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Post by Gambit37 »

I've been applying for full-time jobs again, as freelance work has been less than successful.

I applied for a job at a local school -- a Web manager role. Was really interested in this, and felt I had an excellent chance. I didn't get onto the shortlist -- and a friend of mine, who has LESS EXPERIENCE than me, had an interview for it yesterday. I'm not normally a spiteful person, but this really pissed me off! :-(

Bugger, bugger, bugger, bugger, bugger, bugger.
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Post by PicturesInTheDark »

It's not only about experience all the time, maybe he has some soft skills which make him better suited or you simply had someone incompetent deciding it. Whatever way, see it as a chance for something else, there will always be jobs you will like for those who keep looking. You never know what good it will be...

Regards, PitD
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Post by Gambit37 »

That's just it -- he doesn't have any of the soft skills required, and actively seeks to avoid responsibility! I have a lot of project amnagement experience, amd am much more suited to the role than him. I also know that he presents himself very negatively in interviews. I worked with him for five years so I know what he's like. It's doubly frustrating because I almost didn't tell him about the job vacancy -- but eventually did (we were both made redundant at the same time).

You're right though -- there will be something even better out there for me!
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Post by cowsmanaut »

well did you both show content? Ie example web pages?

If so did you show any dungeon master stuff? Is the person looking over this tuff an old biddy? Perhaps your interest in the demon arts made her think you a source of corruption for her children.. bla bla bla.

I know a lot of the time when it comes down to content it could be a simple as apples and oranges.. some people will look at the content and say.. see bumble bee's and flowers and say I like that much more.. I don't care if it's not drawn as well as the other one.. I like bees and flowers.

Had this one person at a local company who supposedly like cute stuff. Now the people being hired would never do cute stuff because th company didn't do those kind of shows. They had powerfull robots and scantily clad women. However, it seemed she maintained a favourable position on cute stuff.

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Post by beowuuf »

that's a very tough break, but you know its not your skills!

it could be you came across as too professional? someone who could do better, so might not stay around if a more attractive offer was available, while your friend perhaps didn't come across as driven, and was someone who might settle for a longer term in that position?
That's the problem with interviews - the interviewer doens't have a flashign sign showing what their prejudices are, and what exactly they are looking for!

and of course laymen always find the strangest thigns impressive or objectionable with anything, uually at odds with how hard or easy it is to make/fix
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Post by Gambit37 »

No, you both missed my comment in the initial post -- I didn't even get an interview, I didn't make it on to the shortlist.

All your points are valid of course: I'm just annoyed that I didn't get an opportunity to actually show any of my stuff (demons or otherwise), and talk about my capabilities. It's especially annoying because my friend who got an interview really does shoot himself in the foot when it comes to selling himself, and he won't take advice from anyone. I just hope that he didn't f*ck this one up; I'll be bloody annoyed with him if he does!
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Post by cowsmanaut »

sorry, I assumed you sent URL's with your resume for them to sample your work.

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Post by Gambit37 »

I sent a CV which has some thumbnails on it and the urls to my current website -- I have no idea whether they looked at it or not.

I'm going to ring them tomorrow to speak to the person who was conducting the interviews, so that I can find out what I failed on.

That's me done for job hunting this year -- just have lost the will now. What a great new year to look forward to.
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Post by cowsmanaut »

bah don't be such a bum face! You're a talented guy and well worth hiring. you should look to some online freelance. Virtual offices are sometimes around.. you could also look to doing interface design for software? Perhaps write up some tutorials on some web based stuff and get them circulating to build up more of a reputation?

Heck write a book on web design with some of those nice designs talk about your approach and some technical things that can be accomplished. Those if they look really nice usually get published.

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Post by Simon »

Sorry to hear it Gambit, good luck towards the future.
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Post by beowuuf »

that's actually a good idea, especially bias it towards ethos - of cross-browser compatibilities and what to watch for, on how to do the most with the least in terms of graphics and bandwidth, what styles jar or don't - you can actually get a chance to pontificate on all your bugbears and maybe have people listen and do soemthign about it!
plus it shows employers your exact thoughts on web design, and as cows said gets your name out there, especially if you can sneak it on to /. or something
just don't give away too much still want peopel to need you to do it all properly! : )
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Post by Gambit37 »

uu <- does that look like a bum? :)

Seriously, it's only ten days until Christmas and I just want to forget all about these things for now. It's been so hard finding work -- I really don't know what's wrong with people. As you say, I do feel that I'm quite talented, but part of the problem is that I live in "silicon beach" -- Brighton, the "new media capital of the South". There are literally hundreds of web designers, developers, programmers down here, all going for the same jobs. Indeed, on one of the websites I frequents that lists jobs, there are often over 1000 views of any particular job!

I have been looking at a lot of freelancers websites -- is a regular port of call. But again, so many people going for the same jobs, by the time you apply, they've already gone!

I like your ideas about writing etc., but I'm so demotivated at the moment that things like this seem impossible to achieve. I know they're not, it's just I can't seem to get my ass in gear anymore. What with the tribunal outcome and everything, nothing seems worhtwhile anymore. Gaah, I probably sound very negative -- I'm not that bad really, honest, and it's nice to know that you guys do believe in my capabilities. Gonna shut up now, rambling...
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Post by PicturesInTheDark »

I'd agree that it might be a good idea to get some distance for a while, even finding out why you did not get the job might be worthwhile for learning something, but forget the attitude about the "wrong guy" getting it in that respect. Even if you may be right that is a very subjective opinion and it does not change the result, only making you angry if you pursue that line of thought. Take some days off and do something completely different, that might help you get fresh ideas and new motivation. Am convinced you will get a good job after seeing your portfolio, so no need for aggravation.

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Post by beowuuf »

then let's just say merry christmas and all the best for the new year!
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Post by Lunever »

Gambit: It's been a while since I last met you in MSN (probably because I'm at university most of my time currently), but - Have you given some thought to your inclination towards studying art/design?
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