combining/decombining an object but it shows the general principles. You did not say how you did it yourself, and if it was anything like the effect you wanted

Haven't made it very portable, but you'd probably want to build it up from scratch anyway.

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Post by THOM »

About my prior Problems and how I did it:
I have got two different Ideas:

1 - how to converse a mushroom after picking up from the floor in - lets say - a faded one? (actually I solved this by a trigger on the floor which activates an action-tile -- but maybe there is a more elegant way)
yes as I said: a trigger on the floor is activated by a mushroom OVER (not on) the trigger. the action is SWAP_In_MOUSE
2 - how to converse a weappon if its combined with another on (I don't like the COMBINE method because I would prefer if they both would be pressed together to trigger the action)
I still have no solution. In fact it is not a weappon in my Dungeon - but I don't want to spoil too much. I am looking for a way to converse an object held in hand into another one by clicking with that object on a second one. In egsample with your mitral and plate: when you click with the mitral on the plate (or the other way round).

I think a good Idea is cloning relays! I have never thought about that. I will try around, hope I'll get a solution.

On the other hand I am now trying around withe a triggering object, say an alcove. looking for a solution to put an object into it and adding another one into it to get object three.

AND to make things as much complicate as possible: what is, if you have more than one object #1 and more that one object #2. and a lot of possibilities for object #3?

Is anybody holding the line??? :roll:

I know: this is a very tricky Idea and the mechanic has to be very tricky and very ambitious...

Don't know if I will ever make it... I will let you know if..


PS: and thanks beowuuf, for your Testdungeon and your brain.
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Post by beowuuf »

The plate/mithril was just how I'd wanted to do soemthing, you can do it both ways - you might need to protct against acidentally triggering the mechanics when you try to seperate the objects - if the objects don'tneed to seperate, then it's all good (if,for example, I was trying to do my mortar and pestal in RTC, I might go for this method where you click directly on the pestal and it fills up with the new ingredient - I wouldn't need to worry about retrieving the item again afterwards)

Cloning relays and action objects and giving them unique names is a standard way to create general effects - note you can also give a mechanic portability to other dungeons if you use this fully (no need to point to actual existing items in a dungeon)

Never forget you have a powerful editing help for RTC - you are editing a text file. If you have alot of mechancs that are basically the same (say possibilities for combining various items) you can copy, paste, and replace certain texts to create a large string of activation objects

Anywaym good luck
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Post by THOM »

Finaly I made it!! :!: :!: :!:

naah - nealy... :

I have 4 Objects (i.e. A, B, C, D) that can be combined in every possible combination. Sometimes you get from that an Object E, F, G. - and you can them combine withe the remaining objects, too.

So I placed on one tile 33 (!) Alcoves, which work as triggers - most of them inactive!
7 are active and triggered by Objects A/B/C/D/E/F/G

i.e. Object A on Alcove#A activates 3 Alcoves (that look as if they would contain A) which are triggered by B/C/D
if they are triggered, they activate an action-tile and several things happen...

to be a little more graphical:

Code: Select all

Alcove#A  +A   =   Alcove(+A)#B    +B  =  x
               =   Alcove(+A)#C    +C  =  y
               =   Alcove(+A)#D    +D  =  z
Thats it!
Was a hard one to figure that out and to get it working. A few things are not mentioned but thats the main-mechanic.
The only sad thing is, that you cannot put other things into that alcoves. In fact they just look like alcoves but are cloned Tapestries! Otherwise the mechanic gets confused because it seems that alcoves are triggers by themself.
I have tried for a solution of that, to put a real alcove (as tile 34) on the same place but now the objects are stored normaly in the alcove and triggers the action just in case of getting them out of the alcove... I decided to loose the normal behaviour of an alcove and be satisfied with my obscure combination-laboratory...

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Post by beowuuf »

Tile order is iomportant - if you put a normal alcove as the last object, i don't beleive it would activate?
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Post by Sophia »

You'd think so, but I had all sorts of trouble with this one, too.

There is a puzzle in one of my dungeons that requires showing items to eyes. You originally had to put them in alcoves, but that never worked right, so I changed the mechanism. ;)
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