Glow-in-the-dark monster

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Glow-in-the-dark monster

Post by Parallax »

I am trying to create a monster that carries its own light source. I can see how to do this by rigging the floor with a trigger that creates light sources on the tile when a monster of that type is present, and removes it when it's gone, but it's cumbersome and inelegant, plus it's bound to create trouble when several monsters end up on the same tile. I'd rather have the light be a property of the monster or an object it is carrying, so it is transferable without having to arrange the hallways especially for it.

I have experimented with light-emitting objects like torches, but they need to be equipped to make light, and so does the Illuminet. Monsters don't seem to be able to equip items.

I have tried the UM_LIGHT attack method for monsters, but they cast it on the party, which is not what I want.

The three ACTION_LIGHT variants take no target.

I've tries creating an item taht expires immediately to a light and put it on the monster, but it remains on the starting tile when the monster moves about

I thought of creating an attack method that would create a light source on the monster, but then I'd end up with a trail of light sources, unless I can find out a way to remove a light source from behind the monster.

So that's where I'm at. If anyone has ideas, please enlighten me (pun intended.)
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Post by Tonari »

I devise two methods.

Trigger and diactive light is put on all tiles within the range that the
monster moves about.
Light of the tile is made active only while the monster is on the trigger.
This method is easy.
However, it is only in the range that the monster has the source of light to
have put the trigger.
Moreover, a lot of items might be needed.

Another method there.
First of all, when the monster moves, light is erased with SWAP_GLOBAL.
(SWAP_LOCAL might be acceptable)
Light is created to monster feet at once afterwards.
The monster has the source of light of the dungeon anywhere in this.
However, if the monster is a plural, the source of light is erased by another monster.
Then, number of monsters and the same should make monster's clone and clone of light.
There are a lot of monsters or if the monster is infinity, it is necessary to
use the first method.
Please forgive poor English.
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Post by Parallax »

Yeah, I figured as much, but thanks.

I ended up going with the rigged floor in the end, with only a constant wieght trigger and a light on each tile it's not too cumbersome, but that means that 4 glowers shine as brightly as one, if they all share one tile, bleh.

Ultimately, the way light is handled, the effect is not what I wanted it to be anyways. Oh well.
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Post by Tonari »

When monsters steps on the trigger, four counter is made active.
Four counter has 1-4 count respectively.
Four counter makes four light active.
Four light is brightness of 1-4monsters respectively.

Because I am not actually testing this method, it doesn't understand whether to work correctly.
Moreover, this method might be troublesome. :)
Please forgive poor English.
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